We are always keen to share your good practice, top tips and advice for your fellow SENDCos and SEND staff.
As always, please do get in contact with me if you need any support around SEND in your setting and don't forget that the SEND Helpline is available every Tuesday from 1-4pm (01392 287248) or email sencohelpline@devon.gov.uk
Best wishes Hannah Chamings, SEND Adviser
SENDco Updates
Are you a new SENDCo? Do you hold the National SENDCo Award?
All new SENDCos must complete the NASENCo Award within the first 3 years of appointment. This is still the legal requirement, even though new recommendations from the government have been proposed in the SEND review 2022.
This award is run jointly with the University of Plymouth and our SEND Adviser. Further info can be found here:
SEND Conference 2023: 8th June 2023
Right support, Right time, Right place. Every child thriving in and education setting every day.
Don't forget to book your place at our annual SEND conference at Sandy Park, Exeter, where we will be exploring Devon’s new education strategy and what this means for our learners and families with SEND.
We are delighted to announce that Gary Aubin (Head of SEND at Future Academies, EEF SEND associate, Author of The Lone SENDCo) will be one of our keynote speakers at this year’s SEND conference. His blog is an excellent resource for all SENDCos to be aware of.
Take advantage of early bird pricing until 10th March 23.
On 2nd March the Government responded to the SEND Review Green Paper Consultation by publishing its SEND and Alternative Provision (AP) Improvement Plan: Right support, right place, right time.
The consultation highlighted very real concerns and a dire need for change in a system that is hampered by inequity, difficult and lengthy processes, and funding shortfalls, and the SEND and AP Improvement Plan outlines the first steps that the government will take in addressing the issues raised.
The plan sets out a roadmap to transform the SEND and AP system:
- establishing a single national system that delivers for every child and young person with SEND so that they enjoy their childhood, achieve good outcomes, and are well prepared for adulthood and employment
giving families greater confidence that their child will be supported to fulfil their potential through improved mainstream provision in their local setting
- ensuring children and young people with SEND who do require an Education, Health and Care Plan and specialist provision get prompt access to the support they need, and that parents don’t face an adversarial system to secure this
strengthening accountability across the system so that everyone is held to account for supporting children and young people with SEND.
The plan and Nasen's response to it, is available to read on their website. Plus a range of role-specific 'What you need to know' guides along with other links to useful supporting materials.
Using Hearing Devices: Video Guides
Our team have recently produced a collection of How to videos to support you to manage hearing technology in your setting.
World Book Day: 2nd March 2023
This year celebrates the 26th anniversary of World Book Day and RNIB is proud to continue to support its mission to give every child and young person a book of their own, by making 13 titles available in audio (DAISY CD) and braille.
Reading can open up a world of possibilities and enhance the imagination, which is why it is so important for every child (and adult) to be able to enjoy the books of their choice. Click below for details about how to order your free book.
RNIB Bookshare
Access free reading books, reading schemes, text books, revision guides, curriculum resources and more by signing your school up to RNIB Bookshare. Resources can be downloaded and adjusted into bespoke fonts and formats. Suitable for children and young people with vision impairments, dyslexia, autism and physical difficulties.
Download Dolphin Easy Reader (Free!) to enable audio resources
How to use Dolphin Easy Reader guides
If needed, our advisory teachers can show you how it works and help set RNIB Bookshare up. Please contact us.
Already got RNIB Bookshare?
Free training for Early Years workforce
Speech and Language UK (formerly I CAN) report that right now, 1.7 million children are struggling with talking and understanding words.
To support the Early Years workforce, they are offering free training to help practitioners, SENDCos and managers support speech and language development for children in their setting.
There is core training and a more in-depth level for those who are more experienced. The training is a blend of video modules and live webinars, and the next available sessions are coming up this month.
To find out more and book places, visit EYSEND (speechandlanguage.org.uk)
You can also find lots of useful information about ages and stages of speech and language development, and access Speech and Language UK’s free progress checker. Speech and Language UK also offer a free enquiry service.
Primary Dyslexia Network Meeting - Tuesday 21st March at 1.30 - 3.30 via Zoom
The Devon SpLD (Dyslexia) Service's Network Meetings provide a forum to discuss pertinent issues or concerns related to meeting the needs of those pupils with severe and persistent literacy difficulties (dyslexia).
The content of meetings is led by attendees – for example, in the past, our Secondary Network attendees have chosen to focus on: free assistive technology; Morphological approaches to spelling; Apps to support literacy etc.
At the end of each meeting there is a ‘Question and Answer Session’, in which schools can ask questions related to meeting the needs of individual pupils, resources, training, assessments, parent queries etc.
This term, by popular demand, we will be looking at Quality First Teaching - classroom strategies and teaching tips for supporting pupils with severe and persistent difficulties with literacy.
How We Can Support Eating Disorders and Self Injury/ Harm:
Kooth - Tues 21st March, 4-5pm
Kooth & Qwell - Wed 29th March, 12-1pm
72 courses available to support your CPD and training needs. We recommended:
AET Early Years: Good Autism Practice
Approaches to PDA and High Level Demand Avoidance
Introduction to SEND: 6 free online modules, that can be completed at an time or in any order designed for everyone working with children, young people and families and is ideal for new staff induction.