DAPH & DASH Updates Newsletter: Summer Term | 22 May 2020 | Issue 2

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Summer term  |  22 May 2020  |  Issue 2

COVID-19 - Support for Devon School Leaders

To ensure that school leaders are well informed and kept up to date with important information from the Local Authority and the DfE, regular headteacher updates are being emailed directly to you via Dawn Stabb, Head of Education & Learning.

If you are not receiving these on a regular basis please let us know and we'll make sure you are added to the distribution list – daph@devon.gov.uk.

Department for Education V3

COVID-19  |  Keep up to date

See the DAPH Homepage for links to key DfE documents and contact details of the Coronavirus helpline.


Reporting to parents at the end of key stages 1 and 2

Guidance for schools on writing statutory end of year reports for parents.

DAPH logo

DASH logo


School reports on pupil performance: guide for headteachers

Guidance for schools on writing statutory end of year reports for parents.

Responsibility for autumn GCSE, AS and A level exam series

Expectations for centres on who should be responsible for entering candidates for autumn exams.

Coronavirus (COVID-19): cancellation of GCSEs, AS and A levels in 2020

This guidance aims to answer common questions in relation to the cancellation of GCSEs, AS and A levels due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak in 2020.

Guidance banner
Balloons charity logo

New e-learning resource: Bereavement and Covid-19

Balloons is the local child bereavement support charity, working closely with partner schools in our area of Devon. We have produced a new e-learning resource for schools and other professionals, answering all the key questions that supporting bereaved children and young people raises during the global pandemic.

For more details and to watch the video, visit the Balloons website

Contact Balloons: T  01392 826064  E  admin@balloonscharity.co.uk 

Events V3
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DAPH Area Meetings via MS Teams

15 & 16 June 2020

Catch up with colleagues... 

Devon school leaders (CEO’s, Executive Headteachers, Headteachers, Heads of School from Academy and Local Authority schools within Devon) are invited to join the next round of virtual meetings (held via MS Teams). Visit this link to book your Area Meeting.

DAPH Kite String Conference 2015

DAPH Annual School Leadership Conference

15 & 16 October 2020 at Saunton Sands Hotel

Note - contingency dates 11 & 12 March 2021

Day 1 Thursday 15 October 2020
Professor Tanya Byron and Jane Evans

Day 2 Friday 16 October 2020
Ian Gilbert and Stephanie Davies (Independent Thinking)

For prices and booking options, see the online booking form.

Check the current DELEGATE LIST

Terms and conditions apply. Please see booking form for further details.

Leadership Support
SLSS Compass

School Leadership Support Service (SLSS) is still here for you

During these challenging times, we wanted to remind you that the team of SLSS Mentor Heads is still here to provide confidential support and guidance to school leaders.

We know these are tough, unprecedented times and the shifting sands can make some feel vulnerable; but this pastoral service can help on a number of levels. This may be in the form of a phone call, by email or meeting, albeit virtually at the present time. As experienced school leaders, we act as a sounding board and can offer reassurance and advice. We can help with navigating the relentless stream of information and guidance or assist with signposting and access to other services which may be more relevant.

Let’s talk: 01392 380518 or 07970 905511

Email: slss-mailbox@devon.gov.uk

Representation V3

DAPH and DASH Group Representation on Local Authority Working Groups

The scope and role of DAPH (Primary Representation) and DASH (Secondary Representation) within the local context is illustrated in the Working Groups Representation Chart effective for the current academic year.

NEW Devon Education Forum banner_V2

When attending meetings of Devon Education Forum (DEF), its sub-groups and other statutory or working groups, DAPH & DASH Representatives provide a summary of key messages and issues affecting schools.

  • Details of Membership on DEF, agendas and full minutes of previous meetings and other information about DEF are advertised on the DEF website
  • Read the minutes from the last DEF meeting held on 18 March 2020 HERE
  • Date of the next DEF meeting is 17 June 2020

Contact the Forum: E schools.forum@devon.gov.uk   T  01392 382305

Schools Finance Group banner

To view the objectives, Terms of Reference and minutes of meetings for Schools' Finance Group, which is a sub-group of Devon Education Forum, visit the SFG website

  • Read the minutes of the last SFG meeting held on 8 January 2020 HERE
  • Date of next SFG meeting is 3 June 2020
SOCA banner V3

To view the objectives, Terms of Reference and minutes of meetings for School Organisation, Capital and Admissions Group (SOCA), which is a sub-group of Devon Education Forum, visit the SOCA website

  • Read the minutes of the last SOCA meeting held on 2 March 2020 HERE
  • Date of next SOCA meeting is 9 June 2020
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Devon Children and Families Partnership

Read the latest DCFP news HEREdcfp.org.uk

The advice to anyone in Devon who may have suspicions of child abuse or neglect is to contact Devon’s Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH).

Children & Young People's Plan 2019-2023 can be viewed HERE

Babcock Safeguarding Update newsletter - 19 May 2020

Read the latest news and updates in the latest Babcock newsletter which includes:-

  • Message from MASH
  • CARA/ViST notifications
  • Adolescent Safety Framework
  • Pupil safeguarding files
  • Dealing with a disclosure
  • Governor monitoring during CV19
  • New Safeguarding podcasts
  • New and revised One Minute Guides

Babcock LDP logo

Guidance | Babcock One Minute Guides

The Babcock One Minute Guidance documents are just a few of the essential resources available to Designated Safeguarding Leads, Headteachers and Governors.

As well as quick reference guides they can be used to cascade information to staff, Governors and volunteers as part of their regular safeguarding training.  READ MORE on the Babcock LDP website.


Devon SEND Local Offer and Strategy

Statutory Guidance SEND Code of Practice: 0-25 years defines that the Local Offer has two key purposes:

  • To provide clear, comprehensive, accessible and up-to-date information about the available provision and how to access it.
  • To make provision more responsive to local needs and aspirations by directly involving disabled children and those with SEND and their parents, and disabled young people and those with SEND, and service providers in its development and review.

For more information visit the Devon SEND Local Offer website.

Keep up to date with the latest news - subscribe to the newsletter HERE or view recent SEND news and updates on the SEND website.

DIAS newsletter

DIAS Newsletter - May 2020


Read the latest DIAS mini newsletter which aims to bring together the main information, support and resources for SEND families published over the last few weeks since we all went into lockdown.

Admissions V3

Is your school information accurate?

A reminder to all schools to check / update information held within the DCC Admissions Directory or use the Update Form via this LINK

Admission Arrangements and School / Academy Trust Websites

A reminder that all schools must publish determined admissions policies and proposed policies on their school / Academy Trust website during the consultation period.

Early Years V3EYCS logo

Do you receive the latest news and updates from the Early Years and Childcare Service?

Read the latest news and updates on the EYCS website.

Visit this page to SUBSCRIBE to the Early Years and Childcare Service newsletter, a weekly email digest of new updates (sent every Friday morning). 

iTrent logo

Guidance  |  DCC iTrent HR and payroll self-service

Need help with iTrent? Check out the frequently asked questions section but if you need more help please contact the iTrent systems team:

T  01392 382400 (Payroll)      E   itrentsystemsteam-mailbox@devon.gov.uk

Recommended Reading V3
Mental Health Awareness Week

Mental Health Awareness Week 2020

The Mental Health Foundation works to prevent mental health problems. Their mission is to ‘drive change towards a mentally healthy society for all, and support communities, families and individuals to live mentally healthier lives, with a particular focus on those at greatest risk’. 

Read more at Mentalhealth.org.uk.

Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) Update

Subscribe to receive a weekly round-up of information and actions for Education and Skills Funding Agency funded organisations.

To find out more about the Education and Skills Funding Agency | READ MORE

School Governance V3

Devon Association of Governance  |  dagdevon.uk

Read the latest DAG newsletter Issue 180 (18.05.20) HERE 

The Devon Association of Governance (DAG) are delighted to launch their new website - note it has the same website address, but a new brighter and more accessible way to support our members.

Most of the web pages and documents on the DAG website are restricted to DAG members - if you are a DAG member please log in

Subscribe to DAG  |  if you would like to join the Devon Association of Governance (DAG), gain access to the members only content and receive the DAG e-newsletter by email, please complete this F O R M.

And finally... V3

May Half Term 2020

Wishing colleagues an enjoyable half term break and we hope you manage to find time to enjoy some rest and relaxation.

Please note that the DAPH Office will be closed from 4.00pm Friday 22/05/20 and will reopen on Monday 1 June 2020.

Devon Association of Primary Headteachers (DAPH) & 

Devon Association of Secondary Headteachers (DASH)

View the current Executive Committee members here - see DAPH  &  DASH

Contact us: 01392 380518   E  daph@devon.gov.uk   W  daph.org.uk

DAPH / DASH Office  |  Venture House, One Capital Court, Bittern Road, Sowton Industrial Estate
Exeter EX2 7FW

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