Children's Social Care Newsletter - issue 3

Welcome to your Children's Social Care Newsletter

Issue 3 Colleagues not receiving it? Tell us 

      15 December 2016


Championing the new Eclipse system

The project has started and the development workshops are underway!

We have identified champions from each part of the service and they have been invited to attend the workshops with the Eclipse team to help shape our new case management system.

Find out who are our identified champions. And FAQs about Eclipse.

Workforce Development

Have you had your appraisal?

Don't forget your annual appraisals are due and are to be completed by Friday 30 December.

Appraisal formats have been revised and are now on the Source on the appraisal webpages

Youth justice SEND project – free online training

This training is available to Young Offending Teams, youth secure estate professionals, health, education and care professionals, Local Authority SEN teams and any other interested professionals who work with young people who are part of the youth justice system.


CareFirst fDocs update

fDoc updates for December 2016

CareFirst fDocs new templates

From 2 January, new templates will be available on FDocs for the preparation of Section 7 and Section 37 report for private law. These have been designed and developed to ensure that there is consistency of style with the SWET and to include embedded guidance to help social work staff understand their purpose when preparing these reports. 

Any concerns or questions about the use of these templates can be discussed with Valerie Cannon Principal Children and Families Social Worker.

Example templates:

W2 Case Closure form

The W2 must be used for ALL case closures, including those closed as an outcome of a Single Assessment. However, about 20% of cases closed as an outcome of Single Assessment do not have a W2 completed which means Business Support are unaware of the closure, therefore the essential activity detailed above does not take place. Find out the process and guidance.

Resources and publications

Do you know what NICE is? Do you use any of their recommendations in your practice?

Find out more from Research in Practice (RiP)

Are you accessing the DSCB's learning opportunities?

Following recent advertising of ‘Introducing a strengths-based approach to child protection in a new child protection pathway’ training, it was clear that a large number of staff did not have accounts with the DSCB's online booking system – CPD online. Find out how to get free access.

Get involved to change the way HCPC carry out their work

  • HCPC consultation: guidance on social media. Deadline: Friday 13 January 2017. Respond
  • HCPC consultation: revised guidance on confidentiality. Deadline: Friday 13 January 2017. Respond

      key messages

      Dear colleagues,

      I’m really pleased to report that this morning we had a meeting with the DfE where our progress was formally recognised and it was confirmed that we are no longer subject to intervention. A really significant milestone and well done for everyone for getting to this point.

      This month the project to implement the new IT system, Eclipse, has really begun in earnest as Nicky Scutt is now seconded into her role as Service Lead and other staff are being seconded or identified as ‘Champions’ to ensure that the new system supports practice. This is a fantastic opportunity for the service and will be a key focus for all of us as we move towards the target date for implementation of September 2017. The article (left) shares first hand experiences in more detail.

      Detailed work is now complete in order to propose a budget for the service for next year. We will all need to continue to keep close oversight of all of our spend to ensure we get best value and the outcomes we want for the children we are working with. Amongst other things, the budget reflects plans to; reduce the number of adolescents coming into care (Marian is developing a pilot in North Devon with Clara), support more children to remain with our foster carers (Rachel is ensuring recruitment and support develop as needed) and to use residential care in a more outcome focused way.

      Of course, critical to this is the quality of our assessments, planning and reviews. Caseloads now average 17.6 which is tremendous progress, well done everyone, and keeping them under this level is a key part of our focus on the quality and impact of interventions. Our PSWs, Valerie and Jennie are working on new practice standards and we will launch a new quality assurance process in January to ensure we are clear about whether our expectations about quality of SW practice are being achieved. This includes a fresh approach to audits and learning from a wide range of service information such as complaints and the views of children and young people.

      Jean Kelly has started in the Senior Management Team to cover the SM Safeguarding role and you will have had messages from her and the IRU starting the work they are doing to improve their support and challenge to the quality of practice, including relaunching the escalation process, in particular to ensure good placement support and permanence planning for our looked after children. We will be monitoring this closely at SMT.

      Last week, Jane Anstis presented the new approach to child protection to the DSCB where partners signed up to this new model and training has now started in earnest, so make sure you and your team is involved in this.

      Also last week, we held an event in Torrington to thank the Mayor and local community members for the support they gave us with the project we supported in north Devon for unaccompanied asylum seeking children. With others, our colleagues Andrea, Nak and Charlotte spoke about what they learned from being part of it. It was incredibly moving to see the impact of this project on the local community and how they had come together to do everything they could to give the boys the best start in Devon. It was fabulous to be reminded of the amazing things Devon can do.

      It’s been a busy year and I hope you’ve taken the time to use the recent staff survey as the opportunity to contribute your view about the progress made so far and to inform priorities for next year. Your views are very important to us.

      I also hope that you take some time over the Christmas and New Year break to rest with your friends and families. I want to thank you all for everything you have done this year and to wish you all the very best for the festive season!

      Vivien Lines

      Vivien Lines, Head of Children's Social Care (interim)


      South West Child Protection Procedures Manual update

      The updated South West Child Protection Procedures are now online.

      Updated 2016/17 Children’s Improvement Plan

      We are delivering an ambitious programme to improve Children’s Social Work and Child Protection and our aim is to improve standards to the equivalent of a ‘good’ Ofsted rating. The Children's Social Work and Child Protection Senior Management Team has developed a plan to structure the delivery of the improvement work for the 2016/2017 financial year.

      Did you know?

      Do you know how to spot the signs of sepsis?

      Workers, carers and parents in the South West urged to spot the deadly signs of sepsis.

      Our Peer Review, 22-25 November2016

      As part of our programme to improve services for Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), we asked the Local Government Association (LGA) to undertake a Peer Review of the Council and our partners, to provide challenge and share learning to support implementation of the SEND reforms in the local area.

      Read the SEND updates:

      Spotlight on

      Thank you for supporting our Care Leavers' Christmas Lunch event

      We raised over £1,000 through Christmas jumper day donations and over £8,000 so far from your generosity.

      Volunteers who have offered to help with our Christmas day event for care leavers have been contacted and preparations are in full swing. Lunch will be served on 25 December and we hope everyone has a great day.

      If you have any monies from fundraising or donations for the event, please contact

      There are STARS shining out there, all you need to do is recognise them - and nominate them now!

        You can nominate a colleague or team now and log your compliments for the next quarter.  And if you missed all the winners from the last quarter here are July-August-September STARS and With Compliments winners.

        Devon Safeguarding Children Board
        Information Governance
        Workforce Development