Caerphilly County Borough Council is interested to find out about your views on childcare in your local area and plans for the future. Your opinions are important to us and will help to ensure that Caerphilly Council provides the support that you need. It will also help to ensure that quality and accessible childcare services are provided throughout Caerphilly.
This questionnaire is being circulated to all childcare providers in Caerphilly, including day nurseries, playgroups and Cylchoedd Meithrin, childminders, and out of school providers. Results will be presented to Caerphilly Council, as part of the Childcare Sufficiency Assessment. With the ongoing pandemic your views are pertinent to shaping the future demand of childcare in Caerphilly.
Thank you in advance for completing this questionnaire. Please complete and return by November 12th 2021.
Please do not hesitate to contact Ruth Lee or Fiona Santos at fis@caerphilly.gov.uk if you have any queries or wish to discuss.