For questions or assistance regarding the information in this section, call the Performance Reporting Division at 512-463-9704 or email
Upcoming: Final Accelerated Testers Listing
The Final 2025 Accelerated Testers Student Listing and explanatory materials will be available in the TEA Login (TEAL) application when released.
Accelerated testers are defined as students who earn Approaches Grade Level or above standard on the Algebra I, English II, and/or Biology STAAR EOC prior to grade 9. For 2025 accountability, accelerated testers are also students who earned course credit for Algebra I, English II, and/or Biology in Spring or Summer 2020, and were granted a COVID testing waiver prior to grade 9. To fulfill federal testing requirements, these students must take a corresponding subject area SAT or ACT while in high school.
Additional information on the inclusion of SAT/ ACT results methodology for accelerated testers is available on the Performance Reporting Resources webpage.
2028 A-F Refresh Tentative Timeline & Texas Accountability Advisory Group (TAAG) February Meeting Materials Now Available
The focus of the February 2025 TAAG meeting was to provide updates and clarity related to the proposed re-adoption of the Accountability Manual for 2025 ratings and to begin discussing the 2028 A-F Refresh. The 2028 A-F discussion included the A-F Refresh Goals and Theory of Action, the A-F Refresh Timeline, and the initial list of considerations for continuous improvement of the A-F system. TEA gathered TAAG’s feedback on a Middle School Accelerated Testers proposal and presented the current state of the RDA/A-F Integration with the RDA Taskforce. The meeting concluded with the announcement of the launch of the 2028 A-F Refresh Public Feedback form.
Meeting materials and timeline can be accessed on the Accountability System Development webpage.
Upcoming: Alternative Education Accountability (AEA) Registration Window
The Alternative Education Accountability (AEA) registration window will open soon in the TEA Login (TEAL) accountability application. For a campus to be identified for AEA registration in 2025, it must
- meet either the current-year or prior-year TSDS PEIMS 75 percent at-risk criterion;
- have at least 90 percent of students enrolled in grades 6–12, as verified through 2024-25 fall enrollment data;
- be identified as offering alternative instruction in AskTED; and
- provide education services targeted to dropout prevention and recovery of students with enrollment consisting of at least 60 percent of the students 16 years of age or older as of September 1, 2024.
Campuses meeting these requirements will be automatically preregistered as Dropout Recovery Schools (DRS). No action is needed to maintain AEA registration for these campuses unless a district opts to withdraw via a rescission form. Campuses that meet all criteria except the age requirement must apply for discretionary DRS designation during the registration period to qualify for AEA. Additional information about AEA Registration can be found within Chapter 7—Other Accountability System Processes of the Preliminary Accountability Rating System Manual for 2025 Ratings.
Upcoming: Defense Department Form 4 (DDF4) Upload Portal
The DDF4 upload portal will open soon in the Texas Education Agency Login (TEAL) accountability application. LEAs will download a student listing from the Texas Education Agency Login (TEAL) accountability application then submit an updated student listing of former students who have enlisted in the military as well as a zip file that contains completed DDF4 for each enlistee. Complete upload instructions and video demonstration are available on the Performance Reporting Resources website.
PEIMS Summer Submission Preparation
Although the initial PEIMS Summer Submission is not due until June 20, 2025, LEAs are strongly encouraged to begin preparing for that submission now to allow adequate time for review to ensure the accuracy of the data submission. As a reminder, the PEIMS Summer Submission includes data, such as course completion, used for accountability calculations.
Because LEAs, not their information system vendors, are ultimately responsible for the accuracy of the data submitted to PEIMS, LEAs are strongly encouraged to utilize the available PEIMS reports and PEIMS business data validations to identify possible issues in the data and verify the data in PEIMS prior to the final deadline for each submission.
Depending on district size, a sample timeline to prepare for the Summer Submission might include the following approximate dates:
By March 15 - LEA PEIMS coordinator meets with key campus staff to review expectations for PEIMS Summer Submission data and process.
By April 15 - LEAS complete first phase of data collection and entry into SIS for Summer Submission. (Campuses use SIS to enter data) For example, some possible data to enter are first semester course completion data, IBCs, and associate degrees earned during the first semester.
By May 15 – Campuses complete review and correction of first phase of data in the SIS. The LEA PEIMS Coordinator can then begin to promote the data and begin to resolve Fatal edits, review all warnings, and run reports in TSDS for the campus to review.
By June 15 – The LEA PEIMS Coordinator completes resolution of all possible SIS data discrepancies through ongoing communication with each campus which then allows for review of all warnings, resolution of all Fatal edits, and report production for review and sign-off by LEA leadership before the PEIMS Summer Submission deadline on June 20, 2025.
LEA verification of PEIMS data prior to each final submission is an essential step that helps both the district and the local system vendor ensure the data entered accurately reflects LEA performance. The accepted data in the PEIMS system as of each final deadline are used by numerous programs across TEA, including calculating and reporting state and federal accountability outcomes. Data submitted through working collections are not used for accountability purposes. Additional assistance for PEIMS submissions is available from your supporting Education Service Center (ESC) or TEA by accessing the TSDS Incident Management System (TIMS).
2028 A-F Refresh Public Feedback
The Texas Education Agency (TEA) is gathering public suggestions for improvement to the A-F Accountability System for consideration of inclusion in the 2028 A-F Accountability System refresh. Suggestions can be submitted with the following link, 2028 A-F Refresh Public Feedback, posted to the Accountability System Development webpage.