Program Updates: See what's new! |
SAF Cycle 7 (LASO) Continuation Grant
To receive SAF Cycle 7 (LASO) Continuation funding, eligible applicants must complete the application for either the 2024-2026 School Action Fund Continuation grant (original Planning grant recipients) or the 2024-2025 School Action Fund Implementation Continuation grant (original Implementation grant awardees).
1) On the TEA Grant Opportunities website, search for the applicable School Action Fund grant (see above) in the Application Name field. Complete parts 1 (PDF) and part 2 (Excel) of the application.
Both Application Part 1 (PDF) and Application Part 2 (Excel) are required when submitting. The application may be signed with a digital ID, or it may be signed by hand and scanned. Then submit via email.
Upcoming TEA Kindergarten–12 STEM Professional Development Dates:
Leadership Training
This immersive professional development prepares campus administrators STEM leaders to shape, support, and sustain STEM initiatives within their district or campus. Participants will learn by doing, engaging directly in the instructional approaches most critical to the STEM endeavor: project-based learning, design-based challenges, and computational thinking. Working backward from a model vision for STEM education, the session culminates with leaders collaboratively planning for real-life implementation of STEM programming.
Teacher Training
This professional development prepares teachers for successful implementation of STEM instruction in their classrooms by immersing teachers directly in the role of STEM learner, engaging first-hand in high-impact STEM practices such as project-based learning, design-based challenges, and computational thinking. To better understand the role STEM plays in education, educators will make connections between the Texas STEM framework, STEM fluency skills, and contemporary workforce demands. Most importantly, educators will begin embedding these STEM strategies into what matters most—their daily work with students.
Program Highlight
Congratulations to Collegiate Edu-Nation (CEN)!
Their Rural Hope project has been recognized as one of ten Community-Based Collaboratives as Exemplars in Education with a grant from the Carnegie Corporation of New York.
The Carnegie Corporation of New York was established by Andrew Carnegie in 1911 to promote the advancement and diffusion of knowledge and understanding. In keeping with this mandate, the Corporation’s work focuses on the issues that Carnegie considered of paramount importance: education, international peace, and a strong democracy. As a leading philanthropic funder of nonprofit education programs, the Corporation supports organizations working to ensure that all students are prepared with the knowledge, skills, and motivation they need to fully participate in a democracy and to thrive in the global economy. @CarnegieCorp
Frequently Asked Questions |
How do I know what my current grant expenditure status is?
Grant expenditure status can be found on the Federal and State Monthly Drawdown Interactive Dashboards. Total Federal and State Grant Awards and Expended Amounts Data is updated monthly based on current LEA drawdowns. Please note that the data are current as of the 1st of each month. Grantees may draw down funds until the end date of the grant.