To support continued alignment across programs and planning as you head into a busy season, we’re sharing some key updates and upcoming opportunities in this month’s message, including:
- Integrated Program Reporting and Application Dashboard Change
- Tribal Consultation and Integrated Application Reminder
- Healthy Oregon Workforce Training Opportunity (HOWTO) Grant Program
Integrated Program Reporting and Application Dashboard Change
ODE is transitioning its Integrated Programs Reporting and Application Dashboard (the “RAD”) to Smartsheet Workapps on December 30, 2024. Smartsheet Workapps will operate similarly to the current RAD; however, instead of a single dashboard for all information, the Workapp has separate dashboards that contain content by subject. For example, the content in the “Basic Information” section will have its own dashboard, while the quarterly reporting has a separate dashboard, all accessed via one link. This will look similar to an outline in a document or a menu bar on a webpage–you select a tab to navigate between content areas. We are hopeful that this will make the content easier to navigate. We’ve heard positive feedback from those who graciously piloted the WorkApp for us. One of the grantees who piloted it for us said "The tabs at the left are a game-changer!"
The rollout of this new layout will have a few things to keep in mind:
- Quarter 2 reporting for 2024-25 will be done through the Workapp when it goes live on January 1, 2025.
- There will be a new link for you to bookmark! Don’t worry–we will share the link with you and it will be posted at the top of the current RAD.
- ODE will release a new technical guidance document and a short walkthrough video available in the WorkApp to assist grantees in learning into the new system.
- Technical support will be available for the new WorkApp at the Quarter 2 Reporting Office Hours in January 2025 (dates announced in next Aligned Message).
- It is still not required to purchase a Smartsheet license to access the content and complete your reporting.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out at
Tribal Consultation and Integrated Application Reminder
If you are a district receiving greater than $40,000 in Title VI funding or have 50% or more American Indian/Alaska Native Students, you are required to consult with each tribe that has a Tribal reservation boundary, unceded, and/or pre-contact, and/or aboriginal lands within 50 miles of your LEA as part of your Integrated Application process. As evidence of your consultation, you will be asked to upload your Tribal Consultation Worksheet used in planning and pre-consultation tasks, as well as the “Affirmation for Tribal Consultation” under the naming convention “Name of district_Date of Tribal Consultation” in a pdf.
There are important requirements for honoring the sovereignty of Native American and tribal students, families, communities, and Nations in Oregon. While all Native American and/or tribal students must be engaged as focal student groups, in some cases, applicants are required to engage in formal Tribal Consultation processes as outlined in A Toolkit for Tribal Consultation. To be clear, Tribal Consultation is not community engagement, rather it is a sacred collaboration between a Sovereign Nation and an Local Education Agency (LEA).Steps for Tribal Consultation p. 38.
The nine federally recognized tribes of Oregon engage in Tribal Consultation efforts with just under 35 unique school districts each year. Requirements include:
- Phase 1 - Planning and Pre-Consultation Tasks and Forms
- Phase 2 - Coming Together for Consultation
- Phase 3 - Incorporate, Sign, and Submit Required Forms to ODE
- Phase 4 - Monitor and Review Progress
Healthy Oregon Workforce Training Opportunity (HOWTO) Grant Program
December 16, 2024: Oregon Health Authority HOWTO Grant applications are due!
The State of Oregon is committed to a health care workforce that meets the needs of all Oregonians–including people in culturally and linguistically diverse groups, groups that have been economically and socially marginalized, Tribal communities, rural communities, and communities experiencing inequities throughout Oregon–and is reflective of the communities being served. To advance this goal, Oregon Health Authority (OHA) and Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) have dedicated approximately 9 million for the Healthy Oregon Workforce Training Opportunity Grant Program, hereinafter HOWTO. For more information on the HOWTO RFP, please go to this LINK. Questions? Need more information? Contact Claire Campbell at (503) 689-0775
Key Dates
Claiming and Reporting Due Dates
Correction: Annual Reporting Window 2024-25
The November 2024 Aligned Message incorrectly stated within the LPGT section that the 2024-25 Annual Reporting window is July 1 - August 15, 2025. The correct dates for the 2024-25 Annual Reporting window are September 1- November 30, 2025. Apologies for the error!
Office Hours
December 12, 2024: Join EIIS monthly office hours with staff to discuss your questions about your student success system, share ideas and review resources.
December 12, 2024: Perkins All-Coordinator Meeting (virtual), 9am-12 noon. Coordinators with questions or who need the meeting link should contact Malinda Shell.
Reminder: The Required Monthly Submission and Reporting Calendar lists all required school district submissions for the 2023-24 school year.
Program Specific Updates
Career and Technical Education - Perkins V
The CTE Statewide Student Advisory Council is seeking photos, videos, and social media content for its ongoing #ThisIsCTE social media campaign, which intends to promote the impact of CTE by highlighting student experiences from across the state. Help spread the word and encourage students and/or instructors to submit their stories through the submission form.
Updated Industry Recognized Credentials (IRC) Resources Now Available
Learners engaged in Oregon-approved Perkins Programs of Study may earn high-quality credentials reflecting their technical knowledge and skills. These credentials provide evidence of readiness and may be used to enter a career, transition to further (postsecondary) education and training, or both. You may view Oregon’s current list of industry-recommended credentials on the CTE Industry Recognized Credentials page. This page also includes information about credentials currently under consideration as well as policies and procedures regarding new credentials. Questions? Want to learn more? Please reach out to the CTE IRC Team.
Early Indicator and Intervention Systems
Planning professional learning for the winter and spring? - EIIS Learning Series Opportunities
Register you and your team for an interactive Learning Series that will support your team's implementation of a student-centered, strengths-based student success system!
EIIS: Foundations for Student Success and EIIS at Middle and High School cohorts are open for winter 2025 and spring 2025 registration. Please view the Learning Series flyer for more information about the learning series, schedule and registration.
Early Literacy Success School District Grants
Early Literacy Grant Amendments for Year 2 Funds
Grant Amendments will be ready to be signed and returned on your RAD for Year 2 allocations in the coming weeks. Please return your signed Amendment as soon as you are able and ODE will release your Year 2 funds in EGMS. Please note, you do NOT need to present your grant amendments to your Board.
Early Literacy Program Review Tool and the Needs Assessment for the 25-27 Integrated Application
As part of the 25-27 Integrated Application, it is a requirement to review and update the Early Literacy Program Review Tool. Applicants will share any updates or changes to the Early Literacy Program review Tool through a specific question in the application. Each grantee’s 23-25 Early Lit Program Review tool is saved as a PDF in their public google folder that is linked in their RAD under Grantee Specific Links. The Early Literacy Program Review Tool is the first 8 questions of the 23-25 Jumpstart application. While the use of the Integrated Needs Assessment Tool is optional (Appendix E), the review and update of the Program Review tool is required.
Federal School Improvement (Formerly ESSA Partnerships)
On Monday, November 19, 2024, emails were sent to all Superintendents of school districts with schools identified under Federal School Improvement (CSI/TSI schools). A follow-up communication in mid-December will provide details on allocations and planning requirements. District leaders are encouraged to collaborate with building leaders of identified schools when developing the application for Aligning for Student Success–Integrated Guidance, ensuring school-level continuous improvement plans align with district-wide plans, outcomes and strategies.
We also encourage all schools, including those not identified for FSI, to develop school-improvement plans. These plans support continuous improvement efforts, foster collaboration between schools and districts, and strengthen communication with the ODE.
Reminder: The website lists all professional development opportunities provided by ODE. Also the calendar is now available to track EII specific TA, PL, and other coaching opportunities.
Highlighted Resources for the Month
New updates to the Every Day Matters website!
10-day drop explainer: For families-Why students are unenrolled when they miss 10 or more days. *Now available translated, including Mam.
Contact Us
All previous Aligned Messages can be found on the Integrated Monthly Communication page.
If you have any questions, please contact OEII at