Informational Update: Aligning for Student Success - August Message

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Oregon Department of Education - Oregon achieves - together

Informational Update: Aligning for Student Success - August Message

We hope that you are able to reflect on the past school year as you relax and renew during these sunny, summer days. We also know that several regions around the state are experiencing wildfires that are impacting schools, communities, and families. Please reach out to your regional point person as needs arise.

In this month’s message, you’ll find information about:

  1. Integrated Programs Update
  2. Join Us at the COSA Summer Conference!
  3. September is Attendance Awareness Month

Integrated Programs Update

HSS Grant Amendments Ready to Sign: HSS Grant Amendments are ready to be signed and returned for Year 2 allocations! You should see your HSS grant amendment in the Orange Grant Agreements Section of your RAD. Please sign and upload back into the RAD and click save. This will notify ODE that you have returned your grant amendment and we will verify signatory authority and release funds in EGMS. You will receive a notification from Smartsheet letting you know when your Year 2 subgrant is ready for claims. Please return as soon as you are able so you have access to both Year 1 and Year 2 funds for HSS. Please note, you do NOT need to present your grant amendments to your Board. 

SIA, EIIS and Early Literacy Grant Amendments: The team is continuing to work on these Grant Amendments and they should be released before the end of July. Please watch your email for notifications from Smartsheet asking you to sign your Grant Amendments! Please note, you do NOT need to present your grant amendments to your Board. 

IG Annual Reporting Narrative Questions: We have adjusted our SIA Annual Report Narrative questions to now encompass all programs within the Integrated Plan. We are sharing the questions below so you can start reflecting on implementation that has happened during the 2023-24 school year. The IG Annual Report Smartsheet Link, where you will submit answers to these questions, will open September 1st with additional guidance.

  • As you review your 2023-24 progress markers/overall reflection responses and reflect on plan implementation, how do you see your progress contributing to the Outcomes and Strategies in your plan and your Longitudinal Performance Growth Targets (LPGT)/Local Optional Metrics (LOM)?
    • Discuss at least one Outcome where you have seen progress in implementation.
  • Where have you experienced barriers, challenges, or impediments to progress toward your Outcomes and Strategies in your plan that you could use support with?
    • Discuss at least one Outcome where you have seen challenges or barriers to implementation.

Additionally, grantees will report on Longitudinal Performance Growth Targets (LPGT) / Local Optional Metrics (LOM): 

  • 2023-24 (even years): Assurance Box with submission: I have reviewed progress toward meeting the LPGT in the grant agreement to help reflect on program implementation for 2023-24 SY.
  • 2024-25 (odd years): Review actual metric rates compared to previously created LPGT and LOM and share reflection on progress. Describe how activities are supporting progress towards targets and if any shifts in strategy implementation are planned for the future based upon that current progress. Include specific metrics and target types in your reflection.

Join us at the COSA Summer Conference! We look forward to sharing a few sessions: 

  • Behavioral Health Workforce Pathways: Exploring the intersections of CTE programs, expanding the behavioral health workforce, enhancing mental health literacy, and supporting student well-being: A dynamic panel of educators who will discuss the intersections of Career Technical Education (CTE) programs, supporting student mental health, and the behavioral health workforce shortage.
  • EIIS: Building Systems that Support Students: This two-hour workshop will provide an overview of Early Indicator and Intervention Systems (EIIS), and how it is a tool in support of equitable student outcomes.

September is Attendance Awareness Month!

The Every Day Matters team is designing  some key resources for schools and districts to use that will support a strong start to the 2024-2025 school year. Our goal is to provide these resources and share promising practices to start the year strong! Join us for a VIRTUAL meetup on Monday, August 5, @ 4:00 pm. Registration link.

Key Dates

Integrated Programs

2023-24 Student Investment Account (SIA)                                                              

  • Spending Period: 7/1/23 to 9/30/24
  • Spend by: 9/30/24
  • Claim by: All SIA funds have already been claimed

2023-24 Early Indicator and Intervention System (EIIS)                                                          

  • Spending Period: 7/1/23 to 6/30/24
  • Spend by: 6/30/24
  • Claim by: 8/14/24

2023-24 High School Success (HSS)                                                         

  • Spending Period: 7/1/23 to 6/30/25*
  • Spend by:  6/30/25
  • Claim by: 8/14/25

*Reminder, to support the HSS annual report requirements in statute,  August 15, 2024 will be HSS Year 1 EGMS Claim cutoff date. For HSS Year 1 Reporting purposes the reporting amount should match EGMS claims that came in 7/1/23 through 8/15/24 dates. You will still have access to unclaimed Year 1 funds in Year 2 and funds claimed past 8/16/24 will be reported in Year 2 reporting.

Career and Technical Education - Perkins V

  • August 7-8, 2024: Summer CTE Meeting
  • August 29, 2024: CTE Program of Study Update opens

Early Indicator and Intervention Systems

Join EIIS monthly office hours with staff to discuss your questions about your student success system, share ideas and review resources. 

Federal School Improvement (formerly ESSA Partnerships)

  • September 15, 2024: CSI/TSI Progress Updates Due (new date)
  • September 30, 2024: CSI/TSI School-level Plans Due

Reminder: The Required Monthly Submission and Reporting Calendar lists all required school district submissions for the 2023-24 school year.

Program Specific Updates

Career and Technical Education - Perkins V

The 2024 Summer CTE Meeting is slated for August 7-8, 2024. Hosted this year by the Salem-Keizer School District, the meeting comprises a half-day 2024-2027 CTE State Plan Kick-off and features facilitation by Advance CTE. There will also be a half-day of networking allowing CTE consortia and direct recipients to engage in “job-alike” learning and professional growth. Please contact  Malinda Shell or Sandy Cassio for more information.

Early Indicator and Intervention Systems

Early Indicator and Intervention Systems 2024-2025 Professional Learning Opportunities

Virtual Summer Session

Kickstart your school year with a virtual three-day Early Indicator and Intervention Systems (EIIS) intensive, August 13-15! Facilitators will be available to consult with teams on their EIIS goals and strategies for the upcoming school year. 

24-25 School Year Opportunities

Three Learning Series will be offered beginning in September: EIIS: Foundations for Student Success, EIIS at Middle and High School and the EIIS Community of Practice. Please view the Learning Series flyer for more information about the learning series, schedule and registration.

Every Day Matters

New for the 2024-2025 School Year! The Every Day Matters team will be hosting a virtual Attendance Community of Practice, aimed at providing support and resources to personnel working directly with students to address barriers to attendance and the root causes of chronic absenteeism. Please share with your networks! Please register for this year-long Community of Practice.

Federal School Improvement (formerly ESSA Partnerships)

In order to better understand the improvement efforts being undertaken at schools identified for Federal School Improvement we have two needs that are currently underway for schools and districts. The first, announced earlier this year, is the submission of the School-level Plan. Plan submissions are available on the district’s RAD. Guidance and templates for school-level plans can be found on the ODE website, under the “Program Resources” section (lower right hand column). This submission is due by September 30, 2024. Please note that districts receiving FSI funds will receive access to those funds once all required School-level Plan(s) have been approved by ODE.

The second need is the annual Progress Update for CSI/TSI Schools. These updates provide insight into the improvement efforts during the 2023-24 school year for currently identified CSI and TSI schools identified or re-identified prior to October 2023. Schools first identified in the fall of 2023 do not complete this Progress Update. This submission window was originally set to close on August 15, 2024. This window will be extended to September 15, 2024. 


Why are we focusing on chronic absence, rather than “truancy”?

Chronic absenteeism measures total absences, including excused and unexcused, while truancy measures only unexcused absences. Historically, students who have been most marginalized in the education system have been labeled as “truant,” and this is often connected to their access to the resources needed to obtain the type of information outlined by schools as acceptable to excuse an absence. Chronic absenteeism is a truer measure of whether a student is in danger of missing too much instructional time and may need additional support to stay on track with their learning.

Highlighted Resources for the Month

Grants Available: 2024-28 Student Success Grant Programs Requests for Applications (RFAs)

The Oregon Department of Education’s (ODE) Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (OEDI) is pleased to announce the release of the 2024-28 Student Success Grant Programs Requests for Applications (RFAs). 

Applications are due August 29, 2024 by 5:00 p.m. PST. Please review all RFA materials prior to applying. All materials can be found on the relevant OregonBuys website, under “File Attachments”:

Questions? An information webinar for all open RFAs was held on July 24, 2024 and the recording will be posted on OregonBuys. Any questions or requests for clarification can be sent to Katie Dorsey at Questions that are received by August 14, 2024, will be included in a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document and posted on OregonBuys.

What the Research Says on Career Technical Education - Education Northwest     

From What the Research Says on Career Technical Education (CTE) (Education Northwest): “The past few years have seen renewed enthusiasm in Career Technical Education (CTE). That has led to an increase in new programs and policies related to CTE and growing attention from the research community. Our librarians recently compiled this list of the latest studies and resources that states, districts and schools can draw from to create and improve CTE programs”

CTE Note: This series was initially released in 2018. However, many of the questions and ideas are relevant today and command broader discussion. Hence, we offer them to stimulate thought and conversation.

Join Attendance Works' Professional Learning Series

Attendance Works is pleased to offer our three-part e-training for educators to learn proven, evidence-based, tiered strategies to promote attendance and engagement.

All three sessions are created for individuals or district or school-level teams. Participants will get a chance to interact with their peers and the Attendance Works team in breakout rooms. Cost: $300 per person for the series. Space is limited. View the available dates and register for Fall 2024!

Contact Us

All previous Aligned Messages can be found on the Integrated Monthly Communication page.

If you have any questions, please contact OEII at