This June has been filled with end of year activities, celebrations, and graduations, wrapping up the 2023-24 school year! Our team hopes that as you head into the summer that you have time to reflect on the year, the successes, the challenges, and all the work in between. We know many of you will be taking some much needed time off during the month of July and we hope that you enjoy the time with family and friends.
In this month’s message, you’ll find information about:
- 2024-2025 Estimated Allocations
- Early Literacy Grant Annual Report
- Integrated Programs Annual Report
- High School Success Rubric Toolkit
2024-2025 Estimated Allocations
EII is excited to share 2024-2025 estimated allocations for the SIA, HSS, EIIS, ELSSDG programs to support this year’s Integrated Application implementation. You will find additional details below.
These estimated allocations are different from the April 2024 allocations as these updated numbers are based on the results of May ADM reconciliation. While we don’t anticipate significant changes in these numbers, please note they are still technically estimates that can change. Once the Department of Justice approves Grant Amendments, they will be sent out and reflect final allocation amounts.
Also, please note that we don’t expect grant recipients to submit any budget updates at this time based on these updates. Any changes can and will be accounted for during the 2024-25 Quarter 1 report due October 31, 2024.
Estimated Allocations:
Student Investment Account
High School Success
Early Indicator & Intervention Systems
Early Literacy Success School District Grant
Early Literacy Grant Annual Report
Earlier this month, we sent out a Reminder: Early Literacy Grant Reporting Requirements message sharing with grantees the upcoming annual reporting requirements to support planning for reporting for the first year of the grant. The Early Literacy Annual Report for 2023-24 is due November 30, 2024 and will be a separate link for reporting. This report does not need to be presented to your governing board. Additional information and links to your Annual Report will be provided by September 1, 2024 on your RAD. Stay tuned to sign up for Office Hours starting in September!
Please review Reminder: Early Literacy Grant Reporting Requirements for more information.
Integrated Programs Annual Report
The Integrated Programs Annual Report for 2023-24 is due on November 30, 2024. This will include filling in Expenditures for all Integrated Programs from April 1- September 30, 2024 using Year 1 funds; updating Progress Markers Status; and completing two Narrative Response Questions. As a reminder you are required to present your Integrated Programs Annual Report Narrative Questions and Responses to your governing board and provide board minutes to ODE if you are receiving Student Investment Account funds. Additional information and links to your Annual Report will be provided by September 1, 2024 on your RAD. Stay tuned to sign up for Office Hours starting in September!
Introducing the High School Success Rubric Toolkit!
We are excited to share the High School Success (HSS) Rubric Toolkit, designed to support grantees in meeting the eligibility requirements of the HSS Rubric 2.0. This toolkit offers a variety of optional resources that grantees can use, modify, or use as a starting point to suit their needs. We will update the toolkit periodically to ensure it remains a valuable resource.
Important Dates and Action Items
Integrated Programs
Integrated Programs Spend and Claim by dates: A reminder on program spend by and claim by dates for all programs reflecting the summer extension updates to support you as best as possible in your implementation and financial stewardship. Please note, if 100% of your SIA and Early Literacy funds are not claimed by 6/30/24 then you will forfeit the unclaimed Year 1 funds.
2023-24 Student Investment Account (SIA)
Spending Period: 7/1/23 to 9/30/24
Spend by: 9/30/24
Claim by: 6/30/24 (Due to SIA being a disbursement grant, 100% Funds must be claimed to spend through 9/30/24)
2023-24 Early Literacy Success School District Grants (ELSSDG)
Spending Period: 10/1/23 to 6/30/25
Spend by: 6/30/25
Claim by: 6/30/24 (Due to ELSSDG being a disbursement grant, 100% Funds must be claimed to spent through 6/30/25)
2023-24 Early Indicator and Intervention System (EIIS)
Spending Period: 7/1/23 to 6/30/24
Spend by: 6/30/24
Claim by: 8/14/24
2023-24 High School Success (HSS)
Spending Period: 7/1/23 to 6/30/25*
Spend by: 6/30/25
Claim by: 10/15/25
*Reminder: To support the HSS annual report requirements in statute, August 15, 2024 will be the HSS Year 1 EGMS Claim cutoff date. For HSS Year 1 Reporting purposes the reporting amount should match EGMS claims that came in 7/1/23 through 8/15/24 dates. You will still have access to unclaimed Year 1 funds in Year 2 and funds claimed past 8/16/24 will be reported in Year 2 reporting.
Career and Technical Education - Perkins V
Jul 1, 2024: 2023-2024-20% of Perkins Grant Funds available in EGMS
Jul 15, 2024: CLOSE DATE for CTE Student 23-24 & CTE Course 23-24
Aug. 7-8, 2024: Summer CTE Meeting
Early Indicator and Intervention Systems
EIIS Monthly Office Hours
Join EIIS monthly office hours with staff to discuss your questions about your student success system, share ideas and review resources.
Federal School Improvement (formerly ESSA Partnerships)
September 15, 2024 (new date): CSI/TSI Progress Updates due
September 30, 2024: CSI/TSI School-level Plans due
Reminder: The Required Monthly Submission and Reporting Calendar lists all required school district submissions for the 2023-24 school year.
Program Specific Updates
Career and Technical Education - Perkins V
The 2024 Summer CTE Meeting is slated for August 7-8, 2024. This is an annual event that provides an opportunity for CTE leaders in Oregon to draw together and plan for the upcoming year. This year’s event will be hosted by Salem-Keizer School District. The meeting comprises a ½-day 2024 - 2027 CTE State Plan Kick-off and features facilitation by Advance CTE. There will also be a half-day of networking allowing CTE consortia and direct recipients to engage in “job-alike” learning and professional growth. Please contact Malinda Shell or Sandy Cassio for more information.
Early Indicator and Intervention Systems
Early Indicator and Intervention Systems Professional Learning Opportunities
Virtual Summer Session
Kickstart your school year with a virtual three-day Early Indicator and Intervention Systems (EIIS) intensive, August 13-15! Facilitators will be available to consult with teams on their EIIS goals and strategies for the upcoming school year.
24-25 School Year Opportunities
Three Learning Series will be offered beginning in September: EIIS: Foundations for Student Success, EIIS at Middle and High School and the EIIS Community of Practice. Please view the flyer for more information about the learning series, schedule and registration link.
Federal School Improvement (formerly ESSA Partnerships)
In order to better understand the improvement efforts being undertaken at schools identified for Federal School Improvement we have two needs that are currently underway for schools and districts. The first, announced earlier this year, is the submission of the School-level Plan. Plan submissions are available on the district’s RAD. Guidance and templates for school-level plans can be found on the ODE website, under the “Program Resources” section (lower right hand column). This submission is due by September 30, 2024. Please note that districts receiving FSI funds will receive access to those funds once all required School-level Plan(s) have been approved by ODE.
The second need is the annual Progress Update for CSI/TSI Schools. These updates provide insight into the improvement efforts during the 2023-24 school year for currently identified CSI and TSI schools identified or re-identified prior to October 2023. Schools first identified in the fall of 2023 do not complete this Progress Update. This submission window was originally set to close on August 15, 2024. This window will be extended to September 15, 2024.
Highlighted Resources for the Month
Learning Series on Promoting Attendance Early
Absenteeism in Kindergarten and the Early Grades, U.S. Department of Education’s Student Engagement and Attendance Center (SEAC).
Attendance Works has announced next year’s attendance awareness campaign theme: Be Present, Be Powerful. They have begun a series of webinars, with the next being held on Wednesday, August 7, entitled “Creating a Culture of Belonging and Engagement: Principals in Action”. Registration information and previous webinars in this series can be found on their website.
Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce Study
The Great Misalignment: Addressing the Mismatch between the Supply of Certificates and Associate’s Degrees and the Future Demand for Workers in 565 US Labor Markets
From the study: Hundreds of local labor markets fuel the American economy, and each one is driven by the needs of the local area’s mix of industries and the skills of its workers. When these needs and skills align, everyone can benefit. But many local economies are struggling to achieve strong alignment between the demand for middle-skills credentials (certificates and associate’s degrees) and the supply of these credentials produced by local institutions. This study demonstrates that in half of the nation’s labor markets, at least 50 percent of all middle-skills credentials would need to be granted in different fields of study to meet projected labor demand through 2031.
New EII Professional Learning Webpage Launched
The ODE Office of Education Innovation and Improvement (EII) Technical Assistance, Professional Learning and Coaching webpage has recently been updated to showcase Professional Learning that supports the Integrated Programs in a more streamlined and sortable way! We encourage you to explore upcoming Professional Learning and coaching opportunities available to districts at no cost, as well as a robust collection of recordings to support districts with many components of the Integrated Plan.
OASBO Summer Conference
We look forward to sharing about Integrated Guidance Grants at the OASBO Summer Conference on 7/26 in Bend, OR!
Contact Us
Find all previous Aligned Messages here.
If you have any questions, please contact OEII at