Mark Your Calendar!
- ESEA Title I-D October Caseload 23-24 Data Collection – Opens October 26th, Closes December 1st
CIP Budget Narratives – Opened August 11th; due November 1st
Equitable Services Webinars with FedEd Group
October 10th - Introduction to Equitable Services
October 17th – Funding ESEA Equitable Services and Allowable Activities
October 24th – IDEA Equitable Services Requirements
Office Hours for Titles I-A, II-A, IV-A and V-B (1st and 3rd Tuesdays, 10-11 am) - Zoom link
October 17th – Rank and Serve
November 7th – McKinney-Vento
Principal and Teacher Evaluation Collection – Opened September 21st; closes November 17th
- Title I-A Comparability Report – Due December 1st
ESSA Quick Reference Brief Spotlight: Family Engagement under Title I-A
Families are their children’s first and most important teachers, and engaging families in partnership is a critical component to student success. ESEA requires districts and schools that receive Title I-A funds to communicate, collaborate, and work as partners with families, with the goal of improving student achievement and promoting academic success. In ESSA Quick Reference Brief: Family Engagement under Title I-A learn more about these requirements as well as recommendations for practice to ensure all families feel welcome and able to participate as partners.
Check out other ESSA Quick Reference Briefs!
Early Literacy Success School District Grants and 25% Funding Match
The Early Literacy Success Initiative secures $90 million in non-competitive, application-based grants for the biennium to support comprehensive early literacy plans (defined as pre-kindergarten through third grade) in order to increase early literacy statewide.
The FST has confirmed with the U.S. Department of Education that funds from Titles I-A, II-A, IV-A, and V-B could be used as the required 25% match from another funding source if:
- the use of funds is consistent with each Title program’s requirements, and
- applicable supplement, not supplant requirements are met.
Questions? Reach out to your district’s formula grant regional support person:
Jen Engberg - Clackamas, Columbia Gorge, Multnomah and Norwest Regional
Sarah Martin - Douglas, Lake, Malheur, South Coast and Southern Oregon
Lisa Plumb - Lane, Linn Benton Lincoln and Willamette
Amy Tidwell - Grant, Harney, High Desert, InterMountain, Jefferson, North Central and Region 18
Claim your FREE Title I-A Resource: Can Title I Pay for This?
ODE is offering every district in Oregon up to three free copies of the LRP publication “Can Title I Pay for This? A Guide to Determining Allowable Costs”.
Written by Tiffany Winters Kesslar, a partner at the BruMan Group, this publication provides guidance for district Title I grant managers that is easy to understand. It includes real examples from districts as well as appendices that contain direct citations from ESEA, EDGAR, UGG and communications from the U.S. Department of Education.
Submit your request through this Google form by November 1st, and the book will be sent directly to you!
Equitable Services Webinars available in October 2023
ODE is excited to announce three free equitable service webinars. All private school leaders, public school administrative staff and ODE partners who work with equitable service programs under ESEA or IDEA federal programs are invited to attend these webinars.
Please pre-register for the following webinars scheduled from 9:00 am - 10:30 am on the following Tuesdays:
October 10th: Introduction to ESEA equitable services
October 17th: Funding ESEA equitable services and allowable activities (Zoom Registration link)
October 24th: IDEA Equitable Services Requirements (Zoom Registration link)
See the September 20th announcement for more information.
Questions? Comments? Concerns? Please contact Janette Newton, the Private School Ombuds by email or Call/Text (503) 551-9405.
CIP Budget Narrative 'Drop-In' Hours!
Do you have questions about the Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP) Budget Narrative? The Formula Grant Team (Titles I-A, IIA, IV-A, and V-B) is here to help!
Join us from 10 - 11:00 am on the following dates:
These informal sessions are great if you are navigating the system for the first time, or if you are looking for new tips and tricks. As always, we are also available for individual appointments. We hope to see you there!
Additional resources can be found on our new and improved ODE CIP Budget Narrative Spending Workbook webpage.
Principal and Teacher Evaluation Data Collection
The Principal and Teacher Data Collection for SY 2022-23 opens on September 21, 2023 and closes on November 17th, 2023.
Through this collection, districts provide information about the summative ratings of educators evaluated in the previous year. This information informs efforts to ensure that Oregon students experiencing poverty are not taught at disproportionate rates by inexperienced, out-of-field or ineffective teachers.
All districts are required to submit summative evaluation results for the 2022-23 SY. A revised Principal and Teacher Evaluation Data Collection Manual is available on the ODE District website. A training slide deck has also been posted to assist data submitters in completing this collection.
Any questions should be directed to Sarah Martin, Education Specialist.
Title I-A Comparability Report
The ESEA Title I-A annual Comparability Calculations are due by December 1st. This requirement applies to all school districts that accept Title I-A funds with the exception of any district that has one building per grade span. In addition, if a district has a school with fewer than 100 students enrolled, the school does not need to be included in the comparability calculations.
Relevant documents can be found on the Title I-A District Resources webpage.
Please submit your district’s evidence of comparability to Lisa Plumb by December 1st, 2023.
The Principal and Teacher Data Collection for SY 2022-23 opens on September 21, 2023 and closes on November 17th, 2023.
Through this collection, districts provide information about the summative ratings of educators evaluated in the previous year. This information informs efforts to ensure that Oregon students experiencing poverty are not taught at disproportionate rates by inexperienced, out-of-field or ineffective teachers.
All districts are required to submit summative evaluation results for the 2022-23 SY. A revised Principal and Teacher Evaluation Data Collection Manual is available on the ODE District website. A training slide deck has also been posted to assist data submitters in completing this collection.
Any questions should be directed to Sarah Martin, Education Specialist.
Engaging Equity Professional Learning Series
When the Student Success Act (SSA) passed in May 2019, it was designed to provide the resources districts need for support. Over the last three years ODE has also done work, in collaboration with community and education leaders, to provide better tools and resources to meet the promise of SSA, including development of the Engaging Equity: Equitable Mindsets, Practices, and Systems professional learning series.
The Engaging Equity professional learning series is made up of 4 clusters with a total of 18 individual modules. Each module should take 60–90 minutes for the learner to complete. Cluster 1 - Racial Equity Foundations and Cluster 2 - Culturally Responsive and Sustaining Practice are available at this time.
For more details, view the full scope and sequence for the professional learning series. Additional clusters of modules will be added as they are developed and released.
The content developed is open and available at no cost, however, there may be some costs for participation, such as substitute costs for educators or extra-duty pay for extended day learning opportunities.
ODE highly recommends that groups engage in this learning together as cohorts or Professional Learning Communities (PLCs), with facilitation either from within their organization or, for Oregon Districts, with professional facilitation from WestEd. Clusters are available to download via Canvas (see the Equitable Mindsets flyer for additional information).
If your Oregon school or district is interested in professional facilitation of this series for your learning group, please contact the Office of Education Innovation and Improvement (EII) at
 In their Own Words: SEED Survey Short Answer Analysis
Student voice is critical to understanding of student experiences in Oregon’s public schools, including challenges, opportunities for investment and support, and chances to make stronger relational connections that enhance student learning. As part of the 2021-22 Student Educational Equity Development Survey (SEED) over 2,000 6-11 grade students responded to a simple question: “Is there anything else about your school you would like to share?” Responses ranged from concerning descriptions of student experiences of bullying and bias to more positive comments describing the things (and people) they love about their schools.
Students shared feelings of belonging or disconnection, described ways they could be better served in terms of both academics and mental health, and gave us a window into their experiences in school and what they would need in order to feel safe, comfortable, and supported. This brief analyzing the responses has been posted for reference on ODE's Student Educational Equity Development Survey (SEED) webpage.
Federal System Team's "Framework of Support"
Our goal is to provide differentiated support and strengthen the partnership between districts and ODE federal program staff. Check out the resources and support below and please don’t hesitate to reach out and let us know how we can support you!