Aligning for Student Success - November Message

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Oregon Department of Education - Oregon achieves - together

Aligning for Student Success - November Message

These monthly messages are focused on trying to consolidate the most important information you need from the Office of Education Innovation and Improvement (EII) and the programs aligned through Integrated Guidance. 

Here’s a summary of what’s most important (the details follow):

Centering Health and Well-Being in Education - New Resource

The Centering Health and Well-Being in Education document is a resource (not formal guidance) to center health in education strategies as districts and schools move through the community budgeting and planning process under Aligning for Student Success: Integrated Guidance for Six ODE Initiatives. The purpose of this resource is to support schools and districts to take budgetary steps to strengthen educational and health outcomes for students through the development of systems and partnerships that support student physical, mental and behavioral health with the long-term aim of achieving the academic improvements described in the Student Success Act.   

Community Engagement Highlights

As Community Engagement is underway in districts statewide, we are thrilled to share some highlights from the field. Authentic Community Engagement looks different from community to community as relationships are shaped by the unique culture of each. Involving the voices of students, families, school staff, and community partners is essential in building the ongoing, trusting collaboration involved in strengthening and enriching ongoing support for each and every student. These schools show a range of examples of what Community Engagement can look like: sometimes building upon the events that have become meaningful traditions, and sometimes finding ways of creating new traditions to foster emerging connections. 

  • Surveys & Celebration: Willamina School of Willamette ESD organized a campus wide open house celebration, featuring a picnic, live music, and Community Engagement surveys.
  • Survey Booth: The Harney ESD hosted a booth at the Harney County Fair and gathered over 70 surveys as families played games of Plinko and enjoyed treats. 
  • Student Led: Students from the Frontier School of Diamond School District led an innovative idea to create a newsletter highlighting school-wide learnings to share out to families, community, and board members. The newsletter also provides a way for community members to offer their feedback. 
  • Partnering with Community Organizations: Noche Familiar/Family Night kicked off in late October in the Vale School District of Malheur ESD. Vale partnered with a few community organizations to provide families with an opportunity to learn about local drug trends and prevention. 
  • Remote School Community Engagement Highlight: Northlake in Lake ESD engaged community with a survey during a Homecoming Week parade.
  • Hearing directly from teachers and specialists: In Beaverton School District, Special Education and AVID teachers were given extended pay for one hour to share their insights on the barriers that currently exist for focal student groups from accessing Career Technical Education programs, along with what supportive services would help ensure access and equity for students in these programs from their expertise.
  • Ongoing conversation in community: Central Linn has conducted 14 listening sessions since August. The listening sessions have included parents, students, staff, community members, the School Board, and focal groups, including parents of students who experience disabilities and Hispanic/Latino parents. These listening sessions coincided with an online survey open to all staff, students, families, and community seeking feedback on the district in a variety of areas from communication, academic rigor, course offerings, graduation outcomes, etc.  After gathering all of the data, a steering committee looked for themes. The next steering committee meeting will draft goals based on the themes and then present those and selected values back to the community, students, staff, and the board for feedback.  

We would love to hear from you! 

What Community Engagement have your districts been up to during this phase of the 12 step application process for the Integrated Guidance? What Community Engagement plans are on the horizon to sustain ongoing, authentic relationship building to best serve all students, particularly to elevate the voices of student focal groups? Share your stories with us here.

Integrated Planning and Budget Webinar

Thank you to those of you who were able to join our Integrated planning and Budget Webinar on October 18th. The webinar was recorded for those who were unable to attend, or for those who would like to view it again. Check out the recording here.

Important Dates and Deadlines

November is National Career Month!

Career and Technical Education - Perkins V

  • November 15, 2022: 2021-2022 Perkins Basic and Reserve grants final claims made in EGMS.
  • November 15, 2022: 2021-2022 Close out Report for Perkins Basic and Reserve Grant due.
  • November 15-30: CTE Perkins 90% Report Validation.
  • December 1, 2022: Perkins equipment and inventory items delivered.

Student Investment Account

  • November 30, 2022: Q4/Annual Reports due
    • Review Q4 Guidance and Annual Report Guidance for assistance.
    • Annual Report Optional Template.
    • Grantees must present their annual report to their school board with the opportunity for public comment (as a non-consent item), post the report to their website, and submit their board minutes to ODE via submission form or email). The Q4 portion does not need to be completed before presenting to the board.
  • October 31, 2022: Grant Agreements due
    • Please sign and submit your SIA Grant Agreements/Amendments as soon as possible. 
      • For NEW 2022 SIA recipients, please make sure your board approves the Grant Agreement, and that you submit a copy of your board minutes with your signed Grant Agreement.

Program Specific Updates

Career and Technical Education - Perkins V

November is National Career Development Month

National Career Development Month 2022 (#NCDM2022) is almost here. Hot off the press is the Career Journeys Toolkit! Bring awareness around career development and start to create a culture of career connected learning in your classrooms and school. This Toolkit is populated with a wide range of resources and activities to support elementary, middle and high schools in these career development conversations.

Navigating the uncertainty of our formative years takes courage, curiosity, and outside support. 

A single conversation can spark a passion that leads to a lifetime of reward. The Career Journeys project seeks to educate middle and high school students from across the state of Oregon (and beyond) about in-demand career pathways through a model of near-peer influence and story-telling.

We invite you to have a quick scan and consider how you might incorporate Career Journey Videos and career conversations into your school’s career development activities, opportunities and celebrations this November and throughout the year!  

Reminder of Important Dates:

  • November 2022 is National Career Development Month
  • November 14-18 is National Career Development Week
  • November 16 is National Career Development Day

Early Indicator and Intervention Systems

Thank you to all who have returned their grant agreements! 

As a reminder, grant funds can be applied to the following allowable expenses:

  • Staffing to maintain the system and facilitate corrective action;
  • Training for staff to maintain and use the system with fidelity;
  • System software purchases and subscriptions;
  • Data analysis and research;
  • Tribal government consultation; and
  • Student, family, staff, and community engagement

Claims can be applied to expenses made between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023. For more information, please visit the EIIS webpage or contact your Regional Support team. 

ESSA Partnerships (CSI/TSI) 

Accountability and School Improvement Update

ODE has completed a review of schools that have previously been identified for Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) or Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI) as part of federal school improvement responsibilities along with information regarding newly identified schools. 

Funding will continue to be allocated to the school district. ODE will provide allocations for each identified school in the district eligible for school improvement funds to develop and implement school-level activities. Additional information will be provided shortly to districts and schools. If you have any immediate questions, please contact

High School Success

HSS Grant amendments have been sent out! Please check for your grant amendment to sign and return. Please reach out to your Regional Support team with any questions.

Student Investment Account

SIA Contacts

For SIA, the EII team sends out notifications to the grantee’s Superintendent/Head of School, Business Manager, and a third optional contact. Your regional team may reach out to you in the next few weeks to update all contact information.

2023-25 Public Charter Schools Eligible to Apply Independently

Last week, we released the list of charter schools who are eligible to apply for SIA funding independently. Please do not hesitate to reach out to our team if you have any questions. 


My district did not have any partnerships. Is this a required part of SIA reporting?

While it is required to report on partnerships, it is not required that your district or school have partnerships. If you are not passing money to an organization or do not have any partnerships, please indicate so in the form. If you are unsure if your relationship with an organization is considered a partnership, please reach out to your District Grant Manager or refer to the Partnerships Guidance.

Highlighted Resources for the Month

Elevating Family Voice in Career Pathways

“To ensure that career pathways systems have the maximum impact to shift our economies, it is imperative that state and local leaders understand the importance of family engagement, how meaningful family and community engagement can benefit not only learners but also the system as a whole, and promising practices that recognize family engagement as both an embedded and overarching strategy that touches each component of the work.”

Broadening the Path: Design Principles for Middle Grades CTE

This resource defines outcomes for student learning, and shares a theory of action based on 10 design principles to support developing and expanding middle grades CTE. If you are a state or local leader who is working to develop or strengthen middle grades CTE policies, programs, and practices, this paper will provide you with a design principles self-assessment to evaluate current middle grades CTE policies and programs.

Learner Engagement Attendance Program (LEAP)

Connecticut has shared their Learner Engagement and Attendance Program (LEAP), which highlights the use of community engagement personnel in order to improve student engagement and attendance.