Aligning for Student Success - October Message

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Oregon Department of Education - Oregon achieves - together

Aligning for Student Success - October Message

Community Engagement Safety and Privacy Resource 

A new resource, Ensuring Focal Student Group Safety and Privacy, is now available. This resource aims to help you plan community engagement activities that reduce the potential for students, families and community members to experience harm, danger, or breaches of trust. This supplemental resource should be used alongside ODE’s guidance on Community Engagement, which describes deeper frameworks, strategies, and recommendations for robust community engagement.

YCEP and JDEP Community Engagement Guidance

The Guidance for YCEP and JDEP Community Engagement provides additional information for Youth Corrections Education Programs (YCEP) and Juvenile Detention Education Programs (JDEP) on the necessary steps to meet the Community Engagement component outlined in the Integrated Guidance. This includes defining and distilling the options available to school districts and Education Service Districts (ESDs) operating YCEP and JDEP programs on how to best move through the integrated application process for the 2023-25 biennium.

2023-25 Preliminary Allocations 

In an effort to support you as you plan and budget for the 2023-2025 biennium following the Integrated Guidance, we are releasing preliminary allocations for High School Success (HSS), Early Indicator and Intervention Systems (EIIS), the Student Investment Account (SIA), and Perkins V. 

Preliminary allocations for schools identified for comprehensive or targeted supports through ESSA partnerships (CSI/TSI) will be released at a later time once those partner schools have been formally identified. 

These preliminary allocations are embedded in the Integrated Planning and Budget Template in order to create a streamlined resource for you as you develop your integrated budget. 

Important Note: These are preliminary allocations. While very helpful for planning, we want to make it very clear that these are very preliminary and will change. These allocations utilize numbers from the 2020-21 school year, finalized in May 2022 as this is the most current finalized data set at this time. Additionally, the total amount available to distribute is based on current funding. That could shift as well as a result of finalizing the federal and state budgets throughout the 2023 Congressional and Legislative Sessions.

Each program’s allocations are calculated by formulas articulated in statute:

  • SIA and HSS allocations are calculated using the most current finalized extended ADMw from the State School Fund from the prior year, with SIA applying a double weight for poverty. 
  • EIIS uses the most current finalized ADMr from the State School Fund from the prior year.

Each of these programs utilize the Second Period Cumulative ADM data collection, reflecting data for the first half (July through December) of each school year, which is collected, cleaned, verified, and finalized January through May.

Secondary Perkins V allocations are formula based using counts of children aged 5-17 within the geographic boundaries of each district using the 2020 Census Data. Postsecondary allocations are determined based on the number of students receiving PELL grants and BIA supports. While the funding has remained stable for the past few years, population shifts and poverty counts do cause local allocations to shift.

We hope that releasing this information, in this way, at this time is supportive of your efforts to link community engagement and moving through the key planning requirements with your efforts to plan and budget towards accomplishing your prioritized outcomes.

Virtual Charter School Webinar Recording

The EII Office held a webinar for Virtual Charter Schools on August 18th to discuss how virtual charter schools will interact with the EII Integrated Application for the 23-25 biennium. Some application requirements and narrative questions have been removed from the Integrated Application for virtual charter schools. For more information, please watch the recorded Webinar or reach out to Kate Pattison ( 

Integrated Planning & Budget Template

We are pleased to provide an updated Integrated Planning and Budget Template for applicants to use in their preparation for March 2023 applications. This updated version is a downloadable spreadsheet with prepopulated preliminary allocation amounts for the different funding sources, updated FTE types, funded partnership dropdowns, and formatting to support easy filling in of budget amounts by activity. Alongside the updated template, there is a 16-minute video demonstrating how to use the spreadsheet as well as written guidance to support understanding of the tool. A webinar to support planning and use of this template is scheduled for 10-11am on October 18.

Important Dates and Deadlines

Career and Technical Education Perkins V

  • August 25, 2022 - October 28, 2022: Yearly Update Window. Please see CTE Program Updates for more information. 

Student Investment Account

  • September 1st - November 30th: 2021-22 Quarter 4/Annual Report Window 
  • October 1st - October 30th: 2022-23 Quarter 1 Reporting Window. Please see Program Specific Updates for office hours.

Join us for an Integrated Planning and Budget Session

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Join us at the COSA Special Education Conference! Among an exciting lineup, a few presentations from the EII office will be offered: 

  • Thursday, October 6th:
    • 9:45 - 10:45am - Getting Better Together through Family Engagement
    • 2:30 - 3:30pm - Budgeting to Meet Needs of Students with Disabilities: How the Integrated Guidance can support districts in supporting focal students

Program Specific Updates

Career and Technical Education - Perkins V

The CTE Program Yearly Update is an annual collection designed to measure CTE Programs of Study (POS) size, scope and quality data at the beginning of each school year. These data include approved CTE courses and supporting details on the elements that make a program high quality. All state approved CTE POS are required to participate in the Yearly Update whether program changes are needed or not. Failure to provide updated program and course information during the Program Yearly Update may lead to data submission inaccuracies and errors during the Spring CTE Student and Course Collections. This collection supports both programmatic and data related CTE information. The Program Yearly Update takes place in the CTE Information System application accessed through login to ODE's District Website.

ODE Launches the Oregon Career Connected Learning Newsletter

In September 2022, ODE officially launched its Oregon Career Connected Learning (CCL) Newsletter designed to provide educators with valuable information and strategies each month to help their students develop awareness of skills related to their future careers.  You will also find links to research, professional development and resources to help support your students. We invite you to add your name to our CCL listserv to ensure that you will receive this valuable information each month.  

ODE CCL Office Hours

Register now to join the ODE Career Connected Learning Office Hours 2022-23 held every Thursday from 3:45-5:00pm. We will cover a variety of themes and topics of interest each week, as well as provide discussion opportunities, professional development and technical support. Pick a weekly session you’d like to join monthly or feel free to register for them all.

Please reach out to us if you have any questions or want to connect on CCL efforts in our content areas: 

ESSA Partnerships (CSI/TSI) 

For districts with schools identified for federal school improvement grants (ESSA Partnership Grants): 

This is a reminder that both the 2019-20 Supplement and 2020-21 ESSA Partnership funds expire September 30, 2022. Please reconcile these funds before turning to spend down the 2021-22 Partnership funds which expire September 30, 2023.

Districts with CSI and TSI schools were asked to provide progress updates for identified schools. The information shared is an important part of ODE’s ESSA plan and provides essential information to help with accountability determinations. If you have not already submitted updates for CSI or TSI schools, please do so as soon as possible.

Thank you to those districts who have completed their CSI/TSI Progress Update Towards Exit Survey. OEII staff are reviewing the survey responses as well as recent school-level accountability data to determine continued and new identification of Comprehensive (CSI) and Targeted (TSI) schools in Oregon. Based on this information, some previously identified schools will be eligible for exit from this status. ODE staff will notify district and school leaders of 2022-2023 school improvement status by mid-October.

Every Day Matters

A team in OEII is updating the Every Day Matters Oregon Administrative Rules (OARs). Current proposed changes update language to be student-centered and inclusive, align operational practice with rule, and interweave a community-centric focus. EDM will hold an engagement session on the proposed changes on October 12th from 1-2:30 pm - please register here. We value your thoughts and want to make sure to consider them in our engagement process. If you are unable to attend the engagement session and want to share your feedback on the proposed changes, please complete this survey.  

High School Success

New Research Brief: Algebra I Repetition

The High School Success team is excited to announce the release of new research looking at predictive factors for students who repeat Algebra I courses. The brief examines demographic predictors and outlines the relationship between starting Algebra I before high school and an increased likelihood of repeating the course. Data on the relationship between repeating Algebra I and graduation outcomes are also included, as are recommendations and suggested practices for placement determinations. This brief is part of a series of research briefs examining topics of interest to High School Success grantees.

Student Investment Account

22-23 SIA Reporting Requirements

The SIA team has made a few shifts in the reporting requirements for the 22-23 school year ONLY. SIA grantees will continue to submit quarterly reports, with the following reductions in requirements:

  1. Quarter 1 - Due October 31, 2022 – ODE will release both the financial and programmatic components and only require grantees to review their budget (and all budget related items) to ensure accuracy for the year ahead.
  2. Quarter 2 - Due January 31, 2023 – As a mid-way point Quarter 2 will remain as is. Grantees will submit both financial and programmatic reporting, covering expenditures that occur from 7/1-12/31, and the submission of their Financial Audit and board minutes. Grantees will still be required to present their financial audit before the board and submit a copy of their board meeting minutes as evidence of the board presentation. 
  3. Quarter 3 - Due April 30, 2023– As a way of being responsive to feedback from the field and the intent of HB 4030 to reduce non-essential reporting, we will release the programmatic requirement for Quarter 3, and only require grantees to provide a financial update covering expenditures from 1/1-3/31.
  4. Quarter 4/Annual Report - Due November 30, 2023 – Similar to Quarter 2, the Quarter 4/Annual Report remains as is with the combination of these two reports, the Annual Report Questions being required in lieu of the Journaling Progress questions, and continue with the optional rating scale for the Progress Markers. Grantees will still be required to present their Annual Report before the board and submit a copy of their board meeting minutes as evidence of the board presentation. 

These shifts will reduce some of the administrative burden felt by all of the grantees for the 22-23 school year. It will still provide touchpoints to ensure funds are being spent in appropriate ways and build the consistency that is necessary for the success of the reporting structure outlined in the Integrated Guidance. 

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to the team by emailing

Office Hours

We will be holding two open Office Hours for any questions you have about 2022-23 Quarter 1 reporting: 


Is there a template for the SIA Annual Report?

  • Yes, the word document template can be found here. This template can be used to draft your responses before submitting via your customized reporting dashboard. Additionally, you are welcome to use this template to help structure your board presentation; however, the SIA Annual Report does not have specific formatting requirements, and this information can be presented in whatever way works best for each district or charter school.

What happens to claimed funds if they aren’t spent?

  • If there is a need for a grantee to return SIA funds, the grantee will work with their District Grant Manager to complete a form to begin the fiscal return process through ODE’s finance office. No action is needed until after Quarter 4 reports are reviewed in December. 

When will the list of charter schools eligible to apply to the SIA independently be released?

  • The team at ODE is finalizing the list of charter schools eligible to apply to the SIA independently. We anticipate releasing the list in the next few weeks.

Highlighted Resources for the Month

Data Resource Section

Have you ever wondered what CTE Programs of Study are available in your school district or in your region?  There is a website available where you can find that information called the Approved CTE Programs. Those interested can conduct a basic search by school name–or a more advanced search of programs by other identifiers such as location or career learning area.

It’s not too late!  Are you interested in learning more about the Oregon accelerated learning dashboard and/or the Oregon CTE participation dashboard? A training was offered September 20 on how to use the two new dashboards. The second training, called Strategies to support access and engagement in accelerated learning and CTE coursework, will be offered October 12, 3:30-5:00pm. Please register here.

Resource for Community Engagement

CTE Regional Coordinators and leaders in your school districts are a hidden wealth of information about partners with whom to engage this fall. They are in regular contact with leaders in the postsecondary institutions serving your district, as well as business and industry leaders in your communities. In the needs assessment, there are many questions about how high school is equipping students for lifelong learning and successful careers. Please consider working with your CTE Regional Coordinator to help you identify those that may provide valuable insight into your needs assessment and planning processes. In addition to listing the ESD teams, this spreadsheet contains tabs to help you connect with CTE Regional Coordinators as well as postsecondary partners.