Welcome to a new school year!
This Integrated Application Template aims to help applicants organize their application content prior to submitting their complete and final integrated application via Smartsheet between March 1 – March 31, 2023. We are providing this optional template in response to many requests. If you have a different way of organizing your information for the integrated application submission in March or have already begun collecting information in a different way, you are more than welcome to stay with your own process and tool.
Please note this specific template will not be submitted to ODE; rather it is provided as a tool for applicants to compile the necessary information prior to completing the Smartsheet submission in one sitting, by simply copying and pasting.
Important Dates and Deadlines
September is Attendance Awareness Month!
Please see the Highlighted Resources section for resources from Attendance Works on attendance awareness and addressing the root causes of chronic absenteeism.
Student Investment Account
September 1 - November 30 - 2021-22 Quarter 4/Annual Report Window
October 1 - October 30 - 2022-23 Quarter 1 Reporting Window
Program Specific Updates
Career and Technical Education - Perkins V
CTE Regional Coordinators: Your partners in community engagement
The Integrated Guidance positions CTE Regional Coordinators as critical partners in ensuring that CTE Programs of Study are aligned to, and validated by, local, regional and statewide workforce needs and economic development priorities. CTE Regional Coordinators have participated in a Labor Market Information (LMI) training with the Oregon Employment Department, met with their Local Workforce Analysts, and collaborated with post-secondary partners to prepare LMI materials for districts and local community colleges to reference as they begin their community engagement and needs assessment processes.
Districts and community colleges with CTE Programs of Study, or who are considering adding a new program, are required to engage partners in conversations to align their CTE programs to the regional labor market. Per the Perkins V Act, Section 134(c)(2)(B)(ii), high-quality CTE Programs of Study should connect learners with high-wage career opportunities in high-demand areas. CTE Regional Coordinators will communicate their region’s Labor Market Information to districts in September, along with an optional community engagement framework. Each district will be able to reference the information as they engage in their needs assessments and work to align their CTE programs to the regional labor market.
Through coordinated community engagement, aligned CTE Programs of Study, a shared understanding of regional needs, and pertinent labor market information, districts and community colleges will be able to build robust pathways for students’ continued success after graduation. It is recommended that districts and community colleges coordinate their partner engagement around CTE Programs of Study and regional labor market needs to further the required alignment between secondary and post-secondary CTE Programs of Study. Both groups will need to share the results of their needs assessments with their CTE Regional Coordinator as the Perkins V funding fiscal agents. The Regional Coordinator will synthesize and include the information in their regional planning. This intentional collaboration will help ensure the entire region is working towards providing a well-rounded education that builds rigorous, relevant, and authentic learning experiences for students along with connections, networks, and pathways for each individual’s successful transition to career.
ESSA Partnerships (CSI/TSI)
In June, ODE requested a progress update for school districts currently serving identified Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) and Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI) schools. This progress update is an important piece of our accountability and school improvement system and the submission timeline has been extended to September 15, 2022.
Review and Exit Process
- The US Department of Education requires states to ensure identified schools demonstrate progress towards improving student outcomes and ODE will review the aforementioned progress reports to satisfy this requirement.
- Currently identified schools will exit CSI or TSI status if they are not identified this fall and demonstrate sufficient progress in improving student outcomes, as captured through local data and anecdotal evidence submitted via the progress update.
- Schools that do not demonstrate sufficient progress will co-develop improvement strategies aligned to the needs of focal students and will receive technical assistance to support development and implementation of improvement plans.
ESSA Partnership Funds
This is a reminder that both the 2019-20 Supplement and 2020-21 ESSA Partnership funds expire September 30, 2022. Please reconcile these funds before turning to spend down the 2021-22 Partnership funds which expire September 30, 2023. If you have any questions pertaining to claiming these funds, please contact your District Grant Manager.
Every Day Matters
Please see the Every Day Matters webpage for back-to-school attendance resources for educators and families, such as the Too Sick for School flyer (available in 13 languages) and Why Attendance Matters Fact Sheet.
High School Success
We hope the school year is off to a great start, and thank those recipients who submitted their expenditure reports by the August 15 deadline. If you are still working on your expenditure report, please submit it as soon as possible and reach out to your District Grant Manager or ODE.EII@ode.oregon.gov if you have any questions.
Expenditure report instructions: We are no longer using SMapply. Instead, the expenditure reporting process will be completed in your HSS Smartsheet Dashboard. There are two sections of reporting due: Expenditure reporting with activity descriptions and Narrative responses on goals and outcomes. This video tutorial and instructions document outlines the steps for completing your HSS reporting.
Once the Expenditure report is approved, your District Grant Manager will be reaching out with next steps to complete a plan change this fall to balance 2022-23 HSS budgets, which will include 2022-23 allocation and 2021-22 carryover, if applicable.
Please keep tiered budgeting in mind to develop backup spending plans, and good luck with your Integrated Guidance community engagement in the fall. Please reach out to your point of contact for any questions or support!
What is required for SIA Plan Changes?
SIA Dashboards for Year 2 (Y2) will be released via new Smartsheet links and sent to grantees on October 1st. Similar to last year, Grantees will balance their 2022-23 budget for your Quarter 1 report. This will include completing the following:
- Update budgets and activities to align with actual Y2 allocations
- Identify FTE Type
Once the Quarter 1 reporting period closes, if grantees want to make Plan Changes throughout the year, review the SIA Plan Change Quick Guide to determine what Plan Change you want to make and next steps.
Highlighted Resources for the Month
September is Attendance Awareness Month!
Attendance Works (a national non-profit focused on reducing chronic absenteeism) has developed Attendance Awareness campaign materials and is hosting an Attendance Awareness Campaign webinar on September 28. Attendance Works also maintains an archive of webinars that focus on strategies that support welcoming school environments and feature student, school, and community partners. These materials may be used by schools and districts that are focused on raising student, family, and community awareness of the importance of attendance to student success. The Oregon Department of Education partners with Attendance Works in promoting attendance and addressing the root causes of chronic absenteeism.
Safe Routes to School
Needing a boost in planning your Safe Routes efforts this fall? Check out the Oregon Department of Transportation Safe Routes to School (ODOT SRTS) blog with resources for planning events, educational activities, and more to get students walking and rolling to school all year long. Read more here. Be sure to check out the Oregon Safe Routes resource page as well for more free resources!