UPDATED: The APOST Times Newsletter - October 2023

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October 2023

Consultants & Contractors Q&A

Autumn leaf

Don’t forget to register for the October Q&As

We’re so close to AWP implementation and working in live contracts. If you’re looking for an introduction to AASHTOWare Project that specifically addresses your work with AWP on ODOT jobs, join us in-person at the Salem Materials Lab or virtually through Teams at our next session.



In-person or Virtual

TUESDAY, October 10
1:30-3:00 pm



In-person or Virtual

WEDNESDAY, October 11
9:30-11 am


As an external learner to ODOT, you must have a Workday Learning account to access our courses. If you don't have one, create it here. After you establish your account, sign in and choose "Sign in using a Personal Device".


Hey, what’s my role?

Working within a role is one of the great parts of AWP. You select your role from a pulldown menu and then you have the access that you need to complete your work. You don’t have to look through unnecessary components and fields to complete your job. You see what you need.

Roles are not specific to a module. Your role allows you to move between modules if your job requires it. For instance, if you work as a CAS, you will work in Construction & Materials (CM) module for your role. You will also have some responsibilities in the Civil Rights & Labor (OCR) module as well, but your CAS role will work there, too.

Every user working in AWP will have a role. Some may have several roles depending on their responsibilities. You will be assigned your role(s) by your crew leader. We’ll set you up in AWP. And, if your responsibilities change or grow, we’ll get you into the role that will give you the proper access.

So, here’s a preview of the roles we’ll use in AWP. Look them over and consider what responsibilities you and your team members have.

Civil Rights & Labor

  • OCR – Data Admin
  • OCR – Workforce
  • OCR – Contract Review (Field Coordinator)


  • CM – Prime
  • CM – Subcontractor
  • CM – Contractor Lab QC Manager
  • CM – Prime Contractor Mat Test Reviewer
  • CM – Contractor Sample Tester
  • CM – Contractor Mix Design Entry


  • CM – CPM
  • Other roles share internal ODOT roles

Construction & Materials

  • CM – CAS (Contract Admin Specialist)
  • CM – Inspector
  • CM – TPM (Transportation Project Manager)
  • CM – CAU (Contract Admin Unit)
  • CM – CAE (Contract Administration Engineer)
  • CM – AM (Area Manager)
  • CM – RE (Resident Engineer)
  • CM – ARE (Assistant Resident Engineer)
  • CM – RE CP (Resident Engineer Consultant Projects)
  • CM – QCCS
  • CM – Materials Administrator
  • CM – Lab Administrator
  • CM – Region QA
  • CM – Sample Tester
  • CM – Materials Lab Crew Leader
  • CM – QPL (Quality Products List) Administrator 
  • CM – Receiving Technician
  • CM – Structure Services Lead
  • CM – Mix Design Review & Approve


One more time...how's your checklist?

Construction Cone

Consultants and Contractors: YES, we’re saying it again! And, YES, we know you’ve heard it before! Why do we keep repeating ourselves? We want you to be successful as you start your contracts in AWP. One way to do that is by getting your team ready for AWP. You can do that even before you have a contract assigned to work in AWP! And, before you have scheduled training.

Descriptions for each area are listed below. Need assistance? Have questions? Contact us at odoteconstruction@odot.Oregon.gov.

  • Workday Learning – There are required training courses for AWP. To access courses, every individual on your staff needs a Workday Learning account. If you are an external user and you don't have an account, create it here. After you establish your account, sign in and choose "Sign in using a Personal Device". Share this with your teams and subcontractors so they will be ready for training, too. (Links for role-based training will be provided in future newsletters.)
  • Getting Started – Before your user training, there is a prerequisite course in Workday. This will help you become familiar with some of the naming conventions and navigation in AWP. If you have taken it, you may take it again as a refresher. Getting Started.
  • OregonBuys – Register in OregonBuys to work with the state of Oregon on projects. If you haven’t registered, click here: https://oregonbuys.gov/bso/. Whether you’re working in AWP or not, everyone doing business with the state must be registered in OregonBuys. (Contractors, forward this link to your subcontractors so they can register, too.)
  • Staff List – Identify staff at your office who will need AWP training. Determine individual roles. Consider what areas your team needs to work successfully in AWP. Contact odoteconstruction@odot.Oregon.gov for details.
  • Payroll – Contractors and subcontractors will have new payroll processes to work in AWP. For a brief overview and a flowchart, see the June APOST Times. Additional details will be provided with AWP training materials.


Checklists for Consultants and Contractors

Train the Trainer is almost finished!

AWP Tablet

One more week of Train the Trainer (TTT). In our last week, we’re covering Contract Change Orders, Payment Estimates and Force Account work. These are important topics affecting our construction contracts. Our subject matter experts have spent long hours learning the best ways to explain how to work in AWP. And, for those subject matter experts (SMEs) who schedules were too busy, we have provided the TTT recordings to review for our upcoming user training.

Additionally, many of our ODOT trainers are System Admin specialists. They have been working in AWP and understand how we do things. Their expertise has helped to make AWP the best fit for us.

Next, we’ll be finalizing our selection of the first contracts in AWP. Once those are determined, the responsible offices and contractors will be scheduled for training. Watch for details about the contracts that will be the first to start in AWP.


Shout Out

Man on a Mountain

Shout out to Katie Miller, Brion Scott, Jodi Wagner and Christa Vogt: They represent ODOT construction unit members who attended multiple trainings of our Train the Trainer sessions over the last 4 weeks.

Over 50 ODOT subject matter experts from civil rights, construction and materials came to learn how to teach users from their ODOT teams and others to work with AWP.

These trainers will assist their offices with AWP training in their subject areas when contracts are assigned later this year.
Thank you to everyone who was able to attend these training sessions, despite busy schedules.


Questions? Comments? Interested in becoming a team member?

Contact us and let us know.

Check out our website at

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