The APOST Times Newsletter - August 2023

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August 2023

Consultants and ODOT Brown Bag

Computer keyboard


Tuesday, August 22

12 Noon – 1:30 pm


The American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) and ODOT host a monthly learning session held during lunch. If you are a member of ACEC or an employee at ODOT, you are invited to join to learn more about AWP. This will be presented virtually through Microsoft Teams.

Register in Workday Learning

Internal ODOT users log in on your state computers.

External users, if you don't have an account, create it here.
After you establish your account, sign in and choose
"Sign in using a Personal Device".


Consultants & Contractors Q&A

Autumn leaf

Coming in September!

See dates and times in our next newsletter

We’re very busy and very excited. We’re so close to AWP implementation and working in live contracts. If you’re looking for an introduction to AASHTOWare Project that specifically addresses your work with AWP on ODOT jobs, join us in-person at the Salem Materials Lab or virtually through Teams at our next session.

As an external learner to ODOT, you must have a Workday Learning account to access our courses. If you don't have one, create it here. After you establish your account, sign in and choose "Sign in using a Personal Device".


Rumors: Implementation Date

Man on a telephone


As we get closer and closer to our go live time, rumors have begun to circulate. We want to provide accurate information to some of the questions we are hearing in the rumor mill.


You may have heard that AASHTOWare Project will not implement until February 2024. Well, there has been a little delay, but not that much of one! Crews will start to be trained in AWP beginning in October 2023 and our first projects in AWP begin in November!

We’ve adopted a strategic approach so we can train crews and contractors as their projects are awarded. Due to the number of projects to be awarded this winter, and ODOT’s ability to provide just-in-time training resources, not all projects will go into AWP right away. We’ll begin with the longer duration, more complicated projects going first.

Some projects awarded after October may still be managed in Doc Express. Once your crew is trained in AWP, all your crew’s projects will be in AWP going forward.

Have you heard other rumors? Or have questions about AASHTOWare? Please reach out to us at We are happy to answer any questions.


Pre-AWP Checklists

Consultants and Contractors: There are several things you need to address or complete before training in and using AWP. Descriptions for each area are listed below. Check your list! Is your team ready?

  • OregonBuys – Register in OregonBuys to work with the state of Oregon on projects. If you haven’t registered, click here: Whether you’re working in AWP or not, everyone doing business with the state must be registered in OregonBuys. (Contractors, forward this link to your subcontractors so they can register, too.)
  • Workday Learning – There are required training courses for AWP. To access courses, every individual on your staff needs a Workday Learning account. If you are an external users and you don't have an account, create it here. After you establish your account, sign in and choose "Sign in using a Personal Device". Share this with your teams and subcontractors so they will be ready for training, too. (Links for role-based training will be provided in future newsletters.)
  • Staff List – Identify staff at your office who will need AWP training. Determine individual roles. Consider what areas your team needs to work successfully in AWP. Contact for details.
  • Payroll – Contractors and subcontractors will have new payroll processes to work in AWP. For a brief overview and a flowchart, see the June APOST Times. Additional details will be provided with AWP training materials.
  • Getting Started – Before training, there is a prerequisite course to become familiar with some of the naming conventions and navigation in AWP. The link for this training will be available soon.

Checklists for Consultants and Contractors

Training Our Trainers

How can you know that we’re close to starting AWP? We’ve scheduled the time to train our ODOT trainers!

These trainers will train our users. They include subject matter experts who work hands on with the AWP program and in our day-to-day construction-related fields. Our trainers also include System Admin specialists. They are the ones who have been working in AWP as it’s been developed. Infotech experts will train our ODOT trainers in AWP processes and program information. Then, we will share that knowledge with you, the users, to use for your role in AWP.

What does that mean for you? We promise to be training users right before you work on your contract in AWP. The Train-the-Trainer sessions happen right before actually training users. And the Train-the-Trainer sessions start next month! So, we’ll be looking at contracts soon and making decisions on which Region offices and contracts are first in line to start in AWP.


Shout Out

Shout Out from Mountaintop

Shout to ODOT’s Adam Rose: Adam has jumped back into the Materials group providing much needed support. We really appreciate all the time you are putting in to help make this tool the best for the end users. Thank you, Adam!

Shout out to ODOT’s Mike Lippsmeyer: Mike has taken a deep dive into the APOST project to help us be successful. He is sharing his knowledge and experience of all things system administration, preconstruction and estimation and without his knowledgeable background on AWP this project would be so much harder. Mike, we appreciate your partnership in getting the C&M and CRL modules added to the existing PreCon and Estimation modules which completes our AWP unified database. Thank you!


Contractors and consultants, we’re available to share at your next meeting!
Interested? Contact us at

Questions? Comments? Interested in becoming a team member?

Contact us and let us know.

Check out our website at

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