The new Oregon Transparency website was launched on December 13, 2023, and includes updated style, content, navigation, presentation and integrated information/data tools.
One Stop. Multiple Resources.
The new Oregon Transparency Website provides details on state spending and performance. Transparency website visitors can find information and resources for multiple topics including public meetings, public records, state salaries, revenue, budgets and more. The website rebuild strategy included insight and feedback from current users, agencies, committees and analytical data to address and improve each user's experience.
Special Announcement.
Beginning next month, February 2024, the Transparency Newsletter will join the Enterprise Information Services (EIS) Digest, a combined newsletter that provides news, announcements and information of the family of EIS programs. This will be the last issue of the Transparency Bulletin, so watch for ongoing Transparency news in the in the EIS Digest!
We truly thank you for your interest and subscription to the Transparency Bulletin.
Transparency Bytes
Oregon State Workforce and Salaries
State workforce, position creation, compensation and funding are always in the forefront of budget discussions.
Contracts and Procurement
Department of Administrative Services Procurement Services, Oregon cooperative procurement program, OregonBuys procurement services and outside contracts.
Higher Education Resources
Explore statewide Community Colleges, Universities, independent/private institutions and related reports.
Oregon's Enterprise Zones
There are currently 76 enterprise zones in the state of Oregon that create better opportunities for business and employment across Oregon.