OSDE - SES May 3, 2022 - Internal Updated Version

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**IMPORTANT!!** Special Education Phone Lines

Currently, the office of Special Education Services is under renovations. Due to the renovations all of our phones are unplugged.

If you need assistance please email the specialist or coordinator, and we will get your email to the correct correspondence. 

Appreciate your patience during all of this, and apologize for the inconvenience this may cause. 


**NEW** Policies & Procedure Handbook Draft

  • OSDE-SES Policies and Procedure handbook is now open for Public Comment. 

Any party interested in making comments can send an email to Abby Johnson with a subject title "PUBLIC COMMENT" no later than May 24, 2022. Public Hearing Dates for public oral comments are scheduled for Tuesday, May 3, 2022 and Tuesday, May 10, 2022 from 10:00AM until 12:00PM.

Public Notice 

Special Education Services Policies and Procedures (Draft)

**NEW** Special Education Teachers in a Rural District?

Special education teacher shortages are taking a toll on rural districts, and for that reason, researchers at Old Dominion UniversityWest Virginia University, and Radford University are working together collaboratively to learn more about current professional learning and development experiences offered to special education teachers in rural communities.

This brief anonymous national survey has been approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB), and we kindly request your help by participating and/or disseminating the survey. 

The survey will take approximately 12-15 minutes of your time. Please see our Survey Flyer for more information. 

Indicator 14 - Post-School Outcomes Survey Guidance Brief

The Oklahoma State Department of Education, Special Education Services (OSDE-SES) annually surveys exiters (students who exit the IDEA) aged 16 and up a year after they graduate, dropout, or age out and reports the following data to the U.S. Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP). The results are reflected in the annual District Determination Profile (DDP) and districts are measured against targets.

It is important to have a high response rate in the Post-School Outcomes (POS) Survey to ensure that the data represent the State and improve effective transition programs and services. 

Please see the Indicator 14: Post-School Outcomes information below on ways you can improve your district's and our State's survey response rates.

  → Indicator 14: Post-School Outcomes Information Webinar Slide Deck

  → Indicator 14: Post-School Outcomes Informational Webinar Recording


OAAP Teachers Input Needed

Accessible Teaching, Learning, and Assessment Systems (ATLAS) at the University of Kansas is seeking teachers of students with the most significant cognitive disabilities in grades 3-12 to participate in a survey about making instructional decisions. The purpose of this research is to understand how teachers think about academics and how they make decisions on what to teach. 

Survey will close on Monday. May 9th 

OAAP Update

An OAAP update has recently been posted on 3/21/22.  You can find the most recent information regarding the Spring Testing Window, Manual Links, TIP Sheets, High School Testing, and what the No Test Access Message means.    

OAAP Testing Window

The OAAP testing window opened on March 21st and will remain open until May 17th. Please reach out to Caroline Misner or Kristen Coleman, if you have any questions or need assistance with OAAP testing.  


**NEW** FY2023 LEA Agreement

The FY23 LEA Agreement is now available online. You can access the LEA Agreement through the GMS. Your FY23 Assurances must be complete before beginning the LEA Agreement. Both must be submitted by June 30, 2020.

Should you have any questions please contact your finance specialist.

FY2023 Assurances

The FY2023 Assurances are now available online. Assurances must be completed prior to July 1st. You can access the Assurances through your Single Sign On, then click on the Grants Management/Expenditure Reporting. Once on the GMS Access Select page, you will need to change the Select Fiscal Year to 2023 then proceed to create your Assurances. If assistance is needed please contact your finance specialist. 

Transition from DUNS Number to Unique Entity Identifier (UEI)

Starting on April 4, 2022, the Integrated Award Environment (IAE) systems (i.e., SAM.gov, FPDS, eSRS, FSRS, FAPIIS, and CPARS) will comply with the Federal Government’s requirement to end use of the DUNS Number for Federal award management. The U.S. Department of Education’s Grants Management System (G5) will also implement this transition on April 4, 2022. View Transition from DUNS Number to Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) for more information. 


**UPDATED** End of Year Training

The in-person and on-line end of year data collection training sessions have concluded. Please refer to our website for comprehensive information and guidance. The website has a link to the online training, a copy of the training slides, and the EOY Reporting Guidance document, which contains nearly everything you need to know to report successfully. The website also contains all templates and related documents.

If you need one-on-one assistance prior to the close of the collection period (June 30), you may call us at any time, or you may register for virtual or in-person scheduled assistance.

We are holding two day-long “open door” sessions this year in May.

Registration links are available on our 2022 End of Year Data Collection Training Flyer.


**NEW** 2022 Directors Summit

Oklahoma State Department Special Education Services will be holding the 2022 Directors Summit following OKEngage around Oklahoma in July. 

  • Only 1 person per district is allowed to register overall.
  • Limited capacity per event is 50.
  • Each day will be held from 9:00AM to 4:00PM

Hurry and get your ticket before we sell out! 


Registration is now OPEN:

Updated Directors Summit

Deaf Education Conference 2022


Pre-Conference  June 6 - 7, 2022

Conference   June 8 - 9, 2022  

Registration for the Oklahoma Deaf Education Conference is now open and we have a great conference planned! We can't wait to host everyone at OSD! 

Attached you will find a flyer with information about the conference, presenters, and our very special guest! To register, please click on the link or use the QR code which will take you to the registration website. On the website you will find registration, a full schedule, list of presenters, and lodging information.

The pre-conference will have 2 tracks. There will be a track for educational interpreters who have not yet achieved a QAST level IV or EIPA level 4 (like OEITI) and a track for early intervention/early childhood. The main conference will have three tracks which will be for all educational interpreters, early intervention and early childhood, and teachers of the deaf.

Thanks to the Oklahoma State Department of Education, this conference is being offered at no cost to in-state attendees. Reimbursement for lodging is available through OSDE-SES Project 613. Districts will need to complete an online application through the Grants Management System (GMS). For reimbursement, districts will need to submit an online Expenditure Report through the GMS.

For more information, see Empowering All flyer and registration

**NEW** 2022 MTSS Summer Conference - Supporting the Whole Child


The annual Oklahoma MTSS Summer Conference will feature oral presentations, stakeholder buy-in, prevention and intervention methods, mental health and integration alignment, classroom strategies, and other aspects of implementing a multi-tiered system of support for school communities.

When: June 21-22, 2022

Time: 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM

Where: Edmond Conference Center, 2833 Conference Drive, Edmond, Oklahoma 73034 (405) 285-0900

Register for the MTSS Summer Conference: Supporting the Whole Child

Professional Development

**NEW** Office of Special Education Services State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP) for K-3 School Sites: Professional Development Sequence

The SSIP Tier 2 support offers a comprehensive Professional Development sequence to Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (ATSI) and non-ATSI K-3 school sites. The PD sequence for the three-year designation seeks to improve early literacy outcomes for K-3 students. 

Free Secondary Transition Professional Development Opportunities

Professional Development for Oklahoma Teachers- 

The OSDE-SES has partnered with the OU Zarrow Center to provide free high quality professional development to improve secondary transition planning and better outcomes for students. 


Zarrow Summer Virtual Professional Development Institute

Tuesday's, May 31st through August 2nd from 9:00AM until Noon (CST)

Session Topics:

  • Transition Planning
  • Student Involvement in the IEP
  • Strength-Based Assessment
  • Literacy Skills for Employment
  • Research to Practice Lesson Starters
  • Post-Secondary Goal Exploration 

                 And More!! 

**Approved for Project 613

Learn more and Register with the Zarrow Summer Virtual Professional Development Flyer

Other News

Educational Interpreter Registry

If your district employs educational interpreters, please verify that they are on the OSDE Educational Interpreter Registry.  All interpreters in an educational setting are required to be on the registry and are required to obtain yearly CEUs. 


Sign Up to Receive Text

Stay up to date with important deadlines, special education information, announcements, trainings and more!

Once you’ve enrolled, we’ll text you when a communication from Special Education Services hits your inbox and provide a link where you can view the message online using your mobile phone.

                                View sign-up instructions here.
