Mo HealthNet Monthly-September Edition

mhnm title

September, 2022 |  Vol. 8   No. 3

hello sept

Deputy Director's Corner

Happy September, everyone!

If you go to our intranet, and click on Professional Development, and then click on training, you will see upcoming MHD trainings, including our MHD 101 Overviews. Consider attending one or all of these! You’ll also see BIS-EDW Cognos and Jira trainings that are available to you, as well.

If you go to our provider page for Fee-for-Service or Managed Care you can find a wealth of resource material, too. Consider looking at the upcoming webinars and registering to listen to those.

Are you familiar with our new Show Me Healthy Kids health plan for children in state care and custody, including foster children? You can find information about it here as well.

On the intranet you can also find the Cheers for Peers page, along with new team member resources. If you are on Anna Wainscott’s team or Lauren Slover’s team you ought to go take a look at the nice things they said about you!

best in class

On July 30, MO HealthNet’s new telemedicine regulation took effect. I want to thank Jamie and Nanci and everyone else who worked on this. I found out today that there are some other great telemedicine resources out there. The Heartland Telehealth Resource Center has videos and other resource materials. Also, Missouri has the Show Me ECHO program that offers a Telehealth ECHO, and on the website you can see recorded sessions. We want to educate our providers as much as we can about telemedicine, so these are great sources of information you can point them to in addition to our state regulation and policy manuals. If you clicked the link above to see MHD’s upcoming webinars, you saw that we are offering our own telemedicine training for providers.

I hope everyone is ready to enjoy some cooler fall weather, because I think as we get into mid-September, we will be seeing some of that.



Q: What is it called when a tree takes time off from work in autumn?


A: Paid leaf

Data Governance Corner

data gov

In past months, we’ve talked a lot about data governance, dashboards, and reports in the Business Intelligence Solution-Enterprise Data Warehouse (BIS-EDW). We have not yet discussed how you get access to the dashboards and reports in the BIS-EDW.

While many of you may have had access to Cognos for a very long time, the Cognos you have access to is the legacy or Wipro data warehouse and Cognos. All new reports and dashboards are being built in Cognos through the BIS-EDW which is access through the Single Sign-On Portal, which looks like this:

cognos sign in screen

MHD does not have the licensing constraints in the BIS-EDW that we did in the legacy system, so if you or your staff need access, we can get you provisioned, or set up. Provisioning is an easy process on the MHD side. All that is needed is to navigate to  complete this form and email it to There are no right or wrong answers to the questions on the form. They are simply there to make sure you, or your staff, are getting the correct access to do the work that is needed. Once the form is sent to the Security Officer, it can take up to two weeks to get through the process. As always, if you have any questions around security or access, please reach out to Rachael Schmitz, MHD Security Control Officer.

MHD Happenings

Mo leadership grad

Missouri Leadership Academy Graduation

On August 3rd, 2022 Mo HealthNet's very own Justin Clutter, Transformation Office Project Manager, along with Umo Ironbar-Brandt, Special Counsel for the Missouri Medicaid Audit and Compliance Division and Kayla Ueligger, Project Manager for the Children’s Division, were the 8th Graduating Class of the Missouri Leadership Academy. Congratulations!!

state f

Jackie Bollinger is an Education and Training Specialist in the Education and Training Unit. She represented MHD at the Missouri State Fair on August 17th and shared flyers for the State Fair's Senior Day. Jackie is in the photo to the right with Robert Knodell, Director of Social Services and Carrie Morrow, the Director’s Executive Assistant. Robert was calling out BINGO numbers for Senior Day. 

best in class

This is a shoutout to Will Morgan from one of our managed care health plan’s compliance officers: 

“I wanted to let you know we appreciate the support William has provided through implementation, including the marketing training he provided yesterday. We had a great conversation during the training with some questions that he provided an answer and/or response with a follow-up within a fairly short amount of time. I know many may view this as not the most exciting work but he knows the importance of it to be able to implement under some tight timeframes. I know we all have a lot going on and I just wanted to make sure you are aware that his work along with many others on your team does not go unnoticed on our end. Thank you again for the support you and your team provide and do not hesitate to call me if you have any questions.”

Welcome to MHD!

Makenzy Henke

Makenzy Henke joined MHD as a Benefit Program Specialist in the Third Party Liability Unit. She previously worked at the Children's Division in Callaway County and she has her Bachelors in Psychology and minor in Sociology. Makenzy and her husband live here in Jefferson City with their two dogs-Sully and Rex, and they are expecting their first baby in November. Welcome to MHD, Makenzy!


  • Lauren Slover promoted to a Third Party Liability Operations Manager position on August 22nd. Congrats, Lauren!
  • Erica Peart joined the Clinical Program and Policy Unit as a Clinical Program and Policy Liaison on August 25th. Congrats, Erica!
  • Leslie Bittle will be joining the Administration Unit on September 20th, taking over Gail Luecke's duties when she retires at the end of October. Congrats, Leslie!

In the Spotlight

We have had so many changes and new faces at MHD the past couple years that we decided to bring back our "Employee Spotlight - Who's Who at MHD" section. If you haven't completed the questionnaire yet, please do so and return to Gail Luecke or Madelyn Craig


Meet Danica Bialczyk. (BAL-zik)

“Outside of work, I am a mommy to two amazing kiddos whom like to keep us on our toes. My family is heavily involved with our church and we enjoy going to our small town community events. My family owns a restaurant in Bland, MO called the ‘Rustic Garden’, where we serve home-style food and homemade desserts. Occasionally, I help manage the restaurant if my brother is away. We are currently living with my parents while we build our own forever home— I know, bad timing. But, we look forward to our new adventures.”

Danica has worked with MHD just over eight years, she currently works in the Quality Oversight Unit within Managed Care. Danica conducts quality and oversight functions for Managed Care including developing and running reports, maintaining efficiency measures, and ensuring that the health plans follow their contracts and reporting requirements. “It sounds cliché, but I really do work with the dream team. We are all new to the unit, and in it to win it together.” Danica takes a little bit of the best features from everyone she works with, “I am a people person and a people watcher, so I absorb all the positivity I can.” Danica has grown professionally and more knowledgeable at MHD by making leaps and bounds. She has also taken advantage of the Linked in Learning, one of the many resources that the state offers. By gaining experience in the MMIS unit and Managed Care unit, it has taught Danica how to effectively and efficiently run meetings, how to present herself as a knowledgeable professional, and she can now see the “Big Picture” of Medicaid. “My favorite thing about working at MHD is that it is a generally happy place and everyone gets along, other divisions don’t always have the same atmosphere we do here at MHD. I also love our team building days because we are able to get to know all of the people we communicate with daily—we spend most of our waking day away from family and friends, so building relationships at work help it sting a little less when away from loved ones.”

The culture here at MHD is positive, and I appreciate the efforts to become more inclusive and help improve the atmosphere at MHD since returning to the Howerton building post-covid. The part of our mission Danica connects with most is, “Together. Just the first word of the statement hits home. There is nothing a single person can do in our division if it weren’t for someone else helping out as well. We are all working together and that is so vital to the success of Mo HealthNet.” Danica also noted the following about our leadership team. “Leadership really does have our back. I feel like our current leadership team is really working hard to help keep employees happy, informed, and our best interest at heart as much as possible.”

Jay Carver

Meet Jay Carver.

Outside of work Jay spends a lot of his free time watching movies with his wife. “My wife didn’t watch a lot of TV growing up, so it gives me the opportunity to re-watch a lot of the classics. One of my favorite movies would have to be, ‘Big Trouble in Little China’, I’ve probably seen it 20 times or so.”

Jay joined us here at MHD from MMAC in April of 2022, and he currently works in the Managed Care Quality Oversight Unit where he performs reports on health plans. “My team is smart and hardworking and I enjoy the steady flow of work we have at MHD.” Prior to joining us at DSS, Jay worked in other state agencies for a few years starting at the Department of Revenue and then Department of Labor and Industrial Relations. “I enjoy working for DSS/MHD because we are always hard at work ensuring all of Missouri has access to affordable healthcare and it’s also a fun place to work. I appreciate that our leadership team acknowledges the hard work we do at MHD. I also enjoy that we are given the opportunity to have a flexible work schedule.”

Tami Jo

Meet Tami Jo Wilson.

Tami Jo has been with MHD since August 1st, 2005 and she is retiring March 31st, 2023—not much longer, Tami! After retirement Tami plans on travelling more. “I love the beaches & the native people are so friendly. My favorite places I have traveled to would be Aruba, Punta Cana, and the Dominican Republic.” In the meantime you can find Tami lounging in her swimming pool, hitting yard sales, or doing work around the farm. “Year round I like to go eat at different places & spend time with my granddaughter; each day is a blessing to me. In the winter months I enjoy reading some good books.”

Tami currently works in the Constituent Services unit, and said she has an awesome team that is always willing to help each other. Tami currently handles referrals from other units, returned mail, legislative inquiries, and any other duties assigned to her. “I have been fortunate to have worked with a diverse team of employee’s during my 18 years with MHD. Our division leaders we have now have been the best I’ve worked with since I started—they have been really involved with MHD employees and showing that they really care about us.” Throughout the years Tami has taken advantage of the different trainings that the state provides. “I really enjoy being able to work hybrid because of the high prices of fuel and the way the economy is now, hybrid work is saving me money!!” Tami has attended the yearly Christmas Luncheons and picnics, and is hoping to be invited as a retiree! Tami enjoys helping participants with their issues or concerns and her biggest accomplishment is helping those in need with their Medicaid issues or payments on their premiums. “While working at MHD I have realized that anyone can fall on hard times at any time and may need state assistance, and helping those in their time of need has been very rewarding to me.” Trying to help Missourians live healthier lives is the part of our Mission Tami connects with most.  


Beginning July 16, 2022, the National Suicide Prevention Hotline transitioned to an easier-to-remember phone number, 9-8-8.  The change is being made to make it easier for people to call or text when experiencing a mental health crisis. 

Click here to read more 

Out of Office Happenings


Glenda Kremer became a grandma for the 4th time on August 28th, 2022. "Riley Nichole Keilty was born on Sunday, 8/28/22.  She is a perfect, beautiful baby girl!" Congratulations, Glenda- she's precious!



Terri Woodward became a grandma on August 3rd, 2022. Her grandson, Cohen Joshua, was born at 12:59 a.m. weighing 8lbs 10 oz. and 21.5 inches long. Mom and baby are both doing great. Congratulations, Terri-he is adorable!

lee baby

Lee Gerloff welcomed a beautiful baby boy, Kayden Eli on July 19th, 2022. Kayden weighed 8.5 lbs and was 20.5 inches long. Mom and baby are doing great. Congratulations, Lee-he's a cutie!

Fatimah’s daughter, Azariah 14, was nominated by Thomas Jefferson Middle School counselors to attend the Joseph Baldwin Academy at Truman State University. Azariah spent the entire month of July at TSU and earned two scholarships to take a Music Psychology class. She was able to learn how music influences brain function. The human brains pictured were donated to science.

F. Jennings

First Day Back to School

back to school

Click here to see Who's Who!


September 6, Labor Day: Labor Day pays tribute to the contributions and achievements of American workers and is traditionally observed on the first Monday in September.

September 11, Patriot day: On this day we remember those who were injured or killed on September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in the US. 

September 15, International Day of Democracy:  The International Day of Democracy provides an opportunity to review the state of democracy in the world.

September 21, International Day of Peace: The UN General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, through observing 24 hours of non-violence and cease-fire. 

September 23, National Native American Day: This day is observed annually on the second Monday in October, celebrating the cultures and contributions of the many Native American tribes. 

September 25, Rosh Hashanah begins (Jewish): This day is the beginning of the Jewish New Year, a time for reflection in the faith. 

September 27, World Tourism Day: This day aims to raise awareness of the importance of tourism in affecting the social, cultural, political, and economic values of the international community.


4 Proven Ways to Become a Better People Manager

  • Identify each person’s strengths
  • Practice transparent communication
  • Find the right motivation
  • Be consistent

Follow this link to read more!

Training and Field Trip Opportunities

  • September 8-Pharmacy 101 at 1:30 p.m. in CR 202
  • September 13-DHSS Tour at 2 p.m. (930 Wildwood Dr.)
  • September 19-DMH Tour at 10 a.m. (Contact Ashley if interested.)
  • September 21-Program Operations at 9:30 a.m. in CR 202
  • Trainings: Follow this link to view upcoming trainings

MHD's Wipro Tour

Nearly 30 MHD team members took the opportunity to check out the new facility that Wipro recently renovated. Wipro supports MHD in several business areas including Pharmacy/MORx, Behavioral Health & Exceptions helpdesks, Enrollment Broker Contact Center, Participant Services and Providers Relations. Here is a brief description of each of their business areas. 

wipro tour
wipro conf rm

Wipro has several conference rooms available that can be utilized by MHD staff. The Show Me Room is equipped with WiFi, plenty of seating, and several ports to plug in your laptop. If you have any questions about reserving a conference room reach out to Ashley Wilson

connections update

hbd sept

9/2 Ryan Gesch

9/16 Katrina Falter

9/24  Kathyrn Dinwiddie

9/3  Briana Rutherford

9/17 Julie Pace

9/26 Danica Bialczyk

9/3 Linda Archer

9/21  Becky Schulte

9/26 Nora Lotsu

9/12 Denise Sappenfield

9/23  Kelsley Koetting

9/29 Jessica Gallup

9/13 Sarah Schrimpf

9/23 Lisa Hogg

9/30 Michelle Kohrmann

9/11 remembrance

"It is not just the tragedy of September 11, 2001 that we must remember, but the feeling of unity that we felt on September 12, 2001."

This article, "The Story of 9/11 and United Flight 93" (Friends of Flight 93 National Memorial), touches on how the passengers on Flight 93 were able to take control of the hijacked airplane and gives more information about the Flight 93's National Memorial.

This article, "Phone Calls from Flight 93" (National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, December 16, 2021), contains phone call records that the passengers and crew members made to authorities during the hijacking. 


Sopapilla Cheesecake

From the kitchen (and Pinterest) of Madelyn Craig

sopapilla cheesecake



  • 2 (8oz.) packs of Pillsbury crescent rolls
  • 2 (8oz.) packs of cream cheese, room temperature
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1/4 cup butter (melted)
  • 1 tablespoon cinnamon
  • 4 tablespoons sugar
  • honey





  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Spray 9 x 13 baking dish with cooking spray.
  3. Press a can of the crescent rolls to the bottom of the dish, making sure to reach edges and keep together.
  4. Bake the first layer of crescent roll dough till just done maybe 5-8 minutes. (Optional, that way I make sure it is done-I don't like raw dough)
  5. Combine softened cream cheese, sugar, and vanilla.
  6. Spread mixture over crescent rolls.
  7. Roll the remaining crescent roll over the top and stretch to the edges and seal.
  8. Brush across the entire top of the crescent roll with the melted butter.
  9. Sprinkle the top with 1 tablespoon cinnamon and 4 tablespoons of sugar.
  10. Bake for about 30 minutes, or until golden brown.
  11. Eat warm (it will be a hot mess!) or let cool and chill for several hours before serving.
  12. Slice into triangles or squares, drizzle with a little honey if you like and serve.

If you would like to submit a recipe send an email to Madelyn Craig. Keep those recipes coming and enjoy these delicious treats!!