September 13, 2022
For users of the Appropriation Maintenance Application (AMA) and Budget Planning and Analysis System (BPAS).
All budget systems will be unavailable Saturday, September 17 at 6:00 a.m. through Sunday, September 18 at 2:00 p.m., as the State of Minnesota Administrative Portal (HUB) will be offline for system maintenance. Users should plan work outside of those times.
Base budgets and change item requests are due Monday, October 17, 2022. By October 17, agencies need to complete their base budget in BPAS, enter change items requests in BPAS including descriptions and funding summary information, and submit change item narratives to the Budget Division Document Management SharePoint site.
Instructions are posted on the 2024-25 Biennial Budget Instructions webpage and include details, steps, timelines, and resources to help agencies complete tasks.
Agency background budget narratives will be published to the MMB website on October 3, 2022.
Agency base budget information will be published to the MMB website on November 30, 2022, except for forecast agencies which will have their base information published after the November 2022 Forecast. Change item requests for non-executive and constitutional office will be published with their base budget information.
Budget Operations is hosting online workshops every Wednesday afternoon, from 2pm-3pm, to help agencies complete base budgets and change item requests in BPAS. Workshops are great for users who have specific questions about their agency budget tasks or users who would like to walk through the steps needed to complete base budget or change item tasks.
Read the BPAS and DE Workshop Information email for additional details including login information.
Appropriation Module There are three videos available for the appropriation module. The appropriation videos help users understand what the appropriation module is used for, how data is organized and entered for current accounts, how to add new accounts, and how to view and enter transfers.
- Overview of the Appropriation Module
- Adding Accounts
- Entering Transfers
Change Module The change module includes three videos, two of which are relevant to users at this point in the process. Learn how to create new change items and enter required descriptions and funding summary information.
- Creating Change Items and Entering Descriptions
- Entering Funding Summary Information
BPAS Webinars Recordings of the two webinars held in August are posted on the BPAS Training Video webpage. The 35-minute Budget process webinar details agency timelines, actions, and deliverables for the 2024-25 biennium. The 90-minute Introduction to BPAS webinar offers an introduction to the Budget Planning and Analysis System and includes an in-system demonstration for each module.
View all training videos and webinars on the BPAS Training Video webpage. Change Item tutorials and webinars are on page two.
MMB Budget Operations has a number of resources available to assist agencies with using AMA and BPAS.
- A library of training videos is available on MMB's website that provide instruction on all system functions and feature in-system demonstrations.
- The system User Guides and glossaries are excellent resources for new and experienced users. Linked in each system's help menu, the guides are also available on MMB's website
One-on-one assistance with AMA or BPAS is available by appointment. Email to request a time.
Have a question about or a suggestion for improving the budget systems? Email it to Budget Operations at, Subject: Budget Systems Newsletter.