November 20, 2019
For users of the AMA, BPAS, and CBS budget systems.
The SWIFT, Self Service and Administrative Portal upgrade begins Wednesday evening, November 27 and continues through Monday, December 2. During the upgrade process, the budget systems will be unavailable beginning at approximately 1:00 PM on Saturday, November 29. The systems are planned to be available again on Monday, December 2.
If there are unforeseen circumstances, the project team will keep working through the upgrade into Monday, December 2. The plan is to return all statewide systems to full operation as soon as possible on Monday, December 2, but no later than the start of business on Tuesday, December 3.
The upgrade will change the Portal URL but will not change how users log in to access the budget systems. The steps are the same: view the October 22 Budget Systems Newsletter.
Here’s what you can do now to prepare:
After the upgrade, every user’s Portal Homepage will display a System Status tile.
 Select this tile to open the System Status page for messages about statewide systems status updates.
 Select the System Status page tile to display the full message text and the status for each system:
 Select Budget Applications to display the statuses of each budget system. Return to the Homepage by pressing the My Homepage back button or icon.
The percentage of BPAS users who are satisfied or very satisfied with the system more than doubled in the latest statewide systems user survey. The survey conducted last May by MMB’s Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) was the first survey to capture user feedback on BPAS 2.0 released in summer 2018.
Last conducted in 2017, the survey asks users of each of the eight statewide systems to rate their level of satisfaction with the system overall, as well as the quality of training and materials. The percentage of BPAS users rating their overall satisfaction with the system a four (satisfied) or five (very satisfied) increased from 24 percent to 58 percent; 54 percent of AMA users reported a four or five, up from 38 percent in 2017.
The chart below summarizes the percentage of budget system users surveyed who rate their overall level of satisfaction a three (neutral) or higher.
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Have a question about or a suggestion for improving the budget systems? Email it to Budget Operations at, Subject: Budget Systems Newsletter.