Minnesota Housing and its partners are pleased to announce the 2024 Consolidated Request for Proposals (RFP) are now open for applications! The annual Consolidated RFP process makes funding available to help build and preserve homes that are affordable in communities throughout Minnesota. With your partnership, we can help Minnesotans live and thrive in a safe, stable home they can afford in a community of their choice.
Read on for the latest guidance for Single Family and Multifamily applications.
In this eNews
In Case You Missed It (ICYMI)
Minnesota Housing’s 2024 Single Family Consolidated Request for Proposals are Now Open for Applications!
The Single Family Consolidated Request for Proposals (RFP) is a competitive process that provides funding through the Community Homeownership Impact Fund (Impact Fund) and the Workforce and Affordable Homeownership Development programs for a variety of homeownership activities. The goal of the programs is to increase the supply of affordable, owner-occupied, single-family housing while maintaining the safety and habitability of existing owner-occupied, single-family homes in communities throughout Minnesota. Funds are available for cities, federally recognized American Indian Tribes or subdivisions located in Minnesota, tribal housing corporations, private developers, nonprofit organizations, school districts, cooperative units as defined in Minnesota Statute 123A.24 subdivision 2, and charter schools.
Important Dates
Homeownership Funding
- Grant funds
- Deferred loan funds
- Housing Infrastructure Bonds proceeds deferred loans
- Interim construction loans
Single Family Eligible Uses
- Affordability Gap: Deferred loans or grants to homebuyers to cover the difference between the purchase price of a home and the first mortgage for which a homebuyer qualifies
- Acquisition, rehabilitation, and resale of owner-occupied, single-family homes
- Land acquisition, demolition and utility connections (community land trusts only)
- New construction of owner-occupied, single-family homes, including townhomes, rowhomes, twinhomes and single family detached homes.
- Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation: Deferred loans or grants to homeowners to cover the costs of home rehabilitation or to write down Community Fix Up interest rates
- Value Gap: Grants to administrators to cover the difference between the total development cost and appraised value of a home
- Tribal Indian Housing Program (TIHP): Grants to TIHP administrators to recapitalize TIHP revolving funds
Application Tools
Contact and Technical Assistance
Minnesota Housing’s 2024 Multifamily Consolidated Request for Proposals/2025 Housing Tax Credits Round 1 are Now Open for Applications!
The Multifamily Consolidated Request for Proposals (RFP) is a competitive funding round, offered once per year, which provides a means of "one stop shopping" by consolidating and coordinating multiple multifamily housing funding resources into one application process. It deploys significant capital funds and is the primary mechanism that Minnesota Housing uses to award and allocate federal and state resources. In accordance with Minnesota Housing’s Qualified Action Plan (QAP), the emphasis is on serving under-resourced communities, long-term affordability and participation in the development process by Black, Indigenous and People of Color-owned and Women-owned/led businesses.
Thank you to all our funding partners involved in this Multifamily Consolidated RFP, including the Metropolitan Council and Saint Paul Public Housing Agency.
Important Dates
Wednesday, March 20: 2024 Multifamily Consolidated RFP/2025 HTC Round 1 early application materials released; pre-application released for the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Section 811 Project Rental Assistance (PRA) Program and preference for Innovative Construction Techniques (ICT)
Wednesday, April 10 (TODAY): All 2024 Multifamily Consolidated RFP/2025 HTC Round 1 application materials available on the Multifamily Consolidated RFP/HTC Funding Rounds webpage and in the Multifamily Customer Portal; Intent to Apply is available to submit
Thursday, April 16 and Wednesday, April 17: 2024 Multifamily Consolidated RFP/2025 HTC Round 1 Kickoff Event
Tuesday, May 7 at noon Central Time: Intent to Apply deadline – required for all 2024 Multifamily Consolidated RFP/2025 HTC Round 1 applications
Friday, May 10: Deadline to contact the Request for Action (RFA) team if a preservation project has existing Minnesota Housing debt that you want counted under Financial Readiness to Proceed/Leveraged Funds and Other Contributions selection criteria in the Self-Scoring Worksheet.
Thursday, May 30 at noon Central Time: Pre-applications for HUD Section 811 PRA Program and ICT selection preference due in the Multifamily Customer Portal
Thursday, July 11 at noon Central Time: 2024 Multifamily Consolidated RFP/2025 HTC Round 1 applications due in the Multifamily Customer Portal
December 2024: Selection recommendations presented at Minnesota Housing board members meeting
Funding for Multifamily Projects
The following funding is available for Multifamily rental projects through the 2024 Multifamily Consolidated RFP/2025 HTC Round 1:
- $12.3 million (estimated) in HTCs for 2025 HTC Round 1
- Deferred loans are subject to legislative approval, including but not limited to:
- Economic Development and Housing Challenge (EDHC), including the $12,850,000 American Indian set aside
- Flexible Financing for Capital Costs (FFCC)
- Housing Infrastructure Program, including Housing Infrastructure Appropriations (HIA) and Housing Infrastructure Bonds (HIB)
- Preservation Affordable Rental Investment Fund (PARIF)
- HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME)
- National Housing Trust Fund (NHTF)
- State Housing Tax Credits (SHTC)
- Low and Moderate Income Rental (LMIR) amortizing first mortgages; applicants may apply through the Multifamily Consolidated RFP or contact us separately to inquire about mortgages outside of the Multifamily Consolidated RFP
- Bridge Loans
- HUD Section 811 Project-Based Rental Assistance Program
- Funding Partners, including the Metropolitan Council Local Housing Incentives Account (LHIA) and Saint Paul Public Housing Agency (PHA) Project Based Vouchers (PBV); scroll down in this eNews for additional details on how to apply and other important information
Application Tools
Contact and Technical Assistance
Minnesota Housing’s Consolidated Request for Proposals Project Eligibility, Feasibility and Organizational Capacity
Minnesota Housing will select a variety of project types throughout Minnesota communities and prioritize projects by community need, feasibility, organizational capacity, reasonableness of funding request and alignment with Minnesota Housing’s strategic priorities. Learn more about our guiding principles and priorities in Minnesota Housing’s 2024-2027 Strategic Plan. We encourage proposals for a variety of project types including:
- Workforce housing
- Permanent supportive housing for people experiencing homelessness and people with disabilities
- Senior housing
- New construction or affordable homes for purchase
- Preservation projects (both rental and homeownership)
Review and analyze the Community Profiles data to help identify areas that fit the geographic criteria.
Minnesota Housing’s Consolidated Request for Proposals Funding Recommendations
After applications are received and reviewed, all funding recommendations are subject to approval by the Minnesota Housing board of directors. Selections are anticipated to occur at the December 2024 board of directors meeting and the date will be posted on Minnesota Housing’s Board of Directors webpage. Funding partner proposal recommendations will be made at their respective board meetings.
New 2024 Multifamily Consolidated RFP/2025 HTC Rounds Scoring Guide is Available
The Scoring Guide for the 2024 Multifamily Consolidated RFP/2025 HTC Rounds is now available. The Scoring Guide is a companion document to the 2024-2025 Self-Scoring Worksheet to clarify and explain scoring requirements. Changes include:
- Clarifications to selection criteria
- Examples of acceptable and not acceptable documentation
- Links to pages on the Minnesota Housing website for easier navigation
- Updates to when the market study is required
Register and attend the Self-Scoring Worksheet training to learn more.
Contact the HTC Team at mhfa.htc@state.mn.us.
2024 Multifamily Request for Proposals Standards Document is Available
The Multifamily RFP Standards document is now available for the 2024 Multifamily Consolidated RFP and 2025 HTC Rounds. All applicants are strongly encouraged to review the Multifamily RFP Standards. Updates to the Multifamily RFP Standards include:
- Multifamily Consolidated RFP and HTC Rounds processes and purposes, including the solicitation and evaluation period;
- Details regarding Intent to Apply, determining the Project Type, selection and funding considerations, application submittal requirements, guidance on proposal and financial structuring, the Multifamily Workbook(s) and more.
Contact mhfa.consolidated.rfp@state.mn.us.
Reminder: Apply for Funding through the Multifamily Customer Portal
All 2024 Multifamily Consolidated RFP/2025 HTC Round 1 applicants must apply for funding through the Multifamily Customer Portal. To learn more about the Multifamily Customer Portal and to request a user account, visit our Multifamily Customer Portal Resources webpage.
2024 Multifamily Consolidated RFP/2025 HTC Round 1
The following is now available in the Multifamily Customer Portal for the 2024 Multifamily Consolidated RFP/2025 HTC Round 1 Application:
- HUD Section 811 PRA Pre-Application checklist
- Innovative Construction Techniques Pre-Application checklist
- Intent to Apply
- Application forms and checklists
- Scoring Wizard
- Funding partner application for Metropolitan Council’s LHIA funds
2024 Saint Paul Public Housing Agency (PHA) Project-Based Vouchers (PBVs)
The funding partner application for Saint Paul PHA PBVs will be available April 17, 2024, through the Multifamily Customer Portal. Scroll down in this eNews for additional details on Saint Paul PHA’s PBVs, how to apply and other important information.
Intent to Apply Now Open: 2024 Multifamily Consolidated RFP/2025 HTC Round 1
The Intent to Apply (ITA) is now open in the Multifamily Customer Portal. The ITA is required for all 2024 Multifamily Consolidated RFP/2025 HTC Round 1 applications and the deadline to submit is noon Central Time on Tuesday, May 7, 2024. Projects that do not complete the ITA or meet this deadline will not be able to submit a full application. There are no checklist items or cost associated with the ITA.
For more information about ITA, view the Multifamily RFP Standards and ICYMI below.
Contact mhfa.consolidated.rfp@state.mn.us or refer to our March 20 eNews for more information.
Metropolitan Council Announces Local Housing Incentives Account Funding Through the 2024 Multifamily Consolidated RFP
The Metropolitan Council announced a total of $2.5 million was approved for the Local Housing Incentives Account (LHIA) on February 14, 2024. These dollars will be available in the multifamily deferred pool of financing in the 2024 Multifamily Consolidated RFP. Only projects located in participating cities that have enrolled in the Metropolitan Council’s LHIA program are eligible for these funds. Applications are due by noon Central Time on Thursday, July 11.
What You Need to Know
- LHIA may be awarded without Minnesota Housing funding. However, a complete 2024 Multifamily Consolidated RFP/2025 HTC Round 1 application must be submitted to be considered.
- LHIA funds require that the local government entity (city or county) in which the project is located serve as the applicant for the LHIA portion of the funding. This is achieved by the local government completing a Receptivity Form on behalf of the developer/sponsor. The local government entity will serve as the grant recipient (Grantee) for the LHIA Funds.
- Grantees (local government entity) must match LHIA awards on a dollar-for-dollar basis with a source of funding that is either directly from, or is designated by, the participating city or development authority; sources include CDBG, HOME, TIF, Housing Trust Fund dollars, tax abatements, local housing revenue bonds and the appraised value of donated land.
- LHIA grants support primarily hard costs related to the construction and rehabilitation of affordable housing. Land acquisition costs may be an eligible use of grant funds. LHIA grants do not pay for work done before the grant is awarded with the exception of reimbursement of qualifying land acquisition costs incurred no more than 12 months prior to the date of award.
Eligible Uses for LHIA Grants
Ineligible Uses for LHIA Grants
Gap financing costs, including land acquisition
Soft costs, or administrative overhead
Property (structure) acquisition
Bonds and insurance
Legal fees
Site preparation (e.g., water, sewer, roads)
General construction/structural additions
Alterations and rehabilitation
Grant/bid preparation costs
Interior and exterior finishing
Cleanup/abatement costs
Resident services and/or operations
Electrical, plumbing and/or heating and ventilation
How to be Considered for LHIA
- Create a project within the 2024 Consolidated RFP/ 2025 HTC Round 1 funding round in the Multifamily Customer Portal; go to the Characteristics tab and select the “Met Council’s LHIA Funds” characteristic. This will add the General: Met Council LHIA Receptivity Form to your application checklist.
- Reach out to your local government entity (city or county) in which the project is located and request that they serve as the applicant by completing the Met Council LHIA Receptivity Form for the LHIA portion of the funding.
- Upload the completed Met Council LHIA Receptivity Form to your application checklist prior to 2024 Multifamily Consolidated RFP/2025 HTC Round 1 application submission. The General: Met Council LHIA Receptivity Form checklist item is required to be considered for Met Council’s LHIA deferred funding.
For more information visit the LHIA webpage or contact Ashleigh Johnson, Senior Planner, at ashleigh.johnson@metc.state.mn.us.
For technical assistance from Minnesota Housing complete the Technical Assistance Request Form or email mhfa.app@state.mn.us.
New to the Multifamily Customer Portal or need a refresher, review the Multifamily Customer Portal Resources webpage.
Saint Paul Public Housing Agency Announces Project-Based Vouchers Available through the 2024 Multifamily Consolidated RFP
Saint Paul Public Housing Authority (PHA) is making available up to 150 Project Based Vouchers (PBV)! Of the total 150 PBVs, 100 PBVs are available under the “mixed-income” criteria and the remaining 50 are available to the following special populations and circumstances:
- Homeless families, as defined under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act;
- Veterans, as defined by Saint Paul PHA;
- Units that offer supportive housing to persons with disabilities or elderly persons, as defined by Saint Paul PHA;
- Units that are located in a census tract with a poverty rate of 20 percent or less.
Applications will open on Wednesday, April 17, 2024, in the Multifamily Customer Portal.
What You Need to Know
All PBV Requests
- Applicants may mix-match vouchers for each project submitted. However, must request at minimum, 10 vouchers per project. There may be a limit to the number of vouchers requested per project, please see the PBV Program Guide.
- The PBV Program Guide is available on the Saint Paul PHA website
PBV Only Requests
- Applicants do not need to apply for capital funding through the 2024 Multifamily Consolidated RFP to be eligible for vouchers. The “2024 Saint Paul PHA PBV Application” may be submitted by itself through the 2024 Multifamily Consolidated RFP process.
PBV Requests with Minnesota Housing Capital Funding
- Applicants who are applying for capital funding in conjunction with a voucher request must submit the “2024 Saint Paul PHA PBV Application” in the Multifamily Customer Portal as a checklist item. PBV awards are contingent on Minnesota Housing capital funding.
How to Apply
- After logging into the Minnesota Housing’s Multifamily Customer Portal, select the “2024 Saint Paul PHA PBV Application” funding round to create the application checklists.
- A checklist will display, select the checklist, complete and upload the “2024 Saint Paul PHA PBV Application.” The “2024 Saint Paul PHA PBV Application” is where applicants may request one or more PBV options and a provide brief narrative.
- Applications for the Saint Paul PHA PBVs are due on Thursday, July 11 at noon Central Time.
For information on PBVs, visit the Saint Paul PHA website or contact Corina Serrano at corina.serrano@stpha.org.
For technical assistance from Minnesota Housing, email mhfa.app@state.mn.us.
New to the Multifamily Customer Portal or need a refresher? Please review the Multifamily Customer Portal Resources webpage.
2025 Housing Tax Credit Distribution Estimates Available
Minnesota Housing has published the 2025 Distribution of Housing Tax Credits on the Housing Tax Credits webpage.
The document represents an estimate based on the current amounts of tax credits expected to be available in 2025. The amounts are calculated with the population of Minnesota and a per capita credit volume amount and are subject to change. Any changes will cause corresponding modifications to the total credits available for distribution to allocating entities.
Contact the HTC Team at mhfa.htc@state.mn.us.
Housing Infrastructure New Designs Standards Requirement
In 2023, the Housing Infrastructure statute has been updated with new design standards requirement for projects that are financed with Housing Infrastructure resources. New construction or substantial rehabilitation with more than four units per building must meet the statutory design requirements below:
- At least 5% of the total units, with a minimum of one unit, must be accessible units, as defined by Section 1002 of the current State Building Code Accessibility Provisions for Dwelling Units in Minnesota, and include at least one roll-in shower;
- At least 5% of the total units, with a minimum of one unit, must be sensory- accessible units.
Projects financed with Housing Infrastructure resources must also meet Minnesota Housing’s Rental Housing Design and Construction Standards and the new Housing Infrastructure design standards as referenced above. Additional information and requirements about the new design standards requirement for Housing Infrastructure projects can be found in the Housing Infrastructure Guide.
Contact Jerry Narlock at gerald.narlock@state.mn.us.
HUD Section 811 Project-Based Rental Assistance Program Pre-Application Now Open
The HUD Section 811 PRA Program Pre-Application is now open in the Multifamily Customer Portal. Applicants must submit the HUD Section 811 PRA Pre-Application to determine eligibility for the program prior to submitting a full 2024 Multifamily Consolidated RFP/2025 HTC Round 1 application. Applicants need to apply and be selected for capital funding through the Multifamily Consolidated RFP/HTC Round 1 to be eligible to receive HUD Section 811 PRA funds. Applicants cannot apply for only HUD Section 811 PRA funding in the Multifamily Consolidated RFP/HTC Round 1.
HUD Section 811 PRA pre-applications are due in the Multifamily Customer Portal by Thursday, May 30 at noon Central Time. Applicants will be notified about eligibility for the program on or before Wednesday, June 12, 2024. Awards are contingent on funding availability.
Save the Date
A virtual technical assistance meeting for HUD Section 811 PRA will take place on May 23, 2024, from 11 a.m. – noon Central Time. Invitation and registration information will be announced in an upcoming eNews.
Visit Minnesota Housing’s HUD Section 811 PRA webpage or contact Ellie Miller at ellie.miller@state.mn.us. Refer to our March 20 eNews for more information.
Preference for Innovative Construction Techniques Pre-Application Now Open
The Preference for Innovative Construction Techniques Pre-Application is now open in the Multifamily Customer Portal. Proposed projects must achieve, or pilot a technique to achieve, one or both of the following goals:
- Reduce total construction cost by at least 10%, and/or
- Reduce the time a project is under construction by at least 20%
All six of the conditions a proposed project must meet are outlined in the Innovation Construction Techniques Pre-Application Requirements.
Applicants are required to submit a pre-application to be eligible for this selection preference. ICT pre-applications are due in the Multifamily Customer Portal by noon Central Time on Thursday, May 30, 2024. Applicants will be notified about eligibility for the selection preference on or before Wednesday, June 12, 2024.
Contact Mike Thomas at mike.thomas@state.mn.us or 651.276.1170. Refer to our March 20 eNews for more information.
Don't Forget to Register: 2024 Multifamily Consolidated RFP/2025 HTC Round 1 Virtual Kickoff Event
You are invited to the virtual Multifamily Consolidated RFP/HTC Round 1 Kickoff Event on April 16 and April 17. All potential applicants are encouraged to attend.
Virtual Kickoff Event: First Session
Tuesday, April 16, 2024
10 – 11:30 a.m. Central Time
This session will go over who Minnesota Housing is and provide an introductory overview of the Multifamily Consolidated Request for Proposals (RFP), which includes the process, programs and funding resources and selection considerations. The session will conclude with Q&A.
Virtual Kickoff Event: Second Session
Wednesday, April 17, 2024
9:30 – 11:30 a.m. Central Time
This session will go over updates regarding the Multifamily Consolidated RFP process and programs and will provide tips and tricks to help applicants submit an application. The session will conclude with Q&A.
If you're unable to attend either day, sessions will be recorded and available on Minnesota Housing’s Multifamily Consolidated Request for Proposals/Housing Tax Credits Funding Rounds webpage. The Multifamily Consolidated RFP/HTC Round 1 Kickoff Event is not a replacement for project-specific technical assistance. Complete and submit a Technical Assistance Request Form.
Contact mhfa.consolidated.rfp@state.mn.us or visit Minnesota Housing’s Multifamily Consolidated RFP/HTC Funding Rounds webpage.
Don't Forget to Register: 2024-2025 Self-Scoring Worksheet Training
You are invited to attend the 2024-2025 Self-Scoring Worksheet virtual training session on Tuesday, April 23, 2024. All those interested in applying during the 2024 Multifamily Consolidated RFP/2025 HTC Round 1 are encouraged to attend.
The Self-Scoring Worksheet contains the selection criteria that applicants use to score their application in the Scoring Wizard found in the Multifamily Customer Portal. It also sets the funding priorities that Minnesota Housing will use to prioritize applications requesting 9% HTCs, 4% HTCs and/or deferred funds that are selected through the Multifamily Consolidated RFP or on a pipeline basis for available financing that may be available throughout the year.
Virtual Self-Scoring Worksheet Training
Tuesday, April 23, 2024
10 – 11:15 a.m. Central Time
This training will provide a brief walk-through of the 2024-2025 Self-Scoring Worksheet with a focus on updates and clarifications to common mistakes and tips and tricks.
The training will be recorded and posted on Minnesota Housing’s Multifamily Consolidated Request for Proposals/Housing Tax Credits Funding Rounds webpage for later reference. Perspective applicants are also encouraged to watch last year’s 2024-2025 Self-Scoring Worksheet Training. This training is also applicable to the 2024 Multifamily Consolidated RFP/2025 HTC Round 1.
Contact the HTC Team at mhfa.htc@state.mn.us.
Approved Market Analyst List Updates: Renewal Date Extended, Applications for New Analysts Open July 1
Due to the change in the market study requirement for the 2024 Multifamily Consolidated RFP/2025 HTC Rounds 1 and 2, Minnesota Housing is extending the market analyst renewal application due date. If your organization is currently on the Approved Market Analyst List and was previously due for renewal on March 1, 2024, your organization will remain on the list until December 15, 2024.
For market analysts who are not currently authorized and want to be considered for authorization to submit market studies in the 2024 Multifamily Consolidated RFP/2025 HTC Funding Rounds, applications will be accepted from July 1 to October 1, 2024. Application materials and more information can be found in our January 18 eNews and on the Housing Tax Credits webpage.
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Grant Available
The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency has climate planning and implementation grants available that can be used for climate planning and related predevelopment costs that will help political subdivisions, 501(c)3 affordable housing developers, and education institutions adapt to extreme weather events and a changing climate. The deadline to apply is 4 p.m. Central Time on April 30, 2024.
Up to approximately $2.3 million of funding is available to be awarded during Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24), with the potential for additional funding. Legislation stipulates that half of the amount is reserved in FY24 for applicants located outside of Hennepin, Ramsey, Anoka, Dakota, Scott, Carver and Washington counties. The maximum grant award of $50,000. There is no minimum.
Examples of projects that could be funded include but are not limited to: (1) Developing a plan to reduce energy use or increase climate resiliency in affordable housing portfolios broadly or (2) Planning and predevelopment work needed to pursue financing for sustainable building construction such as Passive House. Grant projects must be completed no later than June 30, 2025.
For more information, including how to apply, visit MPCA’s Local Climate Action Grants webpage. Submit questions about this grant to grants.pca@state.mn.us, subject line “FY24 Local Climate Action Grants” no later than 4 p.m. Central time on April 18, 2024.
Individual MPCA employees cannot answer questions about this grant opportunity, and direct contact regarding this RFP with MPCA personnel may result in disqualification.
In Case You Missed It (ICYMI)
Get a Head-Start, Oldies but Goodies Trainings
As you prepare to submit a successful application through our Multifamily Customer Portal, review previous trainings:
Visit our Multifamily Consolidated Request for Proposals/Housing Tax Credits Funding Rounds webpage for additional information.
New to Intent to Apply: Estimated Scores Report
Minnesota Housing is excited to implement a new tool, the estimated scores report. At ITA, prospective applicants will be required to input data, including the project location, estimated project type and the estimated score from the Self-Scoring Worksheet. Using all prospective applications’ ITA information, the Estimated Scores tab will populate.
The purpose of the estimated scores report is to assist prospective applicants in determining their application’s competitiveness, which may result in applicants restructuring their project’s characteristics and/or altering their application submittal timeline.
The estimated scores report is for information purposes only and are in no way binding or a guarantee of final scores or awards. Estimated scores are created by perspective applicants, not Minnesota Housing. Final scores will be validated by Minnesota Housing during the evaluation process.
Learn more in the Multifamily RFP Standards, and attend the first and second sessions of the 2024 Multifamily Consolidated RFP/2025 HTC Round 1 Virtual Kickoff Event for more information. Contact mhfa.consolidated.rfp@state.mn.us with any questions.
Application Materials Updates
Last year many of the Multifamily Consolidated RFP/HTC application documents transitioned from annual to biennial forms to align with the two-year Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP) and Self-Scoring Worksheet.
Refer to the instructions on each application form to identify if it is applicable for both the 2023 and 2024 Multifamily Consolidated RFPs/2024 and 2025 HTC funding rounds. For application forms identified as an annual application form, a new application form and supporting document must be completed; outdated forms and/or supporting documents may have a negative impact on the project or considered ineligible for further processing.
Learn more in our March 5 eNews, and attend the second session of the 2024 Multifamily Consolidated RFP/2025 HTC Round 1 Virtual Kickoff Event for more information.
Contact mhfa.consolidated.rfp@state.mn.us.
Market Study Requirements Updates
Projects applying for funding for the 2024 Multifamily Consolidated RFP/2025 HTC Rounds 1 and 2 will no longer be required to submit a market study at application. Market studies are now only required for selected projects and will be collected post-selection. This applies to projects applying as a 9% HTC or deferred with a 4% HTC financial structure. A market study will still be required at application/42M for projects applying through the 4% HTC Only round.
More information can be found in our January 18 eNews.
Request for Action Submission Deadline is Friday, May 10
If a preservation project has existing Minnesota Housing debt that you want counted under Financial Readiness to Proceed/Leveraged Funds in the Self-Scoring Worksheet, contact the Request for Action (RFA) team no later than Friday, May 10, 2024. If you do not contact the RFA team by this date, Minnesota Housing staff will not have time to process your request, which could impact scoring.
Shopping for a First Mortgage or Thinking About Refinancing?
 Minnesota Housing wants to work with you on all your multifamily first mortgage needs! Our Low and Moderate Income Rental (LMIR) first mortgages have terms up to 40 years for new construction or 35 years for rehabilitation or refinance. Our first mortgages are available year-round.
View our current interest rates and terms to learn more about what we offer.
Contact Mike Tobias at michael.tobias@state.mn.us to get started.