The go live date for the transition to ClientTrack (the new HMIS software) is getting pushed to the end of July.
The previously scheduled HMIS outage (which was in late June) is also getting pushed back.
Specific dates have not been set for the HMIS outage.
Subscribe to the MN HMIS Newsletter for updates, which is published by the Institute for Community Alliances, our HMIS Administrator.
You can also visit this webpage for the latest information on the transition.

There are a number of steps Housing Providers are expected to take after getting a referral, and while working with a client.
Here are some of the expectations:
- Acknowledge the referral in HMIS within 2 business days.
- Within 1 day of getting the referral, reach out to make contact with the client.
- If you get no response after 24 hours, reach out to alternative contacts.
- Attempt to make contact for 5 business days.
- If you don't make any contact, remove the client from the priority list.
- Remain in contact weekly with the household during intake and housing search.
- Complete intake within 1 month of getting the referral.
- If you lose contact with the client during the housing search, diligently try to get back in contact for 30 days.
HMIS Training for Housing Providers: Getting Ready for ClientTrack, the New HMIS!
HMIS Training for Assessors: Getting Ready for ClientTrack, the New HMIS!
Coordinated Entry 101
Best Practices for Housing Providers
Online Referral Request Form
What Should I do in HMIS?
Do you struggle to follow all of the correct steps in HMIS? If so, you are not alone.
We created some new, intuitive guides to help! Check them out here.
Housing Provider Guide
Use this helpful guide with essential information for housing providers on referral workflow.
See the guide

The Health of the CES System Dashboard tracks the average length of time the following activities take:
- Priority list to referral
- Vacancy to referral
- Referral to result
- Referral to housed
- Project entry to housed - PH only
- Priority list start to housed
View the dashboard here