DAP-DV101 is an overview of the dynamics and prevalence of domestic violence, and shares with participants the many ways that Domestic Violence has impacted a victim survivor's life.
Topics covered during this DV 101 presentation include:
- DAP Philosophy
- History & Culture of Domestic Violence
- Dynamics of Abusive Relationships
- Empowerment Advocacy
- Power and Control
- Intersectionality and It's impact on DV
- Domestic Violence agains Black Women
- Domestic Violence against Indigenous Women
- Domestic Violence and Immigrant Survivors
- Domestic Violence in LGBTQI Community
- Men Too
- DV Principals
Date: Monday, June 3rd
Time: 10:00 am - Noon
Location: South Hennepin Service Center: 2215 E Lake St, Minneapolis

From ICA (our HMIS Administrator)
There will be a brief time frame – measured in days – where Community Services turns off but ClientTrack is not yet available. Right now, this is scheduled for the last few days of June. If the overall time frame were to shift, the beginning of the outage would shift as well.
As planned, it will be two days long: HMIS will not be available on Wednesday, June 26th, and turn back on (in ClientTrack) on Friday, June 28th.
If there are issues with the final migration, this outage would extend into the weekend (but still allow us two more days to resolve those issues before July 1).
Why does HMIS need to use this outage? It is necessary to pause activity in the old system, migrate out everything that has been entered up to that last moment, then import the data into ClientTrack. This means when you login, your client and project data is already there (except for activity during the outage).

Sometimes a Housing Provider needs to transfer a client to a different program (e.g. Safety and security, or to provide service more in alignment with what a client needs).

Hennepin CES updated the Referral Outcome form.
This is the form Housing Providers use to share the outcome of referrals made through encrypted email (e.g. CES Connect).
HMIS Training for Housing Providers: Getting Ready for ClientTrack, the New HMIS!
HMIS Training for Assessors: Getting Ready for ClientTrack, the New HMIS!
Coordinated Entry 101
Best Practices for Housing Providers
Online Referral Request Form
What Should I do in HMIS?
Do you struggle to follow all of the correct steps in HMIS? If so, you are not alone.
We created some new, intuitive guides to help! Check them out here.
Housing Provider Guide
Use this helpful guide with essential information for housing providers on referral workflow.
See the guide

The Health of the CES System Dashboard tracks the average length of time the following activities take:
- Priority list to referral
- Vacancy to referral
- Referral to result
- Referral to housed
- Project entry to housed - PH only
- Priority list start to housed
View the dashboard here