Health@Work E-tips for workplace wellness coordinators: Work-life

health@work etips


January 2021

Welcome to our newsletter for worksite wellness coordinators who work in organizations located in the county. The purpose of these monthly E-tips is to help you (the wellness coordinator) promote better health in your workplace. Please note that any reference to products or services in this newsletter is for educational purposes and does not constitute an endorsement on the part of Health@Work.

Balancing act


Let’s be honest, even in the best of times, balancing life and work demands can be difficult, and during COVID-19*, it can be an impossible dream. Many experts agree that work-life balance isn’t an achievable goal, and some prefer the term work-life harmony. Whatever you choose to call it, or whatever it means to you, we know this is a time when employees need all the support they can get to juggle work demands, family, their health, and all the other components of life.

You probably know there’s never been a better time to ramp up your wellness program, but it’s important to remember that wellness looks different for everyone, especially in times of crisis. By having a diverse array of offerings and allowing employees to choose what will have the largest impact on their own well-being, your program will have a better chance of success.  

There are a variety of things worksites can do to lend support, many of which you may already be doing. Almost every list of coping how-to’s includes an emphasis on sleep, physical activity, taking breaks, eating well, family and personal health, mindfulness, and ergonomics. Consider asking your employees what they need; you may be surprised at their responses. It probably won’t be a surprise if they tell you they need more access to mental health services, more flexibility, and more stress management resources.

Ideas for action

* For the most up-to-date COVID-19 information, visit Hennepin County or Minnesota Department of Health.

Employee E-tips for distributing to employees


Click here to read this month's E-tips for your employees: "Work-life balance — myth or reality?"

To share these E-tips with employees, you can:  

  • Email the E-tips document to your staff as an attachment. 1) Click the link to download and save the E-tips to your computer. 2) Add your organization's logo in the bottom left corner. 3) Then send it as an email attachment to staff. 
  • Print the document once you've added your organization's logo and post it in a common area in your workplace.
  • Copy and paste the text into your organization's newsletter.

    Missed last month's E-tips?

    Click here to read our December E-tips on motivation.

About us:
Monthly E-tips are written by the Health@Work team. Health@Work offers a broad range of low- and -no-cost workplace wellness programs and services to employers located in the county.

Contact us

Linda Brandt, MPH



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