Water Talk Newsletter - May 2023

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minnesota department of natural resources

Water Talk Newsletter - May 2023

One Day In-person Floodplain Trainings in June

They're back!

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Since March 2020 our trainings have been predominantly one-hour virtual sessions. While we will continue offering virtual options, we know many appreciate the interaction possible with in-person workshops. We are happy to offer two in-person trainings in June! 

What: A one day workshop covering floodplain basic and advanced topics, including:

  • Floodplain Basics
  • FEMA Map Basics & Map Reading
  • Floodplain Administration 101
  • Useful Web Mappers & Sites for Floodplain Management
  • Post-Flood Responsibilities (including Substantial Damage determinations), nonconformities & variances  

Cost: FREE! (optional purchase of box lunch)


June 14, 2023 (Wed), 8:45 am – 4 pm, Crow Wing County Land Services Office, (Brainerd) | Registration Link

June 20, 2023 (Tue), 8:45 am – 4 pm, WSB Office (St. Louis Park) | Registration Link

Contact Ceil Strauss, 651-259-5713 or floodplain.dnr@state.mn.us for more details on topics to be covered or logistics.

  MN map showing Brainerd and St. Louis Park locations

Our River Connection - Anoka Conservation District Videos

New Videos on Caring for our Rivers and Riverbanks

The Anoka Conservation District has two new videos on connections with our rivers. They are both excellent resources for the general public, especially those living on or near rivers, streams or creeks. 

Clip of My River Connection video  

Our River Connection” discusses how rivers form and change, how we impact rivers, and how everyone can help protect them. (Posted November 2022; < 7 minutes)  

The Riverbank Connection video clip  

"Our Riverbank Connection" discusses  a wide range of bank restoration and stabilization approaches that protect your property and the health of the river, stream, or creek that you live by. (Posted April 2023; < 8 minutes)

For more information:

  • In the "Our River Connection" video, educators should note that if you look in the additional information below the video (open "Show more"), you'll see a link to "Take the Rivers Quiz to see what you learned." Both videos have many helpful links to resources if that "Shore more" is opened.
  • See Anoka Conservation District's "Our Connection" Animated Series
  • See the Anoka Conservation District site for a variety of educational materials, including virtual tours of projects.
Clean Water Land & Water Legacy Logo  

Videos were funded in part by the Clean Water Fund of the Clean Water, Land, and Legacy Amendment.

Reminder: Communities Required to Notify DNR of Variances & CUPs

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What's Required?

Is your community considering a variance or Conditional Use Permit (CUP) that involves floodplain, shoreland, or other river-related program standards? Remember that your ordinance (and state law) requires that DNR be noticed before the hearing, and once a decision is made. Notification is also required for proposed ordinance amendments.

Timing: For floodplain, shoreland and Mississippi River Corridor Critical Area (MRCCA) actions, notice is required in the local newspaper and to the DNR at least 10 days before the hearing. For Lower St. Croix Riverway (LSCR) notice is required 20 days in advance, and for Wild and Scenic River (WSR) it is required 30 days in advance. Notice to DNR is required within 10 days after the decision for all the programs.

How to send notice?

Send all notifications to the Area Hydrologist by email. For floodplain proposals, DNR floodplain staff also appreciate being copied. Notices can be sent via mail, but electronic notification is preferred.

Note: Officially, notices go to the DNR Commissioner; but Area Hydrologists have been designated as the commissioner's representative. Please do not send notices to the DNR Commissioner's office.

Early coordination is strongly encouraged

The earlier your community can review a proposal with your Area Hydrologist (and floodplain or shoreland/river program staff for more complicated situations), the better.

  • DNR staff can assist with interpreting what your ordinance allows and discuss options to meet the goals of the intended proposal.
  • Avoid finding out about overlooked requirements at the last moment.
  • Earlier in the process a greater range of options can often be considered.
  • Early planning allows the applicant and community staff to avoid unnecessary time and costs pursuing projects that are unworkable, or much more costly, in the end. 

For related best practices: See Spring 2018 Water Talk article When am I Required to Send DNR Notification? Best Practices for DNR Consultation and Notification

May is Building Safety Month

May was Building Safety Month, an annual campaign to raise awareness for the adoption of modern, regularly updated building codes. The overall theme for 2023’s Building Safety Month was “It Starts with You!"

See links to many resources on the Building Safety Month 2023 site.

Focuses for each week:

  • Week 1: Building Safety Starts at Home
  • Week 2: Building Safety Professionals and You
  • Week 3: Prepare Your Community
  • Week 4: Advocate for Your Community
  • Week 5: Solving Challenges Together

New Activity Book for Kids

FEMA's Building Science Branch and Earthquake and Wind Programs Branch have created an activity coloring book titled “Building Codes Activity Book” to help children learn about the ways in which building codes help to protect communities against natural hazards. By using natural hazard-resistant building codes, communities are better prepared for events such as earthquakes, storms, floods, and fires.

  FEMA Building Code Activity Book cover

FEMA Region 5 Virtual Trainings Continue

FEMA Region 5 staff (based in Chicago, IL) are continuing their monthly one hour virtual training series in 2023. They are FREE!

It's not too late to register for many training topics!

Upcoming "Managing your Community's Floodplain" monthly series dates and topics:

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Note: All held 9-10 am Central Time. 

  • June 28, 2023: Insurance is Mitigation; Registration Link 
  • July 26, 2023 Managing Map Changes and Potential Violations; Registration Link 
  • Aug. 30, 2023: Reasonably Safe from Flooding: TB-10; Registration Link 
  • Sept. 27, 2023: Preparedness: Substantial Damage Planning; Registration Link 

These trainings and registration links are also available on DNR's Floodplain Training and Education page.

MN Floodplain Management Office Hours Continue

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Talk with FEMA and DNR Floodplain program representatives during monthly virtual Minnesota Floodplain Management Office Hours. Hours are 10-11 am, typically on the fourth Thursday of the month (but a few are adjusted).

Upcoming monthly hours (Note: all are 10 - 11 am central time)

Where: Teams. No registration is required. Select a date to get the Teams meeting appointment

These office hour dates and links are also available on DNR's Floodplain Training and Education page.

FEMA Map Status Listing

Important Dates to Note:

(since March 2023 Water Talk and upcoming in next couple months)

  FEMA maps: Yesterday (old black and white map), Today (aerial background) and Tomorrow (color depths)

Preliminary Maps

  • July 2023 - Wabasha Countywide
  • August 2023 - Olmsted (levee panel)

Local Officials Meetings & Open Houses

  • May 31, 2023 - Otter Tail River HUC8 Discovery
  • June 1, 2023 - Rum River HUC8 Discovery 
  • June 6, 2023 - Wilkin County Better Data LOMR Flood Risk Review 
  • July 19, 2023 - Chippewa Countywide; Local Officials Meeting and 5-7 pm public Open House; Montevideo (rescheduled from April 5, 2023 due to weather)
  • July 2023 (date TBD) - Cottonwood County Better LOMR Flood Risk Review
  • July 2023 (date TBD) - Murray County Flood Risk Review

90-Day Appeal Periods

  • Morrison County - June 4 to Sept. 2, 2023
  • Pipestone County - April 20 to July 20, 2023
  • Wright County (panels) - May 3 to Aug. 2, 2023

Letters of Final Determination (LFDs)

  • March 7, 2023 - Lincoln Countywide
  • March 21, 2023 - Olmsted (Zumbro panels)
  • June 2023 - Watonwan and Stevens Countywides (anticipated)
  • August 2023 - Blue Earth and Carlton Countywides (anticipated)

Effective (6 months after LFD date)

  • None

Additional Map Update Information:

MN Map showing map status by county

For more information

Water Talk Newsletter is issued at least four times per year with the support of a FEMA Community Assistance Program - State Support Service Element (CAP-SSSE) grant.

See past Water Talk issues.

If you have ideas or requests for the next edition of Water Talk, contact editor:   Ceil Strauss or 651-259-5713.