June 3, 2021 MICIP Continuous Communication
Michigan Department of Education sent this bulletin at 06/03/2021 03:39 PM EDT
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In this issue of MICIP Continuous Communication
This issue of MICIP Continuous Communication includes more information about MiStrategyBank and how to use it, updates to MTSS supports for MICIP, perspectives about MICIP from the field, the fall 2021 Continuous Improvement Conference Proposals deadline, and more!
What is MiStrategyBank?
MiStrategy Bank is an electronic clearinghouse of strategies designed to connect educational data systems, promote and support best practices, and provide information regarding the implementation of strategies in use to support Michigan’s education system. This application is being used by MICIP to integrate the strategy selection process within the MICIP platform.
Registered MiStrategyBank users use the MiDataHub’s “MiLaunchPad” Single sign-on.
- Any admin user in MiStrategyBank can add and manage additional users within their organization.
- Logging into MiStrategyBank at MiStrategyBank.org or through the milaunchpad.org gives users access to additional filters and a strategy comparison tool.
- When looking for School Improvement strategies in MiStrategyBank, it is important to select the ‘improvement’ as a filter.
If you need support navigating the system, reach out to your ISD and the MiStrategyBank ISD lead or review the documentation for MiStategyBank, and “how-to” documents are available at https://www.gomaisa.org/projects/mistrategybank/.
MTSS Supports for MICIP Update
As the team expands its knowledge, the MiMTSS Technical Assistance Center continues to add and update resources on the MTSS Supports for MICIP webpages.
One of the latest additions is a link to the TA Center’s YouTube Channel to support districts engaging in continuous improvement around MTSS.
Feedback on existing resources and/or requests for new resources are always welcome.
Perspectives From the Field
MICIP has been nominated for two national awards! As part of the application, voices from the field were solicited. Here are the questions and responses that were submitted.
What did MICIP make better in the continuous improvement process?
- MICIP streamlined the entire improvement process and truly made it "continuous". With this platform, deep data dives and meaningful conversation grow organically as your team works to build a portfolio. The built in questions and tools, such as the fishbone, 5 whys, and hexagon tool lead the data talks and walk teams through the CNA process so goals & strategies are built based on the needs of the district.
- MICIP was very purposefully rolled out. The Department ensured that those that work on or with improvement teams had two full years of professional learning and time to adjust our mindset and process before introducing the new platform in the 2020/2021 school year. The emphasis on Continuous Improvement, the Whole Child, and Systems Work is what really makes the process what it is.
In your experience, what are your benefits to using MICIP?
- Our district has used the Collaborative Learning Cycle for several years and MICIP aligns well with our current practices.
- Ultimately, the data being visible within the system will be very helpful to eliminate the need to create our own data displays in many cases - esp. for demographic data. The data story being available on every page is helpful and efficient.
- Careful thought and consideration has gone into the design process to make the MICIP platform more thought based and less redundant, and the platform keeps the improvement team focused on the whole child. As my team and I used the tools found within MICIP, we’ve learned that this platform has been designed to help teams thoughtfully examine a variety of data to determine the needs of an individual subgroup, school, or district. The MICIP platform encourages intentional discussion & dialogue as continuous improvement teams work together.
- Working at the ISD level, it has given me a new opportunity to engage with district leadership around their continuous improvement process. Districts have been much more interested in organizing or reorganizing their teams and thinking about new ways to approach their improvement efforts.
- From a technical perspective, it is also much easier for me to see the work from each district in MICIP. I’m looking forward to being able to easily monitor each district’s progress and have a good understanding of the work that is going on around the county right from the MICIP Dashboard.
What impact does it have for you and your team?
- While it is a mindshift and a shift in practice, incorporating building level planning within a district process rather than being separate from the district supports our commitment to operating as a district professional learning community.
- We're thankful MDE took the approach it did. MICIP is ready when you are was your consistent message. We processed ONE area of inquiry to learn the MICIP process, and in May we'll learn the data entry piece of MICIP. It is clearly on 1.0 version. I will adjust some things to the process when more features are available in MICIP. So far, I am hopeful for this to be a more accessible and feasible experience for schools.
- As a RESA, I think it will be easier to track since there are district goals and all are in one system with the buildings tagged, instead of each building and district separate. This makes it easier for my team to support and target. I also appreciate that it reinforces looking at the implementation science and research for strategies so that districts are using more evidence-based items and thinking more concretely about implementation.
MICIP Professional Learning Update
Muskegon Area ISD and MDE recently collaborated on a four-part series walking attendees through the components of the MICIP platform, including providing examples of each part of the process. Each week also included an additional focus presentation on a specific related topic.
All recorded presentations as well as supporting materials are on the MICIP website under MICIP Resources, Resources from the Field, Guides/Tools, MICIP Collaboration Series Resources.
Thanks to:
- David Hundt from Muskegon Area ISD for coordinating and presenting this series
- Frank Holes (Allegan Education Service Agency)
- Hilda Irani (Dearborn Public Schools)
- Mike Fine (Ottawa Area ISD) for their support
Thanks also to Muskegon Area ISD for their technical support!
DEADLINE: June 30 MDE Fall 2021 Virtual Continuous Improvement Conference Presentation Proposals
The MDE Fall 2021 Virtual Continuous Improvement Conference “Equity and Stakeholder Voice: Making Education More Engaging and Relevant for Students, Families, and Educators” will take place on Tuesday, October 19.
Complete conference information is available in the May 20 Continuous Communication.
The planning committee is now soliciting RFPs for conference presentations at this link: MDE Fall 2021 Virtual Continuous Improvement Conference RFP | Michigan Association of Superintendents & Administrators (gomasa.org).
RFPs are due by June 30.
Equity Resources Supporting MICIP
The Region III Midwest and Plains Equity Assistance Center directed by Dr. Seena Skelton has worked closely with MDE in addressing how continuous improvement can be used to tackle issues of equity.
The Center is hosting the 2021 Equity Leaders Institute on September 23-24, 2021.
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Previous issues of MICIP Continuous Communication are available on the MICIP web page.
Feedback is Essential for Continuous Communication!
Have a question, an idea, a suggestion, or a compliment? The MICIP team is always eager to hear your feedback! Send us an email using the MICIP email address (mde-micip@michigan.gov).