May 20, 2020 MICIP Continuous Communication

MICIP Continuous Communication

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In this issue of MICIP Continuous Communication

This issue of MICIP Continuous Communication includes information about how to access MiStrategyBank and training opportunities that are available, a preview of the Fall 2021 Continuous Improvement Conference, information about Continuous Improvement requirements for the 2021-2022 academic year, and information about updates avaialble in the MICIP Platform.

How do local districts use MiStrategyBank?


The majority of Intermediate School Districts have a MiStrategyBank ISD lead.

We encourage you to reach out to your ISD for support with creating MiStrategyBank accounts for district and building staff and for support when using MiStrategyBank.

Additional support and documentation for MiStategyBank such as user roles, and “how-to” documents are available at

Users from local districts, PSAs, and ISDs are encouraged to join us for our upcoming training session listed below.

Please Join us for a Virtual MiStrategyBank Overview Training 

In MAISA’s continued partnership with MDE to support MICIP and MiStrategyBank, we are pleased to offer an overview of MiStrategyBank on June 4 at 2:00 pm.

The presentation will start with an overview of MiStrategyBank including information on adding users, tips for filtering strategies, and how to add and manage local strategies.  A number of new features, tools, and data points that have been added to MiStrategyBank will also be reviewed. 

Register in advance for this session:  

For information about this sessions, please contact Lisa Lockman .

Professional LearningMDE Fall 2021 Virtual Continuous Improvement Conference

The MDE Fall 2021 Virtual Continuous Improvement Conference “Equity and Stakeholder Voice: Making Education More Engaging and Relevant for Students, Families, and Educators” will take place on Tuesday, October 19.  Keynoting the conference will be Dr. Jal Mehta, Professor of Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, speaking on “Humane and Equitable Continuous Improvement: Why Tools Should Serve Humans and Not Vice Versa.” 

Returning to the event will be Dr. Seena Skelton, Director of Operations for Region III Midwest and Plains Equity Assistance Center, speaking on "Equity and Continuous Improvement: Using Quantitative and Qualitative Data in an Equity-Centered Continuous Improvement Process." 

Dr. Skelton’s keynote presentation and power point from last year’s conference are available on the MICIP website

Attendees will also have an opportunity to attend a number of breakout sessions; in contrast to the recorded presentations at last year’s event, breakouts this year will be live. Those attending will also have access to all presentations after the conference.

Conference information and a registration link are now available on the MASA website:

Please contact Ben Boerkoel at if you have questions.

MICIP LogoContinuous Improvement Requirements Update

We have become aware that there is a bit of confusion in the field regarding continuous improvement requirements for school year 2021-2022.  Below is information to help clarify.

Submitting Minimum of one goal

  • Each district is required to submit a plan with a minimum of one goal in MICIP using either the platform or the template process. The goal can be:
    1. an active or maintenance goal that has been part of a previous plan.
    2. a new goal that has not been part of a previous plan.

Submitting Multiple New goals

  •  All new goals not part of a previous plan must be part of a new plan in MICIP; this means that a district could have more than one goal in MICIP. Putting a plan in MICIP helps ensure that the district has engaged in appropriate assess needs, root cause, and planning processes.

Consolidated Application

  • New strategies and activities tied to a previous goal may be entered separately into the Consolidated Application in NexSys without completing a plan so long as they address a need identified in the district’s previous DIP/SBDIP in ASSIST.
  • Strategies and activities previously funded and for which continued funding is being requested may also be entered separately into the Consolidated Application in NexSys without incorporating them into your 2021-2022 MICIP plan.
  • Districts seeking to use federal funds provided through the Consolidated Application to implement strategies and activities should put relevant information into the plans as they complete their budgets within the Consolidated Application. The obligation date for encumbering federal funds will be the date the district submits the Consolidated Application; the earliest obligation date is July 1. Should Nexsys not be available until after July 1, the MDE will provide additional time for submitting the Consolidated Application while still providing a July 1 obligation date. Going forward, continuous improvement plans can also be adjusted any time, and the aligned Consolidated Application can be amended during amendment periods.


  • The Revised School Code 380.1277 requires each school to have an improvement plan not later than September 1. Given the MICIP design, since school plans are integrated into the district continuous improvement plan, this requires the entire continuous improvement plan to be available by September 1. 


  • The requirements above are for the 2021-2022 school year only; requirements for future years will be communicated to the field as soon as they are known.

MICIP PlatformMICIP Continuously Improves!

On May 11, 2021 MICIP added new features to its platform. These enhancements improve the user experience.

  • Updated training environment
  • Reorganize permissions to align similar functions regarding planning and evaluation (Administrator Setting – User Management)
  • Third Party Integration tab (Administrator Setting) (Note: There will be more information regarding this function when we begin to integrate. It is estimated that integration will be available late summer/early fall.)
  • When deactivating users with ownership to a strategy and/or activity, Admin can reassign strategy or activity to another active user.
  • Ability to delete strategies at various points in the planning process

Thank you to those who have provided feedback and suggestions. The MICIP team welcomes your comments.

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Previous issues of MICIP Continuous Communication are available on the MICIP web page.

Feedback is Essential for Continuous Communication

Have a question, an idea, a suggestion, or a compliment? The MICIP team is always eager to hear your feedback! Send us an email using the MICIP email address (