City of Detroit, Michigan

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Pursuant to the Michigan Open Meetings Act as amended, which authorizes the continued use of hybrid electronic meetings to provide virtual public participation in accordance with the requirements of MCL 15.263a(2), and in consideration of the ongoing and continuing pandemic, the Detroit City Council will be meeting in person in the City Council Committee of the Whole Room, 13th Floor, Coleman A. Young Municipal Center on Tuesday, July 25, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. for its Formal Session and will provide opportunity for virtual attendance.


Please see the attached link of the City Council Agendas & Documents:



Virtual public attendance is strongly encouraged as the meeting room will be subject to space limitations, pursuant to public health guidelines.  For the safety of attendees and participants, the public is strongly encouraged to participate by means of one of the methods listed below:


The City Council Formal Session may be viewed in the following manner:

  1. Watch via television
  •  Comcast: Channel 10
  •  ATT: From Channel 99, click Detroit, then Channel 10


  1. Watch online by using clicking on Channel 10.


  1. To attend by phone only, call one of these numbers: 

+1-929-436-2866, +1-312-626-6799, +1-669-900-6833, +1-253-215-8782, +1-301-715 8592, or +1-346-248-7799 Enter Meeting ID: 858 4690 3626


  1. To attend online:


Public Comment:

To participate at the time of Public Comment, please raise your hand within the zoom application.

  1. Telephone participants: Raise your hand by pressing *9
  2.    Web participants: Raise your hand by clicking raise handin the application or pressing

    a.     Windows computer = [ALT] + [Y]

    b.     Apple computers = [OPTION] + [Y]


To be consistent with how Public Comment has been handled for in-person meetings:

  • You will be called on in the order in which your hand is raised
  • All time limits set by the meeting Chair will still be enforced
  • Any hands raised after the Chair ends submission of public comments, will not be able to speak at the meeting


All interested persons are invited to be present and be heard as to their views. Persons making oral presentations are encouraged to submit written copies to the City Clerk’s Office via e-mail, for the record.


With advance notice of seven calendar days, the City of Detroit will provide interpreter services at public meetings, including American Sign Language, language translation and reasonable ADA accommodations. Please contact the Civil Rights, Inclusion and Opportunity Department at (313) 224-4950, through the TTY number 711, or email to schedule these services.






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