Maine DWP Update: Bacteria Sampling at Outside Taps/Spigots/Hose Bibs and Hydrants

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Bacteria Sampling at Outside Taps/Spigots/Hose Bibs and Hydrants

The Drinking Water Program (DWP) recognizes the difficulty that many public water systems are facing when trying to access approved bacteria sites during the COVID-19 situation.  At this time, we are allowing systems to deviate from their approved sample site plan if an adequate number of sites cannot be accessed. This may include collecting from alternate locations that are more accessible or sampling from outside taps/spigots/hose bibs and hydrants.

Please see the Bacteria Sampling Guidance letter attached to this email for direction on outside sampling and special precautions to take.

For questions regarding this process, please contact your DWP Inspector or call our main phone number at 207-287-2070.

Hydrant with sampler attached



• COVID-19 Resources for Public Water Systems

• Maine CDC Drinking Water Program