For Your Information
The Maryland Department of Veterans Affairs does not endorse the organizations sponsoring these events, and we do not endorse the views they express or the products/services they offer. The views and opinions expressed in any referenced document do not necessarily state or reflect those of MDVA. The information provided is intended for your general knowledge only, and serves solely as a MDVA community outreach effort.
Community News
News from the Anne Arundel County Veterans Commission:
By March, the Veterans Affairs Commission, Anne Arundel County, expects to have the opportunity to fill up to five Commission vacancies. If you have served in the US Armed Forces (including the Coast Guard) on active duty, the Reserves, or in the National Guard, received an honorable discharge, and live in Anne Arundel County, this is your opportunity to serve Anne Arundel County and your fellow county veterans.
If you are interested in joining this commission, please check our website ( ), attend one of our monthly meetings (second Wednesday each month, 6pm; March 8th), then share your resume with Mr. Pete Hill for his review. Mr. Hill is the Liaison between this Commission and the County Executive. Subsequently, the Commission will review your DD-214 and resume, and make a recommendation to the County Executive. Contact Mr. Pete Hill ( Office phone number (410) 222-1550. Cell phone number (410) 271-5576.
Plaque Unveiled to Recognize the Renaming of Rockville Memorial Library
A plaque has been dedicated at the Rockville Memorial Library recognizing the name change from the original Rockville Library. The name change for the branch of the Montgomery County Public Libraries system was instituted in 2010 at the request of Gold Star families—those who have lost a family member in U.S. military conflicts—and the County Commission on Veterans Affairs. Read More Here
Blue Star Families, Baltimore Chapter: News and Events
Project Opportunity Announces Spring Classes - Free Entrepreneurial Training for Veterans
Prince George's County Orientation on March 8, 2023, Classes begin March 22nd
Montgomery County Orientation on February 27, 2023, Classes begin March 13th
Military Spouse Orientation on March 15, 2023. Classes begin on March 29th
Other Vietnam Veterans Welcome Home Events:
March 26th: American Legion Jamison-Harrison Post 238, Hughesville
 Also, Dog Tag is holding a Virtual Learning Lab on March 2nd. Read More Here
News from Community Building Art Works:
Paint Night - March 8th at 7pm EST - Virtual
Join Veteran Artist, Natasha Lewis, for a fun paint night as she guides you step-by-step through a classic painting. But if you're feeling inspired, you can customize your painting however you like! No experience necessary.For a full list of materials and registration details, please visit
Success as an Artist - March 9th at 7pm EST - Virtual
Have you thought about taking your art skills to the next level? Thinking about becoming a professional artist? Don't miss your chance to learn from Veteran and Artist, Martin Cervantez, on Thursday, March 9th at 7pm EST. Join this professional development fundraising workshop to benefit Community Building Art Works programs for veterans, service members, military families, and health care workers. This workshop is free for Veterans, Service Members, and Healthcare Workers. All ticket sales benefit CBAW's programs. This workshop will be recorded and a link will be e-mailed to all ticket holders once the recording is available for viewing. Register HERE.
More Than One Story - Monthly Virtual Program
Our monthly program for Women and Non-Binary Military begins on February 27th, but all interested individuals must attend an orientation to participate. If you are still interested, please attend an upcoming orientation. Visit for more details.
Visit to learn more about Community Building Art Works. For more information, email
Save the Date: May 25 - 29, 2023 The Eyes of Freedom, A Nationally Traveling Veterans Tribute, Parkton
Community Calendar
February 24, 2023
VFW & Women Veterans United Committee, Inc.: 6th Annual On The Hill Program
February 25, 2023
Hands on Skills for Family Caregivers, Westminster
February 28, 2023
Hiring Our Heroes & The American Legion Career Event, Washington, DC
March 2, 2023
Dog Tag Learning Lab, Virtual
March 3, 2023
Maryland Capital Enterprises, Inc. 8th Annual Women's Business Conference, Salisbury
First Friday Vetworking (Comrades, Coffee and Connections), Bowie
First Friday Vetworking, Soul Food and Fellowship, Columbia
March 5, 2023
Howard County Library 1st Sundays Veteran Book Club, Online
March 11, 2023
Care Coordination and Claims Clinic, Baltimore
March 15, 2023
Maryland Department of Labor Spring Job Fair, Baltimore
VA Wellness Wednesday Financial Education
March 16, 2023
Benefits of Yoga for Arthritis for military and Veterans, Virtual
April 12, 2023
Prince George's County Vet Center Therapeutic Outing to the National Museum of African American History and Culture, RSVP required
April 18, 2023
Military Officers & Spouses 2023 Job Fair, Arlington
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Is this your first edition of the MDVA newsletter? If so, welcome! You are receiving this newsletter because you signed up to receive it from our website or you gave permission to an MDVA program, the MD Motor Vehicle Administration or MD Department of Labor to receive information on VA benefits and resources. We at MDVA respect your privacy and DO NOT share your email address. We hope you enjoy receiving our bi-weekly newsletter and find it both educational and engaging. If you have questions about our Department, our Programs, or your VA benefits, please visit or call 410-260-3838.