For Your Information
The Maryland Department of Veterans Affairs does not endorse the organizations sponsoring these events, and we do not endorse the views they express or the products/services they offer. The views and opinions expressed in any referenced document do not necessarily state or reflect those of MDVA. The information provided is intended for your general knowledge only, and serves solely as a MDVA community outreach effort.
Community News
The City of Laurel will be the first Maryland city to host the GoldStars Tribute Wall™ since being built in 2011. The Wall, built by Samuel Nicoara, is the only traveling memorial of it’s kind that honors the 7,416 fallen heroes of the Gulf, Iraq and Afghanistan Wars. It serves as a reminder to never forget those who sacrificed their all for the freedom Americans celebrate in the United States.
The Wall display is sponsored by the American Legion Post 60, Laurel, Maryland, and is supported by the joint effort of local organizations: City of Laurel, American Legion Riders, Sons of American Legion Squadron 60, American Legion Auxiliary Unit 60 and Walk For Vets. Volunteers from these organizations will assist with the wall and security.
From Thursday, September 22nd, 2022 7:00 PM to Sunday September 25th 9:00 AM, 2022 the GoldStars Tribute Wall ™ will be on display at American Legion Post 60, 2 Main Street Laurel, MD 20707 . There will be a ceremony to honor the fallen on Friday, September 23rd at 10:00 a.m. This is the wall’s first and only scheduled stop in Maryland.
Veterans organizations and the owner and builder of the wall will be on hand to promote and answer questions. Flier
Tennis Corps for Military Veterans runs Wednesdays from 12-2 pm at JTCC in College Park, MD. The program is in partnership with ThanksUSA, and its main goal is to provide rehabilitative tennis clinics for military veterans and their families and connect junior tennis players and military veterans to create an environment of positive role models and community engagement. Junior tennis players help teach tennis to veterans, and veterans serve as mentors to youth. Through the program and its partnerships, our veteran tennis players have had the opportunity to compete in Orlando at the USTA National Campus, and participate at the US Open Military Appreciation Day. Mission BBQ also donates lunch to the veterans and junior players bimonthly, serving as an opportunity for both groups to intermingle and bond.
Tennis rackets and sports wheelchairs are provided to those who need them. Beginner tennis players, experienced tennis players, wounded veterans, active duty military, and military family members are all welcome to join. Here is a link to learn more:
Project Opportunity offers a new free, "Developing Your Business Pitch Course" for both established Veteran business owners and pre-launch businesses. Read More Here
VETMotorsports seeks Active, Guard, Reserve, Veterans with a service-connected injury, and Gold Star parents for the following events in West Virginia:
October 1, 2022 October 8, 2022
Operation Homefront: Montgomery County offers transitional housing for Veterans.
Interested in learning about business, building a strong community, and rediscovering purpose for moving forward? The Dog Tag Fellowship Program is a 5-month program that combines equal parts classroom, bakery, community, and wellbeing. Dog Tag Fellows earn a certificate of business administration in our virtual classroom space; bring their coursework to life by learning the ins and outs of running a successful business in the bakery; build community with each other; and enhance their wellbeing by committing time to introspection and personal growth. The program is open to post-9/11 veterans with service-connected disabilities, military spouses, military caregivers, active service members in transition, and Guard and Reserve members. Fellows will receive a monthly stipend to help cover living costs as they complete the program. The program dates are Jan 17–May 25, 2023 and the application deadline is September 30th, 2022. Apply here:
Community Calendar
September 9 & 10, 2022
Women Veterans Alliance - Women Veterans Engage Mid-Atlantic Region, Greenbelt & Virtual
September 10, 2022
Military & First Responder Appreciation Day at Maryland State Fair, Timonium
Veterans Creative Arts at the Maryland State Fair, Timonium
September 10-11, 2022
Lacrosse Shootout for Soldiers, Sparks Glencoe
September 11, 2022
Frederick County Library, Brunswick Branch - Veterans invited to Sunday Speaker Series
September 14, 2022
Ft. Meade Community Job Fair, Ft. George G. Meade
September 15, 2022
Suicide Prevention Month Proclamation Signing, Aberdeen Proving Ground
September 16, 2022
Hidden Heroes Celebration for military caregivers, Hanover, RSVP
Veterans Claims Clinic, Largo
September 17, 2022
Talent Showcase, American Minority Veterans Research Project, Washington, DC
September 22, 2022
Job Fair, Woodlawn
September 23 - 25, 2022
Gold Star Tribute Wall, Laurel
September 25, 2022
Adaptive Biking at Patapsco Valley State Park
September 28, 2022
Second Chance Job & Resource Fair, Aberdeen
September 29, 2022
Susquehanna Workforce Network Job Fair, Ripken Stadium - Aberdeen
October 1, 2022
Crusin' Southern Maryland
Baby Shower for Women Veterans, Reservists, National Guard & Active Duty, sponsored by Women Veterans United Committee, Inc., must register to attend
October 10, 2022
Voices of Vets fundraiser, Columbia
October 13, 2022
Military Officer Job Fair, Arlington Register
More Photos from the last few weeks:
 Rabbi Tenenbaum and Secretary Owings at the Jewish Uniformed Services Association Veterans Torah Celebration.
 Another photo taken at the well-attended Veterans Claims Clinic in Harford County. From left to right: Paul Jones, USDVA, Del Estrella, USDVA Vet Center, and Phil Munley, MDVA.
 The Women Veterans United Committee, Inc. (WVUCI) held the organization's 5th Annual Retreat, August 26 through 29, 2022.
 Another photo from the Maryland Association of Counties Conference.
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