News and Announcements - April 26, 2019
Did You Serve in Desert Storm?
The Maryland Department of Veterans Affairs still has a few remaining copies of the publication: 25th Anniversary, The Liberation of Kuwait. These books were donated to MDVA and are available to Desert Storm Veterans.
Please note these are hardback books and we are unable to mail out copies. You may stop by the MDVA office in Annapolis: 16 Francis Street, Annapolis, MD 21401 to pick up a copy.
As the remaining copies are limited, please call 410-260-3838 ext. 0 to make sure there are still books available before traveling to Annapolis.
 The front cover of The Liberation of Kuwait
 Grand Lodge of Maryland, Ancient and Accepted Freemasons and the Grand Chapter of Maryland, Order of the Eastern Star Pinning Ceremony for Vietnam Veterans. Shown in this photo are from left to right: Mr. Mark Franklin, with the Office of the United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration, Major William R. Sanner, USA, Retired who is currently the Worthy Grand Patron, Grand Chapter of Maryland, Order of the Eastern Star, Maryland Veterans Commissioner Karen Calvert, who is currently the Worth Grand Matron, Grand Chapter of Maryland, Order of the Eastern Star, and Ms. Dana Burl, MDVA Director, Outreach & Advocacy.
 Members of Unit 70 American Legion Auxiliary presented two 32" TV monitors to Charlotte Hall Veterans Home. While there, MDVA Secretary George Owings presented them with the Governor's Proclamation recognizing the Centennial of the American Legion. Shown in this photo from left to right are: Ms. Ginger Ball, Unit 70 Auxiliary President, Ms. Beverly Baxter, Secretary Owings and Ms. Kelly Bodensick. Unit 70 Auxiliary will celebrate 90 years of service this year.
 Charlotte Hall Veterans Home is the only state veterans home in Maryland. Resource Tables and information on Charlotte Hall may be found at many Fairs, Festivals and Conferences around Maryland. This photo was taken at the Anne Arundel County Caregiver's Conference. On the left is Denise Nooe, MDVA Deputy Director of Outreach & Advocacy, who was attending the conference and Carol Lewis, Director of Marketing, Charlotte Hall Veterans Home who set up a Resource Table at the event. For more information on Charlotte Hall, please call 301-884-8171 and speak to the Admissions Staff.
 Mr. Royce Ball, of the Mid-Shore Recovering Veterans Group, presented Secretary George Owings with a framed copy of a statement made by George Washington. It reads: "The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportioned to how they perceive the Veterans of earlier wars were treated and appreciated by their nation".
 Always on the lookout for Vietnam Veterans who haven't received the Vietnam Veteran Lapel Pin, Secretary Owings "pinned" Mr. Lewis Marcum with the Vietnam Veteran Lapel Pin. From left to right: MDVA Deputy Secretary Robert Finn, Mr. Marcum and Secretary Owings.
 Secretary Owings "pins" Mr. Edward J. Henderson, who served in both the Korean War and in Vietnam. Mr. Henderson first joined the Army and then reenlisted in the Marine Corps. Also shown in photo is MDVA Deputy Secretary Robert Finn.
State Partner News
Spotlight on Education: University of Maryland University College (UMUC)
Pillars of Strength Scholarship Program
The Pillars of Strength Scholarship Program honors the exceptional sacrifices of the family and non-family caregivers of our nation’s injured/wounded military service members. Because this extraordinary commitment often causes caregivers to delay their personal pursuits, the fund was established to assist them in achieving their educational goals. The scholarship program is supported and managed by The Blewitt Foundation and the National Military Family Association, in association with UMUC.
The program kicked off in April 2013 with the awarding of UMUC scholarships to three dedicated caregivers. In April 2015, June 2016, June 2017 and June 2018, additional caregivers were awarded scholarships for their service to injured family members. READ MORE HERE
Fort Frederick State Park Hosts Annual Market Fair
History buffs of all ages are invited to experience an authentic colonial market fair at Fort Frederick State Park April 25-28. The annual Fort Frederick Market Fair features top artisans, craftspeople, entertainers and sutlers together with an 18th century military encampment alongside the park’s historic 1756 stone fort.
“Through their attendance and portrayals of life as it was in the 1700s, our event participants demonstrate the flavor of an 18th century market fair for all to enjoy,” Friends of Fort Frederick State Park President Jenifer Scarisbrick said. “This event is a wonderful opportunity to increase one’s knowledge of the French and Indian War, and the role that the historic fort played in that conflict and in protecting the Maryland frontier.”
See hundreds of re-enactors and sutlers selling delicious food and 18th century wares, including paintings and prints, clothing, patterns, material, books, camp gear, muskets and accoutrements, hornware, fireplace and cooking hardware, lanterns, tinware, copperware and pottery.
The park offers free entertainment throughout the event, plus a fundraising auction on Saturday to benefit the Friends of Fort Frederick State Park, which co-hosts the event. Hours for the event are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday through Saturday and 9 a.m. to 3 p.m on Sunday.
Governor's office on Service & Volunteerism
Now Accepting Nominations for the Inaugural Youth Service Awards
Nominations due Friday, June 7, 2019 at 11:59 p.m.
The Maryland Governor's Office on Service and Volunteerism is now accepting nominations for the inaugural Youth Service Awards. The awards will recognize Maryland youth and youth groups, ages 11 to 18 years old for their significant volunteer contributions to the state and its citizens, and for working to change Maryland for the better. This year, the awards will represent outstanding service occurring in 2018 and 2019.
Up to 10 youth and youth groups will be selected to receive an award at a special ceremony in late summer. MORE INFORMATION
Patapsco Valley State Park Hosts Family Fun Day Annual Event Highlights Volunteerism and Stewardship
The Maryland Department of Natural Resources invites everyone to Patapsco Valley State Park for Family Fun Day on April 28. This free annual event encourages a love for the outdoors, volunteering and stewardship of our state’s public lands. The event takes place from 1 - 4 p.m. at the park’s Hilton Area. Read more.
Federal Partner News
 Last week, United States Senator Chris Van Hollen held an event in Cambridge, MD to announce the introduction of the the World War I Valor Medals Review Act. Shown in this photo are MDVA Secretary George Owings and Mr. Earnest Hawkins, Commander, American Legion Post 29 in Denton, who both attended the announcement event.
Press Release from Senator Chris Van Hollen:
U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen announces new bipartisan legislation to honor WWI Veterans of color with local Veterans, historians, and community members at the Cambridge Empowerment Center.
The World War I Valor Medals Review Act will ensure that Veterans of color who served during WWI are honored and that their stories are told – like William Butler, an African American Veteran from Salisbury whose valor was recognized with Croix de Guerre with Palm, the Distinguished Service Cross, and a recommendation for the Medal of Honor – which he never received. Service members of all races, religions, and backgrounds fought in WWI, but the Medal of Honor was patently denied to minority Veterans until the 1990s.
Senator Van Hollen is committed to righting that historical injustice, and the legislation is supported by the Veterans of Foreign Wars and the American Legion.
Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) National Prescription Drug Tack Back Day is April 27, 2019. Check Here for a location near you.
National Park Week
Annapolis National Cemetery will Host a Tribute to the fallen and Their Families on Saturday, May 4, 2019. Read More Here
Carry the Load Memorial May Campaign
More Information on Carry the Load events
Want to Learn a New Skill, Take Short Breaks, National Institute of Health article
VA provides same day access to emergency mental health care
VA Maryland Health Care System Gambling Awareness Group, Baltimore
VA's Women Veteran Call Center
Appeals Modernization Act Video
Community Partner News
For Your Information
The Maryland Department of Veterans Affairs does not endorse the organizations sponsoring these events, and we do not endorse the views they express or the products/services they offer. The views and opinions expressed in any referenced document do not necessarily state or reflect those of MDVA. The information provided is intended for your general knowledge only, and serves solely as a MDVA community outreach effort.
Community News
Montgomery County Veterans Collaborative
ServingTogether, a program of EveryMind, will be offering two Mental Health First Aid: Military and Veteran Module 8-hour courses in May!
If you a veteran or an individual working with veterans in our community this is the training for you.
Mental Health First Aid: For Veterans and Persons Working with Veterans in our Community Family members and personnel working with military, veterans and families are often not aware of how to engage veterans with mental illnesses and addictions. Mental Health First Aid training aims to increase mental health literacy and to decrease stigmatizing attitudes in our communities. Like regular First Aid or CPR, Mental Health First Aid is designed to give people the skills to help someone who is developing a mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis. The course uses role-playing and simulations to demonstrate how to recognize and respond to the warning signs of specific illnesses.
Mental Health First Aid is a valuable resource that can make a difference in the lives of the more than 22 million service members, veterans and their families.
These workshops will be held from 8:30 am – 5:00 pm, and lunch and snacks will be provided by ServingTogether.
Prince George’s County Administration Building, 147341 Governor Oden Bowie Dr., Upper Marlboro, MD 20772
Frederick Community College, 7932 Opossumtown Pike, Frederick MD 21702
For questions please contact Christy Kenady at ckenady@every-mind.org.
Save the Date: May 17, 2019,
The Anne Arundel County Detachment of the Marine Corps League and the Marines Helping Heroes Foundation are proud to announce our 14th Annual Marines Helping Heroes Charity Golf Tournament. The event is on May 17th at the Walden Country Club. All funds raised will benefit the Semper Fi Fund and TreatNOW Coalition. These organizations work with veterans with TBI and PTSD. Flier
Save the Date: June 7, 2019 11th Annual Veterans' Legal Assistance Conference & Training, Baltimore
Save the Date: Sunday June 9th, 24th Annual MCVET 5K/10K Run/Walk Baltimore
Save the Date: June 20 - 27, 2019 The Mission Continues, Mass Deployment 2019, Operation Charm City Charge
Save the Date: June 29, 2019 Veterans Benefit Seminar, Ft. Washington
Kohl's offers Military and Veteran Discount, Stars & Stripes article
The Veteran Tickets Foundation provides free and discounted event tickets (with a nominal delivery fee) to Veterans, active-duty military, their families, and immediate family survivors. VetTix provides these tickets to reduce stress, strengthen family bonds, build life-long memories and encourage local engagement. Vet Tix secures tickets to sporting events, concerts, performing arts, educational and family activities across the nation. Join the VetTix discussion on RallyPoint.
Community Calendar
April 27, 2019
Annual Disabled Veterans Fishing Outing, Cumberland
Military Veterans EXPO2019, Annapolis
Black Diamond Disaster - The Forgotten Tragedy on the Potomac, Coltons Point
Veterans Awareness Event, Waldorf
April 28, 2019
Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans and Vietnam Era Veterans, Indian Head
May 3, 2019
Department of Labor, Licensing & Regulation Career Fair, Randallstown
May 4, 2019
Travis Manion Foundation Operation Legacy Community Clean-Up, Annapolis, Volunteers Needed!
UMUC Military and Veterans Appreciation Fair, Largo
Honoring Our Heroes Picnic, Waldorf
Team River Runner Kick-Off, Southern Maryland
May 11, 2019
Ft. Meade Community Job Fair, Ft. Meade
May 15, 2019
Maryland's Commitment to Veterans Southern Region Conference, Nanjemoy
May 16, 2019
Job & Resource Fair, Baltimore
May 17, 2019
Queen Anne's County Senior Summit, Centerville
May 23, 2019
Grant Writing Lunch and Learn, Salisbury
May 26, 2019
Centennial Memorial Mass, Sponsored by the Catholic War Veterans, Baltimore
MDVA Customer Service Promise & Survey