December 2022 | Land Trust eNews
Maryland Environmental Trust Spotlight |
Land Trust Monitoring Reports
It's that time of year again... The deadline to submit your co-held easement monitoring reports to MET for CY2022 is January 31, 2023. For more details contact Michelle Grafton at michelle.grafton@maryland.gov.
Is it Time to Renew Your Land Trust's Cooperative Agreement with MET?
The Cooperative Agreement sets out the relationship with MET and the land trust organization to clarify roles and establish common understanding. The purpose of the Agreement is to advance local land conservation plans and programs for environmental protection by working collaboratively. If your land trust's Cooperative Agreement has expired (requires partner renewal every five years) or if your land trust is interested in updating to the new Agreement template, please contact Michelle at michelle.grafton@maryland.gov.
Scenic Rivers Land Trust Acquires Five Conservation Easements from North County Land Trust
Scenic Rivers Land Trust has accepted five existing conservation easements, totaling 224 acres, from the Pasadena-based North County Land Trust (NCLT). With the transfer of these existing conservation easements, which represent NCLT’s total holdings, Scenic Rivers will expand their service area to include the Bodkin Creek and Patapsco River watersheds within northern Anne Arundel County. North County Land Trust will cease operations since its permanent conservation easements will now be watched over by another land trust.
“For over 20 years, NCLT has proudly promoted land conservation and environmental education as an all-volunteer organization,” said NCLT secretary/treasurer Rebecca Kolberg. “As our founding members begin to retire, we’re pleased to be able to turn over the reins to Scenic Rivers Land Trust. We’re confident their resources and conservation expertise will be a great asset for northern Anne Arundel County.”
Succession Planning Workshop a Success!
Past event | Slides online
MET and Forever Maryland collaborated on this in-person workshop on Wednesday, November 30. The workshop, Passing the Baton, drew 38 attendees from different land trusts and organizations from Maryland and Delaware. This workshop focused on succession planning and transitions for land trust staff in leadership positions. Participants heard from four Maryland land trusts and learned how they navigated their paths and transitioned to new leadership. A copy of the workshop slides and agenda can be viewed online.
Forever Maryland's 2023 webinar series dates are coming soon! All past Forever Maryland webinars can be viewed through their Webinar Library.
Maryland Farmers: Partners in Conservation
Online | Free
The Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA) hosts a video series that spotlights Maryland farmers who are making a difference for our state’s natural resources and the Chesapeake Bay. ‘Maryland Farmers: Partners in Conservation’ showcases local farmers and the conservation projects they have installed to manage manure, safeguard local streams, build healthy soils, and protect the natural resources that we all depend on. You can watch the series on the MDA website or visit the department’s YouTube channel.
Tools, Tech and Tutorials |
CCP Green Space Equity Mapping
The Chesapeake Conservation Partnership has developed a Green Space Equity Mapping tool. This web-based map tool includes a set of interactive map layers to assist all government agencies, land trusts, and other conservation organizations and community groups in identifying areas most in need of green spaces.
A study released by the Harry Hughes Center for Agro-Ecology and conducted together with multiple partners is the most comprehensive study of Maryland’s forest cover and tree canopy ever completed. The study, uses high-resolution data to analyze forest and tree canopy change at the local scale and provide a greater understanding of the key drivers of change.
USFS Forest Inventory and Analysis Engagement Portfolio
The US Forest Service's Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) Engagement Portfolio focus is on the extent, condition and trends of forest land across the entire country. The FIA provides rich, interactive experiences for the public while simultaneously making forestry data available to resource professionals and other users.
Share Your News
If you would like to share relevant conservation news, success stories, announcements or events with Maryland's land trusts and conservation partners through this publication, please contact Michelle Grafton by the first of each month at michelle.grafton@maryland.gov.