Adam Tallabas
District Representative - Laguna Beach and Laguna Hills
Howdy, District 5! This was a week of planning. We have so many exciting events in store for 2024, and I have the distinct honor of planning a few of our key events. A reminder to students that our office is still actively hiring for the spring cohort of our Internship program. We are looking to bring on multiple District, Policy and Communications Interns. Apply now by sending your resume and a writing sample to and cc
Alejandro Santiago Ortega
Executive Aide - Costa Mesa, Irvine, and San Juan Capistrano
Hola, everyone! I hope you are having a great Friday so far. During the weekend, I joined Mayte and Elizabeth, a mother and daughter that started a nonprofit with the goal of helping victims of domestic violence. As survivors, their own experiences shaped and inspired the organization called, “MG Camina al Propósito De Vida.” Once a week, a group of survivors and those currently experiencing domestic violence meet, for healing and assistance. Join a meeting at 2221 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa. To learn more, please call (949) 738- 4242.

Les quiero también compartir el Foro sobre Seguridad Publica con la Supervisora del Condado de Orange, Katrina Foley, Alcalde de Costa Mesa, John Stephens, Jefe del Departamento de Policía de Costa Mesa, Ronald Lawrence, Obras Públicas de OC y la Agencia de Atención Médica de OC para discutir los impactos de la seguridad pública en su comunidad. Como la seguridad del vecindario, las mejoras en la seguridad escolar, la " My Costa Mesa App”, actualizaciones del Canal Paularino y presentación de concientización sobre los riesgos del fentanilo. Recursos locales disponibles, incluido Narcan.
El Foro se llevará a cabo el lunes 29 de enero de 2024 de 6:30 a 8 p.m. en la Escuela Primaria Sonora (966 Sonora Rd. Costa Mesa, CA 92626). Si tiene preguntas o dudas en español, llame al (714) 824-7278 o póngase en contacto con
Jonathan Davis
Policy Advisor
This was an exciting week for climate resiliency in our office. Next month, Supervisor Foley will convene her first meeting of our new Climate Resiliency Task Force, a new initiative office that brings together academics and leaders from across the public and private sector. The committee will identify priority projects and initiatives, strategize on maximizing public and private investments, and develop and inform long term planning. I spent this week discussing plans with our new task force members, developing our first agenda, and developing the goals for this task force. Additionally, the county continues making great progress on hiring a Director of Sustainability, a new position that Supervisor Foley advocated for in last year’s budget process. This new position will help develop a climate action plan for Orange County and maximize the amount of state and federal funding for climate resiliency coming to the county. I spent part of my week reviewing applications for upcoming meetings with Supervisor Foley and the top contenders for the position.
I hope you have a great weekend!
Rachel Carr
Policy Intern - Newport Beach
Happy Friday, District 5!
This week I planned our office meeting with Orange Coast College Advocacy students regarding opportunities for the county and students to partner to break down educational barriers through county and state resources such as CalOPTIMA, providing healthcare, food, and housing assistance to low-income individuals in need, particularly benefiting local community college students. In addition, Orange Coast College students expressed interest in outreach on fentanyl overdose prevention through our Health Care Agency. Our office looks forward to forging a partnership for students to become educated on this emerging epidemic through expanding access to educational resources.
Have a fantastic weekend.
Olivia Meis
Communications Intern
Hi, District 5! As the weather grows colder, our fluffiest friends need our help staying safe and warm. Luckily, Orange County Animal Care department’s shared helpful safety tips for pet care. Learn important suggestions on walks and warning signs below, or visit for more information.
Dana Point Harbor Advisory Committee Update
By Dennis Parks, DPHAC Secretary
The first DPHOAC meeting of 2024 was focused on two important presentations; Supervisor Foley’s update and a report by committee member Diane Wenzel regarding re-envisioning the Orange County Sailing and Event Center at the Dana Point Harbor.
Supervisor Foley opened by bringing the committee up to speed with respect to the anticipated start of the Phase I parking garage scheduled to break ground in January. The Supervisor reported that the financing for Phase I has been approved and that final permits for the electrical work have been obtained and that the water district permits should be signed off this week clearing the way for construction to begin. Supervisor Foley then introduced Christian Gagne as the Dana Point Harbor Project Oversight Manager. Mr. Gagne has worked in the County of Orange Real Estate Department and the private sector overseeing complex projects similar to the Dana Point Harbor revitalization. He will be responsible for making sure the Dana Point Harbor makeover proceeds according to the development contract/timeline and to provide transparency to the public and the harbor stakeholders about the process.
Diane Wenzel’s presentation focused on three primary areas regarding the OC Sailing and Event Center. First, she illustrated the existing building space and dock utilization by the current users of the facility. Second, she outlined short term solutions to better utilize the existing space to accommodate more storage for users such as the Outrigger Club that will be impacted by marina construction in 2024. And third, she provided suggestions on how to rework the Center’s east and west docks to be more efficient for the center’s stakeholders as well as becoming ADA compliant. In addition, she presented ideas on how the future OC Sailing and Event Center could be utilized to better benefit of the residents of Orange County. Ms. Wenzel was then asked by Supervisor Foley to organize a team of the dock’s users to meet with Michael Wilson of the County of Orange Parks department to develop specific plans for the use of anticipated state grant money earmarked to reconstruct the facility’s east and west docks. Supervisor Foley and the committee will be briefed on these plans at future meetings.
From the Marina
On the Docks
See something in need of attention or repair? Please give us a call at (949) 496-6137 or send an EMAIL. Our maintenance team is out and about on the docks, boater service buildings and common areas performing repairs and regular checks to ensure things are in order. If you notice something in need of our attention, please do not hesitate to let us know and we will address it immediately.
As we continue to move boats around throughout the harbor, it is important that you please keep the dock fingers and main walkways clear of any items. Nothing should be stored on the dock fingers or main walkways. We also appreciate any open slips remaining unoccupied. We often find dinghies and other items in empty slips, which is problematic for several reasons. Please gather up all your stuff and store it aboard your vessel or elsewhere. No items are to be stored on the docks. If you have a dinghy behind your boat that creates overhang in excess of the allowable LOA in the slip, it is not permited. You are permited only the maximum LOA that your slip size permits which is the slip length plus 10%. We appreciate your cooperation.
January is a great time of year to schedule a courtesy Coast Guard Auxiliary Vessel Safety Check. Vessel Safety Checks ensure that your boat is equipped with the proper safety gear required for open water navigation. Once your vessel passes, you are issued a decal that is good for one calendar year...another great reason to schedule in January! Click HERE to contact the local Coast Guard Auxiliary to schedule an appointment. All boats coming into new slips at the marina are required to have a Vessel Safety Check.
Marina Revitalization
Phase 4 is near completion and is expected to be open for occupancy in the coming weeks! Phase 4 is in the west basin cove and includesDock of the Orange Lantern (Gate 13), Dock of the Violet Lantern (Gate 14) and Dock of the Cardinal Lantern (Gate 15). Phase 4 includes 21’ slips, 24’ slips, 25’ slips, 26’ slips, 28’ slips, 30’ slips and various size end-ties. We are excited to see another phase of Marina Revitalization complete!
Phase 5 demolition is soon to begin! Notifications have been sent to all tenants with slips on A-dock west basin cove offering temporary relocations to comparable slips throughout the harbor. Phase 5 includes A- dock west basin and the guest dock which is also located in the west basin cove. All slips are to be cleared by January 31, 2024, with demolition to begin February 1, 2024.
Read more.
Health News
From the OC Health Care Agency
With COVID-19 continuing to affect the community, preventive measures and mitigation strategies are strongly recommended. Vaccines and testing also continue to play an important role. Read more here.
Point in Time Count
Looking ahead to this month, I encourage you to volunteer for the County’s “Everyone Counts 2024 Point in Time” count of people experiencing unsheltered homelessness on a given night. The count provides information that helps the County and the Orange County Continuum of Care (CoC) better understand homelessness in the community and guides the way the County, CoC, and its partners respond to homelessness.
At the Board of Supervisors meeting last month, my colleagues unanimously supported my motion directing county staff and the Orange County Traffic Committee to begin drafting a new ordinance on e-bike safety regulations. According to the study by OC Public Works, e-bike trauma patients in Orange County increased by 500 percent in 2020. While e-bikes expand clean, active transportation options for residents, e-bikes also pose a major public safety concern due to failure to wear helmets and no clear safety and speed regulations on trails, major arterials, and neighborhoods.
Our community will have a seat at the table for drafting this ordinance. At a board meeting earlier this year, I led a motion to amend the membership of the Orange County Traffic Committee so that it includes a representative for the Fifth and Third Districts. I look forward to working with residents, the committee, and county staff on creating an e-bike ordinance that reflects the needs and concerns of our residents.
In the meantime, please share the tips below.
 During the past several years, Orange County has seen an increase in the number and variety of e-bikes on roads and on paths. Over this time, OCTA has expanded its role to coordinate efforts regionally, monitor e-bike use and trends, and provide safety information to e-bike riders.
OCTA has a webpage dedicated to e-bike resources and safety information, which includes a database listing local bike and e-bike ordinances. To further promote safe and courteous e-bike riding, OCTA is also developing a series of videos about e-bike safety aimed at teen riders. The first video was a partnership with local influencer Goodboy Noah and other videos will be rolled out in the months ahead.
OCTA has also been hosting quarterly e-bike coordination meetings with partner agencies from around the county. These meetings allow the group to exchange ideas and coordinate resources with the goal of keeping people safe and connected in Orange County. At the same time, OCTA is also developing its e-bike safety action plan, which is expected to be finalized by December 2024. This plan will provide recommendations centered around educating the public about safely riding e-bikes and policy approaches to encourage safe e-bike riding.
More information about OCTA's efforts is available at
Talbert Park Master Plan Public Outreach Meeting - January 31
OCTA Free Hikes & Equestrian Rides
Orange County is home to some of the most beautiful protected wilderness areas in the country. Experience and enjoy the natural landscape with OCTA's free docent-led hikes and equestrian rides!
Lace up your hiking shoes or saddle up your horse, and sign up for a free hike or equestrian ride today. Come see Orange County as it was yesterday, and as it will be tomorrow.
OC Animal Care
 Through Kennel Connection, visitors can view ready-to-adopt pets right in their kennels every Wednesday and Saturday. No appointment needed to walk through. One-on-one visits available on a first come, first serve basis.
Pet of the Week
 Meet Pet of the Week, Broxann!
Broxann is a fun, wiggly dog who absolutely adores humans! She loves humans so much that she's not so great sharing them with other dogs and will need to be the only pet in the family. This cuddle bug loves being pet and loads of attention. She always has a big smile on her face and is ready to be your most bestest friend forever. A dog's love for treats is infinite, but Broxann's love for you will be endless!
If you think Broxann is the perfect fit for you, please call OC Animal Care at (714) 935-6848 and mention Animal ID A1835301.
OC Workforce One-Stop: OPEN NOW!
 Ready Set OC offers no-cost employment training for Orange County youth ages 14-24, including those with disabilities or IEP plans, former or current foster children, pregnant or parenting, offender/ex-offender, and those experiencing homelessness, including couch-surfing or at risk of homelessness. To find out more information, call the OC Business and Economic Recovery Call Center at (714) 480-6500 or text (657) 210-1295. Email
UPDATE: Treasury Department opens pre-filing registration for clean energy tax credit
In June of 2023, The Treasury Department announced details of an expanded tax credit for clean energy technologies provided through the Inflation Reduction Act. The feature, known as direct pay by the White House and elective pay by the IRS, applies to twelve tax credits created by the Inflation Reduction Act allowing local governments to receive the tax credit. Among these are a tax credit (direct payment) of up to $40,000 for qualified commercial clean vehicles such as buses, ambulances, and other public fleet vehicles. There is also a tax credit for EV charging infrastructure and clean electricity production such as community solar panels and for clean energy storage.
On December 22, the IRS announced the launch of the IRS Energy Credits Online pre-filing registration tool for taxpayers who wish to receive direct payments or transfer clean energy credits. Any entity eligible for the direct payment must pre-register with the IRS to receive a registration number. The registration number will be required in order to file a tax return and receive the credit.
Check out the Energy Efficient Home Improvement Credit, Residential Clean Energy Credit and these additional resources:
New Year's Tip: Batteries and Smoke Alarm Disposal
 Out with the old, in with the new — let’s wave goodbye to those old batteries and worn-out smoke alarms!
Here’s a friendly reminder to add battery and smoke alarm disposal to your New Year’s resolution list. It’s the perfect time to think about your family’s safety and recharge your battery-operated electronics around the house.
Take charge this coming year and dispose of these items at the nearest Household Hazardous Waste Collection Center.
Collection Centers are open Tuesdays-Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. for free disposal.
📍Anaheim Collection Center—1071N. Blue Gum Street, 92806
📍Huntington Beach Collection Center—17121 Nichols Lane, 92647, Gate 6
📍Irvine Collection Center—6411 Oak Canyon, 92618
📍San Juan Capistrano Collection Center—32250 Avenida La Pata, 92675
For more information including a list of what’s accepted visit
OC Waste and Recycling
Are you an Orange County resident trying to dispose of bulky items like old refrigerators and appliances but not sure how? Start by checking with your local waste hauler. Many haulers offer free bulky item pickups. For information on local haulers and recycling coordinators visit
 ⏰Time for yardwork? OC Waste and Recycling offers free compost and mulch by appointment to OC residents! Schedule a pick up appointment in Irvine or San Juan Capistrano (free compost coming to Brea soon).
🌱Capistrano Greenery in San Juan Capistrano is expanding its hours - compost is now available six days a week, Monday through Saturday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. by appointment.
🌱Free compost is also available at the Bee Canyon Greenery in Irvine, Monday through Saturday from 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. by appointment.
For more information on Capistrano Greenery in San Juan Capistrano, Bee Canyon Greenery in Irvine and Valencia Greenery in Brea, along with details on small and large quantities of compost, visit
OC Cemetery District Updates
Click here to view the full Orange County Cemetery District Newsletter.
OC Parks is Hiring!
OC Parks Maintenance Workers
The Park Maintenance Worker I position performs routine unskilled and semiskilled grounds maintenance, landscape, and facility maintenance, along with repair work.
OC Public Libraries
The 12 County libraries in our district welcome people of all ages. We help them find trusted information and receive supports for lifelong learning!
Check out these upcoming fabulous Fifth District events, and learn more here:
 Orange County officially switched over to a new benefits enrollment portal called BenefitsCal. This new website replaces the former portal, MyBenefitsCalWIN, as a new simple way for our residents to apply for, view and renew benefits for health coverage, food and cash assistance. Households interested in applying for benefits assistance can now create an account at and submit their application or link their old MyBenefitsCalWIN case to their account. For more information about BenefitsCal, including new features and capabilities, click here.
Orange County Resources

Sign up for AlertOC to get notified in case of emergency in Orange County. The mass notification system is designed to keep Orange County residents and businesses informed in the event of a time-sensitive emergency. YOU MUST OPT IN TO RECEIVE ALERTS. Register today at this link!
Equity in OC - NEW!
Are you in charge of a grassroots organization? the Equity in OC initiative is releasing a POWER BUILDING FUND to provide smaller, grassroots organizations with the opportunity to build their infrastructure and/or capacity
Learn More: Here
Committee Appointments
If you have questions or comments that you'd like to share, in relation to the committees below, please email me at