New Year, New Changes
Maricopa County announced some changes as we entered into 2023. One of them was introducing a new brand and a cohesive look to help residents connect the programs and services available through their County government. This video shares the story of who we are, what we do, and how we arrived at our new brand.
The Board of Supervisors elected new leadership at the first Board meeting of the year, and we appointed a new Justice of the Peace to the San Tan Court, Sherwood Johnston III.
We know we have work to do, and we look forward to working with our County team and community partners to provide critical services to our residents in the months ahead.
At the annual "Passing of the Gavel" ceremony on January 8, 2023, Clint Hickman was elected Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, and I was appointed Vice Chair for the upcoming year.
Chairman Hickman focused his remarks on what the County can do to meet the demands of a new economy where affordable housing is tough to come by and skilled workers are in high demand. He also committed to pursuing solutions to increased homelessness in the region, a taxed water supply, and the scourge of fentanyl.
Maricopa County Job Fair | February 15 | Chase Field
If you’re searching for a job, or considering a career change, bring your resume and meet Maricopa County’s hiring managers at the County's Career Fair & Community Expo on February 15 from 11:00 am-7:00 pm. We will be conducting on-the-spot interviews and making job offers.
Learn about the County’s programs and services including rent and utility assistance, pet adoptions, family services, and health programs at the Expo. Onsite activities include animal adoptions, ballpark weddings, free vaccinations, interview training, and drone demonstrations. Baxter, the Diamondbacks mascot is expected to stop by and you can get your photo taken with the 2001 Diamondbacks World Series Trophy.
Admission and parking at Chase Field is free; park south of the ballpark at 467 S. 4th Street.
Don't Get Sidelined by Getting Sick
Sports fans will be flocking to the Valley of the Sun for both the Phoenix Open and Super Bowl LVIl on February 12. Along with all the activities and events, there's an increased likelihood of getting or spreading illness, including the flu and COVID-19.
Consider getting tested and/or vaccinated now for added protection.
Affordable Housing Underway in Maricopa County
Affordable housing is a critical priority for our region and we dedicated American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to assist with that effort. One of those projects includes the 192-unit Salt River Flats, which broke ground in October near Broadway and 14th Street in Phoenix. The project is expected to be completed in March 2024 and will be available to those who earn 60 percent of the area median income ($42,660 for a family of 3).
 On January 27, I attended Senator Mark Kelly's “Coffee to Kick Off the 118th Congressional Session” at his Phoenix Senate Office.
 I had the opportunity to speak at a "Meet the Electeds" event at the Chandler Chamber of Commerce in the morning on January 20. The afternoon was spent at a roundtable discussion featuring Senator Sinema.
 The partnership between the Governor and the County Supervisor's Association (CSA) is critical to serving the public. We appreciate Governor Hobbs' attendance at the January CSA Board Meeting (top photos.)
The (CSA) Legislative Reception was a great opportunity to interact with our State Legislators and discuss issues in a casual, nonpartisan environment (bottom photos.)
 I started the morning of January 11 at the East Valley Breakfast with the Governor. I was pleased that Governor Katie Hobbs understands and supports the urgency for getting an extension for Maricopa County Transportation Prop 400 on a ballot as soon as possible.
 I was honored to be invited, along with Supervisor Bill Gates, to the presentation of the Presidential Citizens Medal to my friend Speaker Rusty Bowers. The ceremony was at the White House on January 6, 2023.
Maricopa County Contacts
Below is a contact list for Maricopa County constituent services. Don't see what you're looking for? Visit our County Contacts Webpage.
Abandoned Vehicles
County Owned Roads 602-876-1011
Private Property 602-506-3301
Adopt-a-Pet, Barking Dogs, Bite Reports, Dog Licenses, Lost & Found 602-506-7387
Assessor's Office
Assessor Website 602-506-3406
Birth & Death Certificates
Birth Certificates Death Certificates 602-506-6805
Building/Construction Permits
Private Property: Building, Electrical, Fencing/Grading, Mechanical, Plumbing, Pool/Spa, Solar 602-506-3301
County-Owned Right-of-Way 602-506-8600
Building Safety
Non-permitted construction 602-506-3301
Clerk of the Board Clerk of the Board Website 602-506-3766
Code Enforcement Code Compliance 602-506-3301
Consumer Complaints
AZ Attorney General 602-542-5763
Dust (Air Quality)
Complaints 602-506-6010 Permits 602-506-6010
Economic Development
Homebuyer Assistance 602-506-7294
Low-interest Loans 602-506-1888
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