October 7, 2022 Resource Bulletin |
Miss our last email? Past e-bulletins are posted in the left column on both the ABADA and AMHB websites. |
AMHB/ABADA Board Meeting & Public Comment Opportunity October 11-13th, Westmark Fairbanks Hotel and Zoom
The Advisory Board on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse (ABADA) and the Alaska Mental Health Board (AMHB) will hold a joint board meeting in Fairbanks, October 11-13th. This meeting will be held at the Westmark Fairbanks Hotel with the option to attend virtually. These meetings begin at 9:00 am each day and are open to the public - the third day will be Zoom only.
There will be an opportunity for formal public comment to ABADA and AMHB board members on Wednesday, October 12th beginning at 6:00pm. This is your chance to talk about anything related to mental health or substance use in Alaska. Public comment period will be available statewide by teleconference by dialing 1-833-928-4609 (toll-free) Meeting ID: 847 9784 3442, Passcode 2022. (Enter *6 to mute and unmute and *9 to raise your hand.)
To download a shareable .PDF flyer, click here. To view the agenda and Zoom information, please click here.
Substance Misuse Prevention, Treatment & Recovery |
Health Warning - Fentanyl and Rainbow Fentanyl
Alaskans can support one another by sharing messages about the dangers of opioids, especially fentanyl. They can also add naloxone to their first aid kit. Naloxone can be obtained through Project Hope (click here).
Illicit fentanyl is commonly mixed with other illegal drugs like heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine or counterfeit pills made to look like prescription drugs. It comes in a variety of forms, including pills, powder, chunks or rocks, and liquids.
A new form is rainbow-colored fentanyl in chunks or pills. This is particularly troubling because children may think it is candy. Schools, students, staff and families should know that a very small amount of fentanyl can cause an overdose. Just one pill or a tiny amount can be fatal.
The Alaska Department of Health issued a 2-page info sheet with photos. To download, click here.
Opioid and Polysubstance Misuse Community Cafés Kodiak - October 13th 3:00-7:00pm AKDT Prince of Wales - November 10th
The State of Alaska's Office of Substance Misuse and Addiction Prevention (OSMAP) continues to host community cafes to discuss opioid and polysubstance misuse. Come and network with others in your community and share your experiences and thoughts to help make effective programs. For questions, email osmap@alaska.gov. To download a flyer for Kodiak, click here.
To register for the Kodiak cafe, click here.
Red Ribbon Campaign and Rally October 23-31st
The 2022 National Red Ribbon Week Theme is Celebrate Life. Live Drug Free. Created by 7th graders in New York, the theme is a reminder that everyday Americans across the country make significant daily contributions to their communities by being the best they can be because they live Drug-Free. There are all activities you can participate in virtually including a photo contest. On October 13th, there will be a virtual red ribbon rally at 11:00am AKDT. The rally will host guests with different experiences and perspectives on drug use prevention.
To learn more click here.
1115 Waiver Substance Use Disorder and BH Intensive Outpatient Service - Technical Assistance Conference October 12, 9:00-10:00am AKDT
Optum Alaska is hosting this training. To register, click here.
Substance Use Disorder Policy - Addiction Medicine ECHO October 27, 12:00-1:00pm AKDT
Project ECHO and ANTHC Behavioral Health partnered to develop a virtual learning network focused on improving delivery of addiction medicine and medication-assisted treatment (MAT).
To register please click here.
Alaska 6th Annual Medications for Addiction Treatment (MAT) Conference Recordings Available
If you missed this year's MAT conference, it was outstanding. The powerpoint presentations and recordings are available to watch. including really powerful "Resilient Journeys" video series highlighting the voices of people with lived experience of substance use and recovery.
To watch the recordings, click here.
Mental Health
Traditional Health Based Practices - $120 fee October 25, 8:00am - 5:00pm AKDT
Presenters Meda Dewitt & Leona Schick provide foundational information on traditional lifestyles and health practices of people living in Alaska prior to western contact. Participants will be introduced to beliefs, attitudes, and knowledge of health promotion and maintenance that were practiced. They will examine major changes leading to the current health status of the Alaska Native community with special emphasis on strategies for improving behavioral health.
These trainings are offered online through web-delivery via Zoom.
To register, click here.
Engaging Parents in a Trauma Informed Way November 1, 9:30-11:30am
To engage parents in a trauma informed way we need to first understand a parent’s perspective. Whether a birth parent, foster parent, adoptive parent, or relative caregiver it must be understood the history that brings them to this viewpoint. This course will look at the unique perspectives of birth parents, foster parents, adoptive parents, and relative caregivers and present some skills needed to engage parents in services. This training offers 2 CEs.
The Family Services Training Center (FSTC) at the UAA Center for Human Development in collaboration with the Alaska Department of Health, Division of Behavioral Health is excited to offer this training opportunity.
To register click here.
Traditional Peer Support Certificate Track
Traditional Peer Support is geared specifically to the Alaska Native population. This certification follows largely the same requirements as Peer Support Professionals; however, it includes traditional cultural healing methods. There is an additional required Native Alaskan healing class that must be taken to obtain a Traditional Peer Support certification.
The Traditional Peer Support professional is for Alaska Natives, American Indians, and Indigenous people in recovery from behavioral health issues who provide support primarily to other Alaska Natives, American Indians and Indigenous people utilizing traditional cultural interactions. For questions about the Peer Support Certification, contact Crystal Smith as crystal.smith@alaska.gov.
To visit the website and learn more, click here.
Alaska Careline For someone to talk to, call anytime: 1-877-266-4357 (HELP) or text 4help to 839863
Suicide Prevention & Postvention |
Brief: Addressing Discrimination Supports Youth Suicide Prevention Efforts
Suicide is a leading cause of preventable death among youth in the United States. Suicide is the third leading cause of death among youth ages 15 to 19 and the second leading cause among youth ages 10 to 14.1. The percentage of Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color (BIPOC); lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer/questioning youth (LGBTQ); and youth with disabilities who report suicide attempts is higher than that of their peers. Experiences of identity-based discrimination are associated with increased risk of suicide, especially among youth with multiple marginalized identities. To effectively reduce suicide among youth with the highest risk, state leaders must understand the relationship between discrimination and suicide risk.
To read the full brief click here.
Alaska Careline For someone to talk to, call anytime: 1-877-266-4357 (HELP) or text 4help to 839863 |
FASD into Action for Behavioral Health Professionals October 13, 21, 28, 9:00am-1:00pm AKDT
Participants will learn the tools necessary to support the growth and development of individuals impacted with prenatal alcohol exposure, how to provide the necessary psychoeducation to the family and caregivers, and to increase the skill set of the family and caregivers to better support the individual. By the end of the third day, participants will have developed an "Into Action Plan" to apply accommodations for the individual resulting in the reduction of secondary symptoms. This training is capped at 30 participants to allow for collaborative learning, interaction and feedback. Each participant is asked to have an individual impacted by PAE that they are working with who they can apply knowledge learned throughout the training. 10.5 CEs available.
To register, click here.
Voting Rights - What They Are and How To Support Them October 20, 11:00am-12:00pm AKDT
The Alaska Association on Developmental Disabilities (AADD) is partnering with the Alaska Disability Law Center to provide an overview of the elections process beginning with voter registration through election day, how to support people with disabilities throughout the process and how to respond to barriers. DLC is interested in hearing about challenges faced by voters with disabilities.
When it's time to join the discussion, click here.
Meeting ID: 884 3592 1229, Passcode: AADD
Justice Involved |
Mat-Su Reentry Simulation November 3, 10:00am-12:00pm AKDT
Last year, approximately 2,556 individuals were released from incarceration back into the Anchorage community and 593 individuals were released back into the Mat-Su community. The Reentry Simulation is a participatory activity that seeks to raise awareness about the process of reentering the community from a correctional institution, and to educate participates about the barriers and challenges associated with reentry. This hands-on activity will put participants into the role of a reentrant where one must balance decisions regarding accessing social services, entering into the workforce, obtaining identification, and finding housing while simultaneously complying with supervision and managing limited resources. Light refreshments will be provided.
Space is limited! Please RSVP to Barbara Mongar by October 28th at (907) 414-4077 or barbara.mongar@avalleycharities.org
Other Resources/Opportunities
If you know of a great resource or opportunity, send us an email and we'll try our best to include it here or in a section above.
Opioid Settlement Funds Discussion October 14, 8:30-9:30am AKDT
The Governor's Advisory Council on Opioid Remediation (GACOR) will meet to discuss public comment received and finalize their recommendations to the Commissioner on the management of opioid settlement funds received by Alaska. This meeting is open to the public to listen in.
To view the public notice, click here.
Requests for Proposals
- Community-based and institutional sex offender management and treatment services at the Lemon Creek Correction Center in Juneau. Proposals due by 10/12. To view the public notice, click here.
- 40-Hour Introductory Peer Support Worker Trainings. Proposals due by 10/24. To read the public notice, click here.
- Senior in-Home Services in Region 7 (Bristol Bay, Dillingham, Lake and Peninsula Borough, and underserved areas of Kodiak Island). Proposals due by 10/31. To view the request, click here.
- Youth Courts/Community Panels. Proposals due by 11/1. To review the request, click here.
- Provider Agreement: Complex Behavioral Collaborative Consultation and Training. To view the public notice, click here.