Conservation Stamp Required to Hunt or Fish in Wyoming

 Summer Mnts

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SHERIDAN - The two questions a hunter or angler usually hears when approached by a Wyoming game warden is, “May I see your license?” and “Do you have a conservation stamp?”   This is the 31st year a conservation stamp is required to hunt or fish in Wyoming, but game wardens still contact people that are unaware a conservation stamp is needed in addition to a hunting or fishing license while hunting or fishing in Wyoming.

            The conservation stamp regulation states, “Each person licensed to hunt or fish in Wyoming shall purchase one conservation stamp valid for the calendar year.” If a hunter or angler purchases an actual stamp, it must be signed in ink and it has to be in possession of the person while hunting or fishing.   The regulation further states “Hunters or anglers who acquire a lifetime conservation stamp or a conservation stamp authorization from the Wyoming Game and Fish Departments computerized point of sale license issuance system shall not be required to meet the signature provision.“

            There are some exceptions to the conservation stamp requirement.   People holding the following licenses are exempt from the requirement to purchase a conservation stamp while using the following licenses: daily hunting or fishing license; special limited fishing permit holders; Wyoming 50 percent disabled veteran fishing license; or, licenses reissued to a veteran with disabilities.

            In addition to the license types mentioned above, people that have the following licenses are exempt from the requirement to purchase a conservation stamp while hunting or fishing with ANY Wyoming license. The person shall, at all times, be in possession of the license that allows the conservation stamp exemption while in the field. The licenses in this category are: any Wyoming pioneer hunting or fishing license; Wyoming 100 percent disabled veteran game bird, small game and fishing license; military combat general elk or general deer license; or, military combat game bird or small game license.

            Conservation stamps may be purchased from license selling agents throughout the state, Game and Fish Regional or Cheyenne Headquarters Offices, or the Department’s website at

            A lifetime conservation stamp may be purchased by applying to the Cheyenne Headquarters Office, License Section or through any Department Regional Office.

            Hunters with questions regarding the Conservation Stamp requirements can contact Game and Fish headquarters in Cheyenne 307-777-4600 or their regional Game and Fish office.


~ WGFD ~