Notice of Availability of Objections Received - Small Mine Permit Application, Evans Construction Inc., TFN 7 1/193

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Public Notice: Availability of Objections Received - Small Mine Permit Application, Evans Construction Inc., TFN 7 1/193

Evans Construction Inc., published notice of their small mine permit application, TFN 7 1/193, filed with the Land Quality Division of the Department of Environmental Quality for the mining of sand and gravel in Sublette County, Wyoming. Those wishing to file written objections to the application were provided an opportunity to file objections within 30 days after final publication of the last notice provided on August 8, 2024. The Land Quality Division received fifty-five (55) written objections to the small mine permit application. In accordance with Wyoming Statute 35-11-406(q)(i) the LQD is providing notice that the objections are available to the public and may be reviewed at the following link: