Categorical Exclusion Determination for Sheridan, Wyoming

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Public Notice: Categorical Exclusion Determination Sheridan South Downtown Project

The Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality/Water Quality Division (WDEQ) has conducted a review of the proposed Sheridan South Downtown Project in accordance with EPA and State of Wyoming procedures for implementing the State Environmental Review Process. DEQ has determined that this project is eligible for categorical exclusion. Accordingly, DEQ is exempting the project from further substantive environmental review requirements under the State Environmental Review Process. Neither an Environmental Assessment/Finding of No Significant Impact nor an Environmental Impact Statement/Record of Decision will be required for the proposed action. The following is a brief description of the situation and the proposed action and a brief statement of how the action meets the criteria for a categorical exclusion.

The project area is located south of downtown and consists of Whitney Street from Thurmond Street to Main Street, Perkins Street from Tschirgi Street to Main Street, Kilbourne Street from Thurmond Street to Main Street, College Avenue from Thurmond Street to Main Street, Tschirgi Street from College Avenue to Whitney Street, Brooks Street from College Avenue to Whitney Street, and South Main Street from College Avenue to Burkitt Street. The utilities and street surfacing in these locations are aging and showing signs of deterioration. As it relates to water, throughout the years there have been numerous breaks and leaks as a result of corrosion to the DIP. Work on this project will include trenching in the existing, previously disturbed right-of-way to replace deteriorating water pipe with new PVC water mains and all appurtenances and replacing the existing sewer vitrified clay pipe with new PVC mains and all appurtenances.

To fund this project, the City intends to use loans from the Wyoming Drinking Water and Clean Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF & CWSRF) program. The City will present the preliminary design of the proposed project at the public meeting to be held on August 8, 2024. The total cost of the water and sewer portions of this project is estimated at $5,050,000. Of this total project cost, the City plans to obtain the loans with a 1.25% interest rate if principal forgiveness is not available. The Water and Sewer Enterprise Funds will repay the loans.

The City of Sheridan is aware of and accepts the fact that they will be responsible for any required mitigative actions associated with and including storm water runoff, erosion control, archeological/historic artifacts, and air quality concerns. These will be part of the standard State Revolving Funds Program contract conditions.

DEQ is granting an exclusion because the replacement of the water and sewer mains are in an area that has already been completely developed. DEQ has determined that exempting the proposed project from further review under the State Environmental Review Process will not result in adverse impacts to the population or the area of the City of Sheridan or Sheridan County, Wyoming.

The documentation to support this decision will be on file in the DEQ Cheyenne Office and is available for public scrutiny upon request. Comments concerning this decision may be addressed to Shawn King, SRF Project Manager, Department of Environmental Quality, 200 W. 17th St. Suite 200, Cheyenne, WY 82002. Tel. (307) 777-6941, FAX (307) 635-1784,

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