Notice of Small Mine Permit Application - Spomer Construction Co. Inc., TFN 7 5/149

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Public Notice: Small Mine Permit Application - Spomer Construction Co. Inc., TFN 7 5/149

Spomer Construction Co., Inc. of Powell, WY has applied for a small mining permit from the Land Quality Division of the Department of Environmental Quality for the State of Wyoming. The mining permit area for the mining of sand &gravel will be located in:
Section 15, Township 55 N., Range 98 W., Lot 53 I, Lot 53 J, and Lot 53 P of Park County, Wyoming
The Small Mine Permit area is approximately 2.5 miles southeast of Garland, off of Road 3 south,
and ¾ mile north of the Shoshone River. The proposed operation is scheduled to begin June 2024 and is estimated to continue until 2064. Information regarding this application may be reviewed in the Office of the Land Quality Division of the Department of Environmental Quality in Cheyenne or the Lander District Office or the Park County Clerk's Office Cody, Wyoming. Written objections to the proposed mining operation must be received by the Administrator of the Land Quality Division, Department of Environmental Quality, 200 W. 17th Street, Suite 10, Cheyenne, WY 82002 before the close of business May 25, 2024. Objections may also be submitted by the same deadline via the Land Quality Division’s electronic comment portal at The Director shall issue a final written decision on the application within thirty days after the deadline to file objections. The applicant or objector may appeal the Director’s written decision to the Environmental Quality Council (EQC). If a hearing is held, the EQC shall issue findings of fact and a decision within sixty days after the final hearing. The hearing shall be conducted as a contested case in accordance with the Wyoming Administrative Procedure Act (W.S. §16-3-101 through §16-3-115), and the right of judicial review shall be afforded as provided in that Act. All parties as given in W.S. §35-11-406(j) will be mailed a copy of this notice. The Wyoming Oil and Gas Conservation Commission will be mailed a copy of the application mine plan map as required in W.S. §35-11-406(j).