Publication of Finding of No Significant Impact

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Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality

Public Notice: The Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality publication of Finding of No Significant Impact


TO ALL INTERESTED GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES AND PUBLIC GROUPS:  As required by guideline for the Wyoming State Environmental Review Process, the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has performed an environmental review on the proposed State Revolving Fund (SRF) supported action below:
Project: Northeast Transmission Main Extension
Location: City of Sheridan and Sheridan County, Wyoming
Total Cost/SRF Share: $1,900,000

This proposed water transmission main was described in the 2019 Sheridan Water System Master Plan, Level I Study, and is intended to extend the water supply system through an area of Sheridan that is underserved, both on a location and capacity basis. The extension will complete a transmission loop for the City and will provide major water transmission improvements to the northeast side of Sheridan to meet domestic needs, improve health and safety, improve pressure and increase flows in the area.

To fund this project, the City intends to use funds from the Wyoming Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) loan program and the Wyoming Water Development Commission. The City will present the preliminary design of the proposed project at the public meeting to be held on March, 26, 2024. The total cost of the project is estimated at 3,868,060. Of this total project cost, the City plans to obtain the DWSRF loan in the amount of $1,900,000 with a 1.25% interest rate if principal forgiveness is not available. The Water Enterprise Fund will repay the loan.

No significant adverse environmental impacts will occur due to this project. The proposed project will not adversely affect wetlands, prime agricultural lands, threatened or endangered species habitat, historical sites, or sites with environmentally sensitive characteristics. The primary impacts of the project will be short-term and construction related.

The review process did not indicate significant environmental impacts would result from the proposed action. Consequently, DEQ has made a preliminary decision not to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). DEQ has taken this action on the basis of a review of the environmental assessment document and other supporting data, which are on file at the DEQ Cheyenne Office. The public may review these documents upon request.

Comments supporting or disagreeing with this decision may be submitted for DEQ consideration. Address all questions and comments to Shawn King, SRF Project Manager, Department of Environmental Quality, 200 W. 17th St. Suite 200, Cheyenne, WY 82002, Tel. (307) 777-6941, FAX (307) 635-1784, email: After evaluating comments received, DEQ will make a final decision; however, DEQ will take no administrative action for at least 30 days after publication of this Finding of No Significant Impact.

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