Hathaway Day is November 16th!

Hathaway Day is November 16

Update from the Wyoming Department of Education  |  view online |  website

Celebrate with your students!

In recognition of the Hathaway Scholarship Program, November 16 is being celebrated as Hathaway Day. Please take some time out of your day to congratulate any student in your classroom for pursuing the Hathaway Scholarship and share information about these merit- and need-based scholarships for qualified Wyoming high school graduates that support their postsecondary success.

The Wyoming Department of Education has developed resources, including printable materials, informational videos, and planning tools to make sharing this information with your students easy. To request Hathaway posters to place at your school or other resources to promote the Hathaway Scholarship to your students, email hathawayscholarship@wyo.gov

Bookmark Contest

The bookmark contest is open to all Wyoming K-6 students, including homeschools. All bookmarks must be submitted by November 30, 2023. The contest challenges students to draw what they want to be when they grow up. Individual bookmark submissions will enter a student’s entire classroom into a Hathaway swag drawing! At the close of the contest, student artwork will be selected, printed, and shared with school libraries around the state. See rules and download an official contest form

Snapchat / Instagram / TikTok

Snapchat and Instagram stickers were created to celebrate Wyoming' s Hathaway Scholarship and to encourage Wyoming students to use their Hathaway at the University of Wyoming or one of the Wyoming community colleges. Share these stickers with your students and encourage them to use on social media. Students can share a photo or video and proclaim their intent to pursue postsecondary education, what they hope to become after they graduate high school, or share where they plan to use their scholarship.

Find these filters on Tik Tok, Snapchat, or Instagram by searching HathawayWyo. Make sure to make posts public and use #HathawayDay and #HathawayWyo.