The WDE Monthly for September 2023

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WDE Monthly


Jamie Keisel, Greybull Elementary

Jamie Keisel
Greybull Elementary
Greybull, Wyoming

Ms. Keisel was recently named the Wyoming Agriculture in the Classroom Educator of the Year. She is active in her school, local community, and WAIC programs. She has been involved with writing, revising, and teaching the Wyoming Stewardship Project in addition to participating in the annual Bookmark & Beyond contest. Keisel teaches lessons from both the Agriculture and Outdoor Recreation and Tourism units to both third-grade classes at Greybull Elementary.

"Jamie teaches our students to be good stewards of the land through her own examples and stories about the land and livestock that she takes care of in her own life. When the students can see real-life connections from her it increases their buy-in to what she is teaching. Jamie truly loves teaching our students about agriculture in Wyoming and how to take care of our land and resources.”

– Misty Hernandez, 3rd Grade Teacher, Greybull Elementary.

Superintendent Degenfelder will recognize an educator each month in this newsletter. To nominate a educator to be featured, email Linda Finnerty at


The WDE has partnered with PTSB and UW to launch the new WYO Education Professional Development Portal. Every Wyoming educator has an account that will be used to register for professional development opportunities and track completions.

Perkins V Stakeholder listening sessions are scheduled to gain input from community members, educators, and parents as the WDE moves forward to consider changes to the plan for 2023-24. Listening sessions will be held virtual and in person throughout Wyoming during September. See additional information, dates, and locations here


The WDE is providing free, in-depth professional development cohorts through the Code HS platform to prepare Wyoming K-12 teachers to take the Praxis Computer Science Exam. The next cohort runs October 18, 2023 through January 31, 2024, and will meet virtually each Wednesday starting at 4 pm. Wyoming teachers who complete the entire course will receive a $200 stipend. To learn more about this opportunity, click here. 

WYDOT is encouraging all teachers to share and discuss the WYDOT crosswalk safety video with their students to ensure they are able to travel to and from school safely each day. The video informs viewers about how to safely navigate the various types of crosswalks they might encounter. To watch the video, click here.

The WDE reminds educators that instruction in the Wyoming and U.S. Constitutions is required under federal and state law. P.L.108-447 mandates all educational institutions receiving federal funds must hold an educational program on the United States Constitution on Constitution Day, September 17. If the day falls on a weekend or holiday, it should be observed the previous or following week. Some resources to aid in this instruction can be found here.


The 2023 Student Information System Conference registration is open. The conference will be held September 20-21 at the Ramkota Hotel in Casper, Wyoming. For more information contact Susan Williams, Director of Information Management, at 307-777-6252

Join the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) for the 2023 National Summit on K-12 School Safety and Security on November 1-2, 2023. The subject matter covered during the Summit will be particularly relevant to K-12 school and district administrators; principals and superintendents; school-based law enforcement; teachers and school staff; mental health practitioners; first responders; federal, state, and local government partners; and other school safety and security professionals. There is no cost to attend.  

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has launched a public awareness campaign to highlight federal school safety resources and evidence-based practices at School administrators and personnel, teachers, parents and guardians, and state and local government officials can utilize a video, communications toolkit, and infographics, to help their schools learn how to enhance school safety, access support, and easily share information about the campaign with others in their community.


The Literacy Team offers multiple professional development opportunities including two book studies, Embrace Literacy topical webinars, and Curriculum and K-3 Reading for Administration.   Register through the WYOEducation PD Portal. For more information contact Kim Lane, Literacy Supervisor, at 307-777-5477 or

In accordance with the Davis-Bacon Act requirements, all districts that are currently financing, or have financed past construction project(s) using any of the ESSER grants (including ESSER I - CARES), will be required to revisit contractors for supporting documentation that goes back to the onset of the respective project. This includes all projects that have been completed and closed. Visit the Emergency Funds Support website for more information, or contact Danielle Netzer, ESSER Funds Grant Manager, at 307-777-3441 or

ESSA grants awarded for the 2021-22 school year must be obligated or expended by Sept. 30, 2023. Obligation varies by the type of purchase, see this chart for more. The deadline for reaching 85% carryover for 2022-23 Title I-A funds is Sept. 30, 2023. For more information, contact Mark Bowers, ESSA Grants Team Supervisor, at 307-777-8739 or


The SPED team will conduct a comprehensive training on October 18-19 in Lander, WY. The training will cover legal requirements and effective practices to ensure that court-placed students with disabilities receive proper support and the protections under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. For more information, contact Gail Eisenhaur, Education Program Consultant, at 307-777-8909 or

The SPED team will be hosting the Statewide Data Drill Down to review and seek stakeholder input on the 2022-23 school year data on Tuesday, September 26, from 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. in the Capitol Complex in Cheyenne. Register here. For more information, contact Sheila Thomalla, Monitoring Teams Supervisor, at 307-777-6468 or

The SPED team will host District Data Dive - District Report Card Overview on Monday October 16, 2 - 3:30 p.m. Join here. Districts will review their special education data for the 2022-23 school year and provide feedback prior to submission for the SPP/APR. Concerns with data must be submitted to Susan Shipley, Special Education Systems Administrator Supervisor, by Friday November 17. For more information, contact Sheila Thomalla, Monitoring Teams Supervisor, at 307-777-6468 or

Self-Assessment will be open from Monday, October 2 through Friday, December 1. All information will be in SPEDLink, under Collections: Self Assessment.  For more information, contact Sarah Benefield, Monitoring Team Education Consultant, at 307-777-5477 or

The SPED division will provide free Virtual Paraprofessional training. Five sessions will be offered through December 2023, the third Wednesday of each month from 3:30 - 5 p.m. Register here. For more information contact Toni Anderson, Education Programs Consultant at 307-777-5481 or


The 2020 Wyoming Math Extended Standards, for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities, must be fully implemented at the start of the school year in the curriculum, instruction, and district’s assessment system. The WY-ALT Math test, to be administered in spring 2024, will assess students for the first time on these standards. Refer to the 2024+ WY-ALT Math Assessment Blueprint for curriculum planning.

The State Board of Education (SBE) and the WDE convened educator committees to audit six content areas standards. Public input was collected on the Math and Science standards, the SBE voted in June to have the Curriculum Director’s Advisory Committee review and their recommendations will be presented at the SBE September meeting. If approved, another public comment period will follow. The SBE voted to collect public input on the Computer Science, PE, Health, and Fine & Performing Arts standards. Input will be presented at the same meeting.

Important information has been released about the WY-TOPP Fall Window, the WY-TOPP Writing Assessments, and the ACT Fall Window. The Assessment Calendar has been updated and all state testing windows can be found on the Assessment Calendar page. 

Student tours of the Judicial Learning Center (JLC) and the Supreme Court building can be scheduled in conjunction with tours of the State Capitol building and the Wyoming State Museum, and offer students a holistic view of Wyoming and its government. The Wyoming Judicial Branch offers educational resources, including a remote JLC experience and supplementary lesson plans. Additional information can be found here.

Three WIDA EL professional development opportunities are available in September. Visit here for more.