WDE Data and Technology Newsletter - April 26, 2022

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April 26, 2022

2021-22 Accountability Information

Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) - Federal Accountability Update

  • Long-Term goal timelines will be extended due to COVID-19.
  • A new guidance document to help districts understand Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI), Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI), and Additional Targeted Support (ATS) can be found here.
  • In prior years ATS schools were identified as schools that:
    • Had an average achievement and growth score for a given subgroup below or equal to the minimum score of all schools identified as CSI under CSI criterion 1 (All School Performance). 
  • Beginning this year schools will be identified for ATS that:
    •  Have an average achievement and growth score for a given subgroup below or equal to the maximum score of any school identified as CSI under CSI criterion 1 (All School Performance).  However, only schools that have met the criteria for TSI identification in ATS identification year will be evaluated for possible ATS identification.
      • TSI identification occurs each year, whereas, ATS identification occurs each third year.
      • This year (2021-22) is an ATS identification year.

Wyoming Education and Accountability Act (WAEA) - State Accountability Changes

  • Districts will be expected to test 95% of all students enrolled, previously it was 95% of full academic year students.
  • The traditional schools career readiness criteria has been changed to align to Perkins V.
    • Students have to take two concentrator (C) courses in single program of study and pass an industry recognized credential in the same program of study.
  • There were two changes to the alternative school model for college and career readiness (CCR) index.
    • For the Level 1 College and Career Readiness Index for the Alternative School model, students can now have an ASVAB, AFQT score of 30 or more in addition to the prior years criteria.
    • Last year a student had to pass one course in a pathway and be enrolled in a second to receive Level 1 points.  This year a student just has to pass one concentrator (C) course in a program of study.

March 24, 2022 DRAFT - School Accountability 2021-22 Wyoming School Performance Rating Models Implementation Manual

The Wyoming Department of Education (WDE) released the DRAFT version of the 2022 Wyoming School Performance Rating Models Implementation Handbook.  A final version will be released after the agency has received state assessment results.  

Other Accountability News

Alternative School Fall Climate Survey - The fall climate survey exemption requests have been reviewed and the participation rates have been updated in the vendor portal.  The school score on the climate survey indicator is the mean total score for all surveys completed at a school during both the fall and spring combined.

New Report - Graduation Results WAEA Student Level - The Information Management Division has posted a new report in the Accountability Confidential portal that includes the students included in the four-year on-time and extended 5, 6, and 7-year graduation rates used in the WAEA Extended Graduation Indicator.  This data was vetted during the graduation data review window in December and is meant to provide transparency and allow districts the ability to replicate our calculations.


  • May 27-31: District ACCESS Test Data Review Window
  • After Certification-July 8: Districts End of Year WDE684 Data Review Window
  • July 1-August 31: NEW WyCTE and ASVAB Data Review Window
  • July 25-August 5: Confidential WY-TOPP, WY-ALT, and ACT Review Window (Excluding Science Data due to Science Standards Setting)
  • August 15-26: Confidential School Performance Report Review Window
  • August 18-24: Confidential WY-TOPP and WY-Alt Science Review Window
  • TBD - Public Assessment Data Release
  • TBD - Public School Performance Report Release