Nashville, TN
While the
Governor was in the Rose Garden announcing our new neighbor, I was presenting
on workforce and corrections strategies at a meeting of the National Lieutenant
Governors Association. I talked about our technical colleges' relationships
with our correctional institutions and how we identify high-needs areas in our
economy (like the need for dairy workers or Computer Numeric Coding machinists)
and get our inmates trained up and "degreed" to succeed once they
re-enter society. It's an important concept because we really need more trained
workers when we have 3.1% unemployment!
 Oshkosh, WI
Every year
hundreds of thousands of aircraft, enthusiasts, and industry business leaders
land in Oshkosh for the EAA Air Venture, making Wittman Airfield the busiest
airport in the world. As the Vice Chairman the Aerospace States
Association (ASA), I'm showing industry leaders how Wisconsin has 300+ aerospace
and aviation companies and we are forming an industry cluster like the one we
successfully supported for freshwater technology a few years back.
 Oshkosh, WI
inspected the drones that Amazon Prime customers may soon see delivering
packages to their doors... when I remarked at how small it was, Amazon told me
that 85% of the packages they deliver are under 5 pounds. Huh.
 Lt. Governor Kleefisch with Joseph Project participants
Tonight, as
I am putting together this newsletter, I am heading to Kohler to help
acknowledge the vision and hard work of the Joseph Project. It's a faith-based
job placement program that teaches professional skills to unemployed folks,
gets them interviews, and then drives the commuter van to work. The best part
of the Joseph Project? They do it all with church money and donations and
the occasional volunteer teacher like me! The Joseph Project doesn't want
government money- but I love this church-based workforce solution, so I'm going
to go say how terrific they are. Hope you have a weekend that's equally as
 Rebecca Kleefisch Lt. Governor