 April 29 - May 1, 2025 | Prior Lake, MN
Call For Abstracts
GLITEC invites abstract submissions for poster and oral presentations for the 4th annual Great Lakes Area Opioid Conference: Journeying Toward Wellness. This conference will be held April 29 to May 1, 2025, in Prior Lake, Minnesota, at Mystic Lake Casino Hotel.
The conference is focused on increasing knowledge around opioids and other substance use, as well as interrelated health topics such as mental health and suicide. It will also support collaborative response efforts that promote regional health and wellness.
Please note that there are a limited number of slots available for oral and poster presentations. We will notify selected oral and poster presenters in February 2025.
Please review the information below prior to starting your submission. Submissions are due by January 31, 2025, at 4:30 pm CST/5:30 pm EST.
Submission Topics
Proposals must focus on enhancing the health of Native people and should include topics connected to behavioral health, such as substance use (including polysubstance use), mental health, and interrelated health concerns.
Special consideration will be given to proposals that also encompass one or more of the following topics:
- Harm reduction
- Traditional healing as treatment for substance/opioid use disorder
- Community engagement/outreach (community health and education programs and initiatives)
- Treatment programs and initiatives
- Maternal/child health
- Veteran’s health
Presentation Format
Oral presentations will take place on Wednesday, April 30, and Thursday, May 1, as concurrent breakout sessions. Sessions are limited to 75 minutes (60-minute presentation with 15-minute Q&A session).
Poster presentations will take place during a strolling poster/networking session on Thursday, May 1, in the afternoon. We are looking for both scientific research posters and non-research posters (e.g., community engagement, programs, and initiatives).
Proposal Requirements
Proposals should meet the following requirements:
- Abstracts should be no longer than 250 words.
- All proposals must be free of commercial intent.
- Abstracts should be submitted as a PDF or Word document.
Submission Deadline
Submissions are due January 31, 2025, by 4:30 pm CST/5:30 pm EST.
GLITEC will notify selected oral and poster presenters via email in February 2025.
 Review Criteria
Abstracts will be reviewed on a competitive basis by the conference planning team. Abstracts will be weighed based upon relevance to the above topic areas and overall conference themes. Please ensure that abstracts meet all the above criteria and fit into one or more of the topic areas listed above.
Please note that while no fees are required to submit an abstract, if your abstract is accepted, the presenting author(s) must register for and attend the Opioid Conference. Up to two abstracts can be submitted per author/organization.
 Contact Us
For questions or additional information, contact Christian Nguyen at cnguyen@glitc.org.