MADISON – The Governor's Task Force on Workforce and Artificial Intelligence will hold its final meeting on July 22 at Madison College to recap the group's action plan and receive a final briefing on statewide technology developments and labor market trends.
Register for the free in-person and online options through Eventbrite. Upon registering, participants will receive more information with virtual attendees receiving a link to attend via Webex.
"The Governor's Task Force on Workforce and Artificial Intelligence is concluding its work with strategic recommendations to position Wisconsin workers, employers, and communities for success in the 21st century and beyond," said DWD Secretary Amy Pechacek, who chairs the task force. "We are excited about policy proposals to advance a thriving Wisconsin economy through AI initiatives in education, government, workforce development, and economic development. We applaud the work of the task force members as well as the many stakeholders who have contributed to the collective knowledge and strategic insights contained in the task force action plan."
Among the speakers at the July 22 task force meeting:
The Governor's Task Force on Workforce and Artificial Intelligence has brought together leaders from business, agriculture, education, technology, labor, workforce development, and government to identify policies and investments that will advance Wisconsin workers, employers, and job seekers through this technological transformation. The task force is chaired by the secretary of the Department of Workforce Development or a designee with additional leadership from the secretary of the Department of Administration or a designee and the secretary of the Wisconsin Economic Development Corp. or a designee.
Keep up with task force activities by signing up for email notifications and learn more on the AI Task Force page. View Gov. Evers' Executive Order #211 creating the task force for additional information.