Volunteers enjoying a break at Maiden Rock Bluff. / Photo Credit: Wisconsin DNR
Looking to get outdoors, learn more about state natural areas and contribute to helping them thrive? Join us for an upcoming workday!
No skills are needed as you will be trained onsite.
MAIDEN ROCK BLUFF | Thursday, July 14 | 9 a.m. - noon
Maiden Rock is known for peregrine falcons, 400 foot bluffs, and rare plants. But there are concerns; invasive brush and red cedar are invading the remnant bluff prairies and oak savanna. Recent work has really changed this site. We will continue that work by collecting seed to spread in cleared areas. Thank you to all of our partners who have helped make these workdays possible: Landmark Conservancy, Buffalo and Pepin Co Land Conservation Departments, Lower Chippewa River Alliance, Lower Chippewa Invasives Partnership, and more.
Click here to access directions to the meetup location.
If you plan to come please contact Dean Edlin with a quick message at dean.edlin@wisconsin.gov or 608-792-3054 by the day before so we know how much equipment to have on hand. Simply reply that you’re attending and we’ll mark you down as a volunteer.
Find More Workdays
Help us care for State Natural Areas, some of Wisconsin's most pristine public lands. Encourage native plants and animals to thrive by cutting brush, controlling invasive species, collecting seeds, monitoring rare species and preparing fire breaks. Show up for a workday or become a steward responsible for all volunteer activities at a State Natural Area. Any level of participation is encouraged and no experience is necessary to start volunteering.
More information on meeting locations, how to RSVP, and contact info is available on the DNR website.