HOORAY! It's the most fabulous frosty festival of the year! FROZEN ASSETS!
Join Clean Lakes Alliance at The Edgewater for the Frozen Assets Festival! They will have FREE, family-friendly activities on frozen Lake Mendota! Clean Lakes Alliance thanks their presenting sponsor Lands’ End, platinum hosting sponsor The Edgewater, and other sponsors for making this community event possible.
Full Schedule
Saturday: Evening Dinner & Fundraiser
Sunday: Super Bowl & Skating
Monday: Women in Water & Sustainability speed talks and networking
Tuesday: Family night featuring Bucky Badger
Wednesday: Date Night
Thursday: Ice Thaw Networking
Friday: Night Ice outdoor music and ice bars
Saturday: Frozen 5k & Festival
The Dodge County Farmers for Healthy Soil and Water are pleased to invite you to their annual Soil Health and Water Quality workshop February 5th (Full Agenda). Register online at dodgecountyfarmers.com, or call Dodge County Land & Water Conservation Department at (920) 386-3660.
Building Soils to Improve Water Infiltration
Wednesday Feb. 5th, 9am - 3pm: : Juneau Community Center, 500 Lincoln Drive, Juneau.
- 9:00 Registration
- 9:30 Introduction to Event
- 9:30-10:45 Frank Lessiter - History of No-Till
- 10:45-12:00 Russell Hedrick - Soil Health – Diversification
- 12:00-1:00 LUNCH
- 1:00-2:00 Russell Hedrick - Soil Health – Water Infiltration
- 2:00-3:00 Local Farm Stories
- 3:00-5:00 Socializing with Pizza and refreshments
The updated and finalized Large-Scale TRM grant application and instructions have been posted on the DNR TRM Grant website:
DNR TRM Grant Website
- Applications for the 2021 Runoff Management Grants are now posted, including the following:
- Small-Scale TRM
- UNPS-Construction
- Urban TMDL TRM
- Large-Scale TRM application and instructions will be posted by the end of January.
- Watch GovDelivery and WI Land+Water listserv for more information.
Grant application webinars:
- UNPS-Construction: scheduled on February 26, 2020 from 1:00 pm to 2:30 p.m. Click here (exit DNR) to register for the webinar.
- TRM Grants: scheduled on February 26, 2020 from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Click here (exit DNR) to register for the webinar.
- Applications are due by April 15, 2020
Madison, Wis. – January 27, 2020 – Farmers and forest landowners will want to plan ahead and sign up early for USDA conservation funding. Angela Biggs, USDA−Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) State Conservationist in Wisconsin, announced farmers and forest landowners interested in the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) need to apply by February 28, 2020, for funding in 2020. Applications are being taken at all USDA Service Centers in Wisconsin. Read more...
Producer-Led Watershed Protection Grants are awarded by the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection. The grants go to projects that focus on ways to prevent and reduce runoff from farm fields and that work to increase farmer participation in these voluntary conservation efforts. Each application must come from a group of at least 5 farmers in the same watershed, collaborating with conservation agencies, institutions or nonprofit organizations. The maximum grant award per group will be $40,000, with a total of $750,000 available funding each fiscal year. There are 31 total projects that have been funded since the program's inception.
To register and for details, click here.
In the 2019 Annual Report, you will see snapshots of our approach in getting conservation practices on the ground to use our land productively. You’ll learn about conservation results and highlights of the work we do, which is strongly focused on meeting Farm Bill responsibilities.
"Everyone should be able to drink water straight from their tap." - Gov. Tony Evers
MADISON — Gov. Tony Evers announced today the release of the Year of Clean Drinking Water Report prepared at his request by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) outlining the path to clean water for all. The full report can be found here.
Gov. Evers declared 2019 the Year of Clean Drinking Water. Action began immediately with several key initiatives that were included in the Governor’s 2019-21 biennial budget proposal. At the governor’s request, the DNR compiled the Year of Clean Drinking Water Report which focuses on accomplishments and plans for achieving and maintaining clean drinking water throughout the state.
“My administration is continuing to connect the dots to address the challenges of getting safe drinking water to all Wisconsinites. But we are going to need to take more action in the future to achieve our goals and that will take bold legislative action,” Gov. Evers said. “This report and the previous recommendations to the Speaker’s Water Quality Task Force provide a good road map for the tough work ahead.”
The report highlights the fight for Wisconsin’s drinking water, unsafe levels of nitrates posing drinking water dangers statewide, emerging health concerns regarding PFAS contamination across the state and the need for lead service line replacement. Read more...
The Oconomowoc Watershed Protection Program Managers will share updates and accomplishments made in the Oconomowoc Rvier Watershed over the past 5 years. This will be a great opportunity for community partners to learn how to participate in these efforts by volunteering and practicing sound land and water stewardship practices.
"In 2014 the City of Oconomowoc embarked on a brand new program called the Oconomowoc Watershed Protection Program (OWPP) to address water quality in the entire Oconomowoc River Watershed. The Watershed is 49 miles long with its headwaters near the Village of Slinger. Seventeen lakes and 131 square miles of land drain into the Oconomowoc River, which eventually empties into the Rock River in the Town of Ixonia. As the watershed population continues to grow and land use change, more and more pressures are placed on our pristine water resources."
Thursday February 20, 6:15pm - 8:15pm
Oconomowoc Community Center, 220 West Wisconsin Avenue
The Urban Nonpoint Source & Storm Water (UNPS&SW) Management Grant Program offers competitive grants to local governments for the control of pollution from diffuse urban sources that is carried by storm water runoff. Grants from the UNPS&SW Program reimburse costs of planning or construction projects controlling urban nonpoint source and storm water runoff pollution. Urban Nonpoint Source & Storm Water (UNPS&SW) Construction Grant Applications for planning projects beginning in 2021 are now available on the DNR’s UNPS&SW webpage.
Application materials for UNPS Construction projects beginning in 2021 are due April 15, 2020. UNPS Planning grant applications will not be solicited in 2020. They will be solicited again in 2021.
Eligible planning projects include:
- Construction of structural urban best management practices (BMPs) including detention, wet, infiltration, or wetland basins, or infiltration trenches.
- Engineering design and construction services for BMPs installation.
- Land acquisition and easement purchase, including appraisal cost.
- Storm sewer rerouting and removal of structures.
- Streambank and shoreline stabilization.
For more information, visit the program website and be sure to review each of the information tabs:
Urban Nonpoint Source & Storm Water Management Grant Program
"BMP Maintenance and More!"
Registrations are now being accepted for the 19th annual Waukesha County Stormwater Workshop, scheduled for Tuesday, March 17, 2020 at the UW Milwaukee, Waukesha Campus in Waukesha. This year's event will feature experts from around the state sharing their experiences in evaluating municipal systems, forming compliance plans, and implementing regulations.
A preliminary agenda is included in the registration link below. Due to limited seating, you are encouraged to register early.
Get your registration form with agenda now.
The year of 2018 was one of the wettest on record for Wisconsin. Increasing storm intensity and rainfall depths are dropping more rain on our communities and causing challenges for our urban infrastructure, such as storm sewer and sanitary (wastewater) sewer systems. Wisconsin Public Radio recently produced a radio program addressing these challenges.
Note: this program is not a product of Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR), does not represent the views, policies, or opinions of the DNR, and is shared for informational purposes, only.
Wisconsin Public Radio
"In 2018, Wisconsin experienced the most sewage overflow events since 2010, according to a WPR analysis of state records. A reporter explains the numbers and how some communities are trying to prevent discharged waste from entering waterways."
Midwest Water & Wastewater Operator Expo 2020
Date: Tuesday and Wednesday, February 4th and 5th, 2020
Location: Kalahari Resort & Convention Center, Wisconsin Dells, WI
For more information, visit the MWOE 2020 event site.
The U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the National Institutes for Water Resources supports an annual call for proposals to focus on water problems and issues that are of a regional or interstate nature or relate to a specific program priority identified by the Secretary of the Interior and the Institutes.
The U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the National Institutes for Water Resources requests proposals for matching grants to support research on the topic of improving and enhancing the nation's water supply, including evaluation of innovative approaches to water treatment, infrastructure design, retrofitting, maintenance, management, and replacement; evaluation of the dynamics of extreme hydrological events and associated costs; development of methods for better estimation of the physical and economic supply of water; alternative approaches and governance mechanisms for integrated management of ground and surface waters; and the evaluation and assessment of conservation practices.
USGS Grant RFP Announcement - Deadline March 19, 2020