Every two years, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources publishes a list of waters considered impaired, as required by the federal Clean Water Act (CWA). Impaired waters are those that do not meet water quality standards and may not support fishing, swimming, recreating or public health and welfare.
MADISON, Wis. – More than 80 percent of Wisconsin’s lakes and rivers recently assessed by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources are healthy, continuing a trend of improved surface water quality across the state. This good news comes as we celebrate the Year of Clean Drinking Water, an initiative introduced by Gov. Tony Evers earlier this year.
But while the majority are in good condition and have been placed on the Healthy Waters List, 120 new waterbodies or segments are now classified as impaired. The department is seeking public comment on these new listings beginning Oct. 15.
“For the first time, we are using two water quality lists to categorize impairment listings, the Impaired Waters List and the Restoration Waters List, which aligns our methods with those of our neighboring states,” said DNR Surface Water Quality Assessment Coordinator Ashley Beranek. A total of 142 new pollutant listings are proposed, 17 of which are on the new Restoration Waters List and 125 are on the Impaired Waters List. A waterbody can have multiple pollutant listings and some of the new listings are on waters already identified as impaired. Of the 120 newly listed waterbodies, 14 will be placed directly on the Restoration Waters List because they are covered by an existing restoration plan.
The 2020 draft Impaired Waters List contains 1,546 listings. Placing waters on the Impaired Waters List indicates that they require a restoration plan and may also make them eligible for state and federal cleanup funds, which can help speed improvements. The Restoration Waters List, with 463 listings, includes those that already have an EPA-approved plan. Defining the Impaired Waters List in this way also allows for highlighting restoration progress.
Simultaneously, 116 listings will be removed including 84 waterbody segments due to a cleanup of residual mercury listings.
The 2020 lists and other materials can be found on the DNR’s website (red box on the right-hand side of the Impaired Waters page). You can also find more information about water quality and impaired waters by going to the DNR website at dnr.wi.gov, by searching for "impaired waters."
The department is soliciting public comments regarding the new listings. Provide written comments to Ashley Beranek, Water Quality, Department of Natural Resources, P.O. Box 7921, Madison, WI 53707, or by email to DNRImpairedWaters@wisconsin.gov by Nov. 22.
The schedule for the 2019 Soil, Water & Nutrient Management Meetings is available here. Presentation topics will include: Comparing tillage practices and nitrogen rates for corn: early corn development and yield impacts (Francisco Arriaga); Evaluating corn N management decisions (Carrie Laboski); Profitability of P and K fertilization of no-till corn and soybean (Carrie Laboski); Badger Ag. Tech. Lab Update: Planter aftermarket closing wheels (Brian Luck); Wheel traffic effects on alfalfa (Brian Luck); Wisconsin nutrient management update (Sue Porter); Cover crops, fall manure, and nutrient management (Matt Ruark); Biological indicators of soil health (Matt Ruark). Presentations will begin at 10 am and run until 3 pm, with a lunch break from 12 to 1 pm. Lunch is included in the $45 fee. Please read carefully and make sure you contact the appropriate person at your desired location. Local meetings include:
The National Cooperative Soil Survey Program is an endeavor of the USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and other federal agencies, state and local governments, and cooperators. It provides a systematic study of the soils in a given area, including the classification, mapping, and interpretation of the soils. Soil types are classified from physical properties, drawing heavily on the principles of pedology, geology, and geomorphology.
The entire Official Web Soil Survey Database (WSS) is refreshed each year to ensure that updated official data is available to the public in October for use in implementing national programs affecting landowners and managers. Interpretation criteria will be updated for many national interpretations. You can access the data by visiting the Web Soil Survey (WSS) or Soil Data Access (SDA). Read more
Starry Stonewort Public Meeting
The starry stonewort informational meeting on October 12th at the Delafield Village Hall was well attended. There was a great turn-out of approximately 60 people, and a lot of useful information was shared about the current distribution and treatment methods being used in an attempt to manage this species. For those who could not attend the meeting, click the link below to view the PowerPoint presentation slides on the Waukesha County website. If anyone has questions, please feel free to contact the AIS Coordinator: Cassie Taplin
Starry Stonewort Presentation
Dec. 3rd, Edgewater Hotel
The Clean Lakes Community Awards recognizes the outstanding accomplishments of individuals, volunteers, businesses, farmers, and other groups working to protect our Yahara lakes. The awards honor the dedication of individuals and groups making a difference in our watershed.
Join the CLA staff and dedicated lake community for the awards presentation and networking reception. Cash bar and complimentary hors d’oeuvres will be available.
Tickets are $10 per person. Online registration is requested for all attendees. Click here to purchase your tickets online. Online registration is requested for all attendees.
Community Awards Nominations
Do you know an inspiring individual or influential group making a difference in the Yahara River Watershed? If so, consider nominating them for a Clean Lakes Community Award! Nomination deadline extended! Nominate by 5 p.m. on Monday, October 28th.
Award Categories
New Lake Partner of the Year (business/organization): A new Lake Partner for Clean Lakes Alliance showing a level of commitment that goes beyond a first-time financial contribution.
Volunteer of the Year (individual/group): A dedicated individual or group of volunteers working to restore and preserve our Yahara lakes.
Lake Leadership (individual/group): An individual or business, government entity, or organization leading by example and demonstrating their commitment to being a catalyst for healthy lakes.
Project of the Year (individual/group): An initiative or project that improves the health of the Yahara Watershed
Founders Award (individual/business/organization): A devoted individual, business, or organization that has provided foundational support to Clean Lakes Alliance and our Yahara lakes.
The first edition of the Oconomowoc Watershed Protection Program's new newsletter - Streamings, is now available! This thrice-yearly publication will feature articles on the work of organizations such as Farmers for Lake Country and the Clean Water Association as well as updates on the positive impact best management programs have on our local waterways.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Noon-1:00 p.m.
Please join us for a webinar to review DNR Technical Standard 1009 Rain Garden.
The Rain Garden standard was published by the Department of Natural Resources in September 2018 and was developed through the Wisconsin Standards Oversight Council Full Process. The standard addresses the design, installation, and maintenance of rain gardens in residential and commercial applications. This technical standard may also assist counties in meeting treated impervious surface requirements contained in shoreland zoning per NR 115, Wis. Adm. Code. The training webinar will be provided by members of the team that developed the standard, including Perry Lindquist from Waukesha County Department of Parks and Land Use and Roger Bannerman from USGS. This webinar is free and no prior registration is necessary.
Join from your computer, tablet, or smartphone at https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/213746573
You can also dial in using your phone: (571) 317-3122 - Access Code: 213-746-573
Joining from a video-conferencing room or system? Depending on your device, dial: 213746573@ or
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts: https://global.gotomeeting.com/install/213746573
Web browsers Chrome and Explorer work best, and you do not need to preregister.
The Department of Natural Resources hosted a stormwater update webindar on Wednesday, October 30, 2019, at 10:00 AM CDT, topics included:
- a statewide summary of the 2018 Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) annual reports; and
- MS4 general permit revisions relating to the EPA Remand and eReporting Rules.
The webinar will be recorded and available on the DNR MS4/stormwater webinar website.
Webinar Content
- Statewide Summary of 2018 MS4 Annual Reports
- 2nd year with online system
- Common themes
- What’s next?
- EPA eReporting
- Reissued MS4 General Permit
- EPA Remand Rule
- Overview of general permit revisions
- Compliance items due
- Question and answer opportunities
Presentation conducted by Suzy Limberg, Storm Water Program Coordinator - Municipal & Technology
Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a large group of human-made chemicals that have been used in industry and consumer products worldwide since the 1950s.
PFAS do not occur naturally and are widespread in the environment. They are found in people, wildlife and fish all over the world. Some PFAS can stay in peoples' bodies a long time and do not break down easily in the environment.
The U.S. EPA has established cumulative-lifetime health advisories for PFOA and PFOS [exit DNR], which are two PFAS that have been most widely produced and studied, at 70 parts per trillion (ppt). At the request of the DNR, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) [exit DNR] is reviewing scientific literature to determine if there is sufficient toxicological information to recommend a groundwater quality standard for PFOA and PFOS in Wisconsin.
Public input opportunities
The DNR will continue to seek public input on PFAS investigation, contamination and cleanup issues. Public meetings are being held for PFAS contamination in the Marinette and Peshtigo area.
The DNR has convened a PFAS Technical Advisory Group to discuss PFAS-related concerns. The group does not have an appointed membership; any interested party may attend.
The Surface Water Grant Program offers competitive, cost-sharing grants for surface water protection and restoration. Grants are available to support surface water management from start to finish. Whether your organization is interested in education, ecological assessments, planning, implementation or aquatic invasive species, there is probably a grant program that can help you accomplish your goals.
Applications for the following categories of grants are due December 10th:
- Lake Management Planning
- Lake Classification & Ordinance Development
- Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS)
- Education, Prevention & Planning
- Clean Boats Clean Waters
- River Planning